Chest Opened Itself After Getting In A Chase

TamboRhyyn Member Posts: 124

I'm using the Xbox One version of the game. When I initiated a chase with the killer, the nurse, a chest suddenly opened to my side when I panned my camera over to it. I am unsure if the chest was opened by a previous player or not; the Feng or the Felix may have opened it before coming on the screen. This is the first time this issue has occurred, and it happened on the updated Father Campbell's Chapel.

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  • Volfgang57
    Volfgang57 Member Posts: 369

    I wonder if Feng opened it, but for some reason it being open didn't update on your client (the game server knew it was open, but your game client didn't), so when you panned the camera over it your game updated it and was suddenly like, "Oh yea, that's supposed to be open"

  • TamboRhyyn
    TamboRhyyn Member Posts: 124

    @Volfgang57 Yeah :0 That's what I figure might be going on here. Interesting that this is the first time it has ever happened though! Either that or the ghosts of long-dead survivors are getting a little antsy with wanting to light burn that Nurse lmao