Why you shouldn't be mad about "Gen Rushing"



  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Except the game artificially disables the killers ability to pressure survivors outside of the 3 killers whose power can be consistently used for both chase and mobility.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 989

    It is a fact that if survivors want, they can get the 5 gens done in 3 to 4 minutes. It is extremely unrealistic to think that a killer can stop that and complete their full 12 hooks objective in such a short time. Also, there is no effective gen slowdown perk that works at the beginning of the match anymore, which is the time that you have the least pressure as a killer. Old Ruin had that special function, and that's why it was so used. Pop Goes The Weasel, Thanatophobia, Dying Light, and the new Ruin work best in the middle of the game. Well, there is Corrupt Intervention, but this perk does not reduce gen speed by itself, so if a survivor spawns on a free gen Corrupt Intervention isn't going to do much. Also, even if the killer fails to apply any pressure at all for any reason, don't you think that ending a game in 4 minutes is a bit too much? It almost leaves no room to comebacks and makes the situation helpless so fast that you can't even begin to understand what you did wrong.

    As said by other members. I don't blame survivors for gen rushing. I blame the game that allows such things to happen.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    That's another thing they need to address. It feels like every killer is 110 when you're chasing a survivor, even around a single rock, because they can cut corners better with their smaller model. So we can either go around loops inefficiently or risk getting caught on an outrageously oversized obstacle hitbox.

  • Tomskrex
    Tomskrex Member Posts: 142

    I am not mad about gen rushing.

    I am mad about people who genrush and do few skill checks then have audacity to say ez, baby killer and present themselves as tournament material.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Survivors sit on the gen while injured, instead of healing.

    Survivors sit on the gen while their teammates are hooked.

    Survivors have chests to loot.

    Survivors complain about NOED.

    Also survivors complain that there is nothing else to do than gens. Duh

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Gen rushing doesnt happen a lot. If it happens it also screws the survivors because the gen rushers wont unhook there teammates and they jus keep sitting on the gens.

    Also hard tunneling doesn't happen a lot. When you get tunneled you always need to ask for example: 'is it my teamates fault to go straight for the unhook without bt?"

    Also slugging is acceptable for the people that complain about slugging this is the only way for the killer to get real pressure.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Well no, the average kill rate for killers is still high.

    You don't necessary need mobility. You just need efficiency; always have something to be doing. If you're chasing survivors and downing them very quickly, you're doing well, because downed survivors, hooked survivors, and survivors trying to rescue and heal those survivors are survivors who aren't doing gens. Plague with corrupt purge has completely below average mobility, and she's still a very strong killer. More than mobility, chase and tracking ability (the latter of which can be developed by game sense) are the most important.

  • Shenshen
    Shenshen Member Posts: 256

    The thing is tunneling/camping and gen rushing is not fun for both sides and I don't blame people for doing it. I hate it to camp, that why I try to avoid it but a lot of times the game gives me no other choice. I had so many games where people did the gens so fast I had to camp one survivor at the end and then I get ######### on for doing it. Can we all please stop bashing the other side and just admit that the game is flawed?

    For example when I get outclassed by survivors I admit it and even say "ggwp you all played really good". I never complain about stuff for no reason and I think both sides have mechanics that are unfair/hard to deal with. I just want to feel that I got beaten and when I beat them by slugging/tunneling I don't feel good about it either.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    If a killer can be beaten by holding W, predropping pallets and slamming gens, then the game is artificially removing their map pressure by allowing the cheesiest and most basic/mindless of tactics to work against them. Which is what happens to Plague.

    And I wouldn't talk about kill rates, they are also artificially inflated purely by solo que and bad players going against people they shouldn't.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Well it's important you point out that's a hypothetical. The easiest solution to holding W is zoning, which requires some experience but eventually becomes integral to the killer base kit. Same thing goes with pre-dropping pallets; the more game knowledge you have (meaning the more survivor you play), the more pallets you can mind game. There are a lot of pallets I keep up just for that purpose; if they try to loop there, it's either unsafe or I've already got it figured out. If you just chase directly behind a default meg with sprint burst who's dropping every pallet in existence, you can predict where they're going and intercept them. Or, you could take this as a blessing and destroy said pallets. I'd take that over getting looped by a bunch of toxic Neas any day.

    As for kill rates, the same goes the other way around. There are just as many killer-sided matchups as there are survivor-sided matchups. And don't even get me started on well-coordinated SWFs going against rank 5's.