Strong Clown

Amelio Member Posts: 38
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Clown is Weak, one of the weakest killer on the game still, I bet that even with these changes he will remain pretty weak

this is just a buff to make him at least as strong as The Doctor, Legion or The Cannibal, other weak killers that have been reworked to be actually really good and fun to play

the new Clown seems really fun to play at first but it's really weak compared to anything else, Plague and Legion is way much effective to catch up with survivors and other ranged survivors just directly damage them

let's face it a good Clown VS a survivor at the same level really struggles and this is a big problem if we are going to use an Elo Rating System, these are just some changes to make his power actually viable

ok let's begin, this is the tonic from the wiki


  • The various afflictions linger for a couple of seconds:
    • Impaired Vision lingers for 4 seconds.
      • However, it will weaken over time.
    • Involuntary Coughing lingers for 2 seconds.
    • Hindered Status Effect lingers for 2.5 seconds.
    • Inability to perform Fast Vaults lingers for 2 seconds.

all the effects stay for the time you are in the tonic cloud and each lingers for its own duration, the slowdown is -15%, as you can see each different effect have a separate duration

my suggestion is to buff the slowdown to -20% and (all) the durations to 4 seconds, as simple as that

now, for the Antidote:


  • Invigorated Status Effect lingers for 5 seconds and grants a bonus Movement speed of 10 %.

I love this ability but it feels like it's too short, My suggestion is to buff the duration to 8 seconds

I like to have a connection between the Tonic and antidote so that the antidote has double time and half of the effect, a cunning survivor will make good use of 8 seconds to outsmart a good clown

"ok, nice but that's just giving the Clown some add-ons for free"

yes, but let's face it: even with two purple add-ons the Clown it's not so strong (excluding of course the strongest add-ons for the killer like the party bottle), this is just a direct buff with nothing more to it, you should play the game with good survivors without feeling miserable and getting looped to death to end the match with 1 hook and survivors tea-bagging at the exit every single time

even the best players out there struggle when playing this killer

Post edited by Amelio on


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Plague and Legion are way more effective in catching up? In what world do you live in?

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited March 2021

    I don't agree with the extra hindered buff. Without addons, it would be eh. However with the addons that give you 3 more bottles together? People would find Clown very unfun to go against, not because it is strong but boring to go slower.

    The duration of an 8-second invigoration effect would be too much and also be unfun to go against. It is also still completely countered by dropping a pallet early.

    I don't think Clown needs addons to become base kit or too much else, but he needs something that gives him pressure on all survivors. His 1v1 does need buffs to his base kit, but maybe not the ones suggested. As for the map pressure ability, I have no clue atm.

    Maybe after being exposed to the intoxication effect a few times or for a certain amount of time, survivors could suffer from sickness for the remainder of the trial that helps the Clown. That's my idea for map pressure on the Clown.

  • Amelio
    Amelio Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2021

    yeah... sure

    I'm actually talking about good players, those are really powerful killers but difficult to master

    Survivor or killer main?

  • Amelio
    Amelio Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2021

    this is a chase killer in a horror game, when he chases you you should feel pressure and I personally don't even feel the slowdown so much but you can really feel the "impaired vision" and slower vault in a chase but for a good player with pallets it's pretty worthless

    By the way, you shouldn't drop the pallet early, it's a pretty bad mistake vs clown, I guess you are a survivor main right?

    now a quick explanation for the changes in-play: if as a survivor you get the buff you can do another loop or run away if you get a stun, 8 seconds is actually more of a nerf for the killer in the low level of play where everybody but especially killers do mistakes and survivors can use that to have a pretty great advantage if they actually think while playing, you have some reason to go to the antidote 2 seconds are too little to get rid of the tonic and risk a bait for 5 seconds of a little boost is just a bad idea

    the killer is easy to use, so some of you may think it's strong because blundering a chase is not as bad as a legion or league so people, like the cannibal before the rework was really considered really strong by new players but it was actually really weak (after the rework, but it's a lot better now)

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Just because you yourself don't think it his normal slowdown is not as impactful than people think doesn't mean that it is good.

    Why is dropping pallets early against Clown a bad thing to do? And no, I am not a survivor main, not sure why you would think that.

    In the low level of play, a Clown might make that mistake. But at higher levels of play that would almost never happen. The base speed duration is fine for Clown and his addons do help.

  • Amelio
    Amelio Member Posts: 38

    sorry, I thought you actually played a lot vs the killer while reading

    yes add-ons do really help and after the rework are actually pretty nice, it's just not enough from what I saw

    you should drop pallets only if the killer is close, in rare cases stopping for a pre-dropped is a good idea but more than often it's an easy hit to just ignoring the pallet and especially with clown you can drop a bottle where you think the survivor is going to be, at that point you are just reassuring to hit him

    at high levels, clown use always the bottle in conjunction that means that it will always be the bait, if not injured you can take the inevitable hit and make more distance, or else diehard and pray but you can really create some distance