Daily Rank Difference Update 1
Daily Update: Dont play survivor today!
(still thinking of a better name)
I thought MMR was off.
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It is
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I didnt know how to title it. I guess Daily Rank Update is not that catchy
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It could of been a swf?
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I mean Its been like this the whole day. Only 1 fully red rank lobby and It was most likely a swf by how they played.
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SWFs like to have a high level player for easier killers.
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This is what a swf look like ok? literaly next match hehe
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SWFs are usually different ranks. It's why you get a much higher level survivor with lower level groups. Its to get easier killers and sometimes people like to play with people who haven't played in awhile. Its why you sometimes get Rank 20's with 3 rank 1's. I play SWFs at night with my dude and we get Rank 15-16 killers sometimes because my dude is a Rank 17. Sometimes its a Rank 1 who just face camps the first person they see. It's a toss-up with what you might get.
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Yeah that might happen. Its really low chances that happens tho and theres mostly only 1 lvl 15+
Thers almost never 17 11 5 and 4