Bodyblocking the killers hook should NOT be possible.

lolifasad Member Posts: 68
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I don't know who needs to hear this, but bodyblocking the killer's hook is incredibly toxic and bad for the game. It's really, REALLY unfun when you're playing a match with swf's (which is already a pain on it's own), and whenever you try to hook someone, there's always someone crouching infront of your hook, which completely cancels your ability to perform the hook action.

I don't know if that's a yet another bug, or just a completely idiotic game mechanic, but it seriously needs to go, it not only ruins the game and contributes to toxicity, but it also makes no sense whatsoever, even visually... like kneeling in front of the hook isn't going to stop you from putting someone on it, is it?

Please do something about it.

Edit: And please, don't come telling me that I'm wrong, because you love exploiting toxic game glitches in every game, you KNOW it's not okay, no matter how many mental gymnastics you go through to make it seem alright.



  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,351

    Bodyblocking the hook, or bobyblocking in general, is a risky tactic long in the game. It can lead to the occasional escape but requires timely coordination and as you point out SWF can sometimes pull this off.

    I often use it as an opportunity to spread the damage with the free hits they offer, whether I drop the surv, manage to hook them, or they wiggle off. It all depends on the situation, and yes it can be devastating during EGC.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,351

    Mad Grit, from a survs point of view, is both terrifying and one of the funniest looking animations in the game. Kinda rare to see but lovely all the same.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    I think people defending it miss the point. You're familiar with DBD, you've accepted the mechanic.

    In general it's very bad design which is why you don't see it as a tactic in big budget triple A games. It's also very frustrating for new players to go against because they aren't used to it, and it "feels" toxic having 4 people cheese the mechanics in this way.

    Longterm players of DBD have come to accept it the same way they came to accept terrible map design. However there's a reason you don't see things like this in better made games, because the developers know it's bad design so it doesn't make it into their games in the first place. Behaviour saw it and as always instead of fixing it they just decided "it's a thing". Whether they were afraid of a backlash from survivors, or they thought it had depth who knows but deep down it is bad design. As always it was followed up with "here's a perk if you don't like it".

    DBD might be pulling in more money now but it's still based on that shoddily patched together indie game from 2016. So sorry dude but they won't be changing this mechanic ever.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Just give me a Hell Raiser chapter with a perk that enables a hook to hook a survivor itself that takes a protection hit right under it.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited March 2021

    You gotta be really, really bad at killer if bodyblocking doesn’t result in a hook, another survivor going down, or both. And as mentioned above, there are more than four perks that help with hooking survivors more effectively. Use them instead of whining here.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,837

    how about the fact that killers like hag who can carry survivors taller then her???

  • NoxVeno
    NoxVeno Member Posts: 177

    Just drop the survivor if they are consistently body blocking or going demo. The hook will respawn and they aren't working on gens so you got time. Inflict maximum damage

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Nice bait, but you are going to have to try harder than that if you want to compete against Sluzzy.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,288

    It's not even a bad mechanic...

    You're literally risking a health state and the survivor loses collision after being hit so it only works if all three survivors take hits or the hook is really far away.

    It's a risk-reward system.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    It's a bad mechanic which is why other games go out of their way to avoid design like this. There's a reason so many players new to the game describe it as an exploit or toxic.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,288

    What other games? What other games have a hooking mechanic? What other games are you trying to bring up that are similar to DBD? If you're really going to try and compare DBD's asymmetrical nature to another game that doesn't have the same mechanics then you've already failed your argument.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918


    Again there's a reason people new to the game consider this a frustrating mechanic. I'll leave you to work out why people find so much frustrating in this game but not in games from a much more renowned developer.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,288

    Because it's asymmetrical and there are things that both sides can do to hinder the other. And they're probably just bad.

    There's your answer buddy.

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    Tried to google it but couldn't find this "facepalm" game you are talking about. Can you please tell us what other games have a hooking mechanic so we can compare? Thank you :)

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,351

    This bugs me too. I cannot see Amanda or any scrawny Legion picking up Jeff one armed, or two armed even. Nor one of Jane's cheeks...

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I admit it’s very annoying hook camping against SWF. Cause usually they will all swarm you and you hit one and then another will take their place. I view it as an exploit honestly. However against solo it’s not that big a deal. Usually it’s just one person, you hit them, they run, and you hook and chase the idiot who pulled that stunt.

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2021

    All the dudes playing as toxic SWF's, coming at my thread to excuse their toxicity, it's just baffling. The fact that you can prevent a hooking by just exploiting a terrible design glitch in the game, when there's literally a perk and toolboxes made for SABOTAGING the hook, which is how the developers INTENDED the hook-prevention to be like, is complete BS. I mean, doesn't it come to your mind that if devs made it impossible to sabotage a hook and made add-ons and toolboxes specifically for THAT PURPOSE, then preventing it in another way isn't quite as planned by design? And you damn well know it, no matter how much you try to defend your toxic glitch, you know it shouldn't be possible.

    And to all those telling me I'm a bad killer because of that, oh yeah? I guess I'm a bad killer when survivors crawl to a wall, where I literally cannot pick them up, because Behavior's game is buggy as hell? Is that also making me a bad killer?

    From now on I'm reporting every single one who bodyblocks a hook or goes to a location where I cannot pick them up for exploiting a bug in the game. Hopefully if BHVR do their job correct, we'll see some punishments for that.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,348
    edited March 2021

    People going to unreachable/uninteractable spots I'd say is a valid reason to report but bodyblocking the hook is absolutely not. That's a 100% pointless report, and repeat false reporting might very well be a punishable offense in itself just so you know. It's no more reportable than a Billy catching someone in a corner and keeping them there as he revvs his chainsaw and downs them, in other words not reportable at all.

    Your opinion on the matter doesn't change its "legality". It is very true that the report screen description sorely needs and update though, as the "bodyblocking" mentioned there exclusively refers to bodyblocking in a way that falls under taking the game hostage but it doesn't explain that well enough.

    EDIT: And by unreachable spots being reportable I mean if it's obvious they're going there on purpose, and even then I'm not entirely sure. But at least it's something that makes sense to report, unlike something the devs have explicitly said isn't reportable several times.

    Post edited by oxygen on
  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    It is not toxic, it is completely valid play. Learn how to handle it, don't cry and complain on the forum.

    I play both survivor and killer.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    the trickster is going to have a perk called starstruck. use that or mad grit if you have a problem with bodyblocking

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    Tbh its a risky tactic as sometimes survivors dont block in the right place and if the survivor does not struggle fast enough can result in the whole team getting injured for nothing. Usually only swfs can sometimes pull this off. I would recommend using mad grit or another perk starstruck which comes out next week with the new killer.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    You will only be wasting your and BHVR’s time, as none of this is an exploit, cheat, or any other sort of bannable offense. Please do not issue a report. @MandyTalk

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,599

    Exactly what @GoshJosh has said, please do not report things that are intended mechanics in the game. A survivor body blocking the killer is part of the game, you're trying to save your team mate and you're basically willing to trade places with that team mate and go on the hook - which is what normally happens, because the killer will drop the survivor that they're carrying and chase you - whist your team mates are then getting the other survivor up off the floor...and has the added benefit that you've got 3 people off gens.

    None of this is reportable so please don't waste the time of our Support team by making these false reports, it takes the time away from genuine reports being dealt with.