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Which killer can defend a 3gen vs 4 healthy survivor?

Member Posts: 2,446

A 3gen is a strong tool to win as killer. Mostly its the survivors fault for letting it happen, but are there killers who can decide at the start of the game to hold a 3gen and never leave it?

Strong contender for this are territorial killer like trapper and hag. But can they really do it reliable?

Which perks would this killer have?

And how map dependant is this tactic?

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  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Pretty much every Killer can defend a 3gen if you manage to get all the pallets in that zone out. Obviusly Trapper, Hag and Doctor are very strong at that, stealth Killers can also defend them easily for they usually get a free first hit or at least a very fast first hit but overall almost every Killer has an easy time during a 3gen.

    3gen is very map dependant, there are some maps with several very strong 3gen openings, Azarovs, Suffocation and Sanctum of Wrath are the most obvious examples, others are Coal Tower (main gen and 2 gens at each side of main building), Family Residence (main gen and 2 gens at each side and maybe another one at the northern L shaped corner of the map), Grave of Glendale (saloon, center gen, gallows gen or gen at corner, center gen and saloon), Ormond usually has several 3gen openings, Pale Rose (boat, shack, corner on edge of map or pier gen, and gens both north and south of pier+shack), Grim Pantry (pier with 2 gens, shack and gen outside of shack or 1 on pier, 2 outside of shack 1 near the pier), certain variations of Rancid Abatoir and Torment Creek and there are some more easily 3geneable maps but not as obvious or prevalent as those.

    On the other hand Mother's Dwelling, Temple of Purgation, Rotten Fields, Fractured Cowshed, Gas Heaven, Blood Lodge and Shelter Woods (this one doesnt matter for its heavily Killer sided) are either impossible or extremely rare to have a decent 3gen opening, maybe you can manage to get a long lane of gens or 2 very close but isolated gens and thats it.

    Special Mention: Haddonfield can be "3geneable" if you play a stealth Killer and enough inside gens spawn and for they are relatively close and Survivors cant see you coming so you get very easy first hits or downs, if not stealth they will ran away or just use the houses windows.

  • Member Posts: 313

    Nurse , spirit. If u can't hook then u can't defend

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    But with Ruin you would need to be lucky. If it doesnt spawn near your 3gen it will be gone.

  • Member Posts: 22,842

    Honestly it's possible in some matches to have ruin last a long time. Even if it doesn't spawn in your 3gen if the survivors don't see it as a major priority they won't cleanse it until its too late. Also, killers like Nurse or Spirit can get over to their totem easily, and technically every gen is a 3gen with freddy because ✨teleport✨

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Depends on a lot of factors.

    How close are the generators? I've seen some truly nasty three gens, that survivors would never be able to complete.

    How much progress do they have? If they're all at 0-20%, then it's pretty doable with most killers as long as they're reasonably close. (Maybe even easy if they're all within LOS)

    How many hook states have you went through? If someone's on death hook, it's much easier than if everyone's on their first hook, or hasn't been hooked yet.

    Pretty much all killers can turn things around. But there's a lot of factors at play.

  • Member Posts: 737

    How close are they? A very close 3 gen can be a death sentence against Myers and I'd imagine Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 9,405

    Depends on the survivors and how close the gens are.

    If its the Swamp map with two gens on the dock and the third a few meters away, gg.

    If they are decently spread out, two survivors each on gens 1 and 3. Run away the moment the killers comes towards you. Run back the moment they head towards the other gen. No killer can keep up with this. They can delay it some but one gen will get done.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Its a bad play from the survivor if they would decide to push the 3gen instead of cleansing the totem and no killer can win the game if one survivor harrasses the totem and the other three do gens. They can start clransing and always run away and if the killer commits the last gen is done.

    Freddy can pressure every gen. But only one. His cooldown is too long, so he cannot defend 3 gens against 4 survivor. Survivor get a headstart anyway when they see his teleport.

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    Nurse and hag are probs the best at holding the 3 gen. hag doesn't really need perks just lay down your web and watch them fall. Nurse however just stick infectious fright on and create a group of slugs around your 3 gen for the win.

  • Member Posts: 5,233

    I'm surprised nobody mentioned Bubba here

    If you have 3 gens all close and the survivors have exhausted their resources (mainly pallets) then they are going down extremely quickly and giving you more pressure

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah, outside of them all being dead on hook, which happens to me sometimes as I try to spread them out as much as possible, you're in the loss phase of the match. There's still a chance for a turnaround but not if the survivors play smart.

  • Member Posts: 1,850

    Any area control killer is likely to succeed. However it’s important to note the different variables which will change how it plays out. If you have a 3 gen with minimal to no hooks you will most likely not win since 3 gens aren’t sustainable.

  • Member Posts: 387

    This is funny, I was going to say Freddy would be one of the best if not the best. My secondary is freddy (main is deathslinger) and Ive only lost a 3gen once or twice. 3genning is my standard defense.

  • Member Posts: 9,405

    Hag: pop her traps the moment she turns away. The other two on the far gen will appreciate the time.

    Nurse: She has a cooldown now. Even before that, all survivors need to do is run when she comes close.

    Closest you can get is a Spirit or a lucky Billy chainsaw and slugging. This comes down to the skill of the survivors to pay attention.

    You cannot pressure both sides at once. Two people on a gen is 47s. Any time chasing survivors off one gen gives that time to the other two.

  • Member Posts: 372

    literally all of them. Thats why a 3 gen is so brutal. They will waste their resources, they will start making mistakes, you WILL eventually get a down, then the snow ball just happens, thats it. Plague with a ruin still in play is really fun though for a favorite

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    Depends how good you are with them. If you 3 gen yourself against a good nurse it's GG.

  • Member Posts: 9,405

    Skill of the Nurse doesn't play out as much as you think. Even with range addons, survivors that pre-run cannot be caught in two blinks. Giving more time to the other two.

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    You have to do the gens eventually or you're stuck in the match. But in my 4 years of playing this game a decent nurse will either destroy everyone when a 3 gen presents itself or hold it till the end of time.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Yh but they cant do it from the start, right? Otherwise killers would always play with a 3gen-strat. The survivor need to allow a 3gen or not?

  • Member Posts: 628

    If no survivors are sacrificed by the time you have a 3 gen its essentially a loss. So have NOED and go crazy lol

    However if you have a strong 3 gen and at least 1 survivor is gone, then you have a chance. I love Doctor. His TR will hit all survivors in the 3gen zone. I do like PGTW and Oppression for this. PGTW causes immediate 25% regression on top of causing other 2 gens to either start regressing or cause difficult skill checks on top of madness checks. Time to snap out of it will cause gens to regress enough to start cycle again. Ive held multiple games hostage because of this.

    Also Twins are great at 3-4gen. You can set up Victor at the far one and then have Charlotte patrol the 2 gens (so much easier to defend). You can pair it with PGTW and Oppression again. Slug some survivors and it could be easy .

  • Member Posts: 8,592

    Technically none if the survivors are super coordinated, position well, ruj to the correct places after being hit, and take it slow. I've seen 3 high level survivors break a 3 gen before against a 5000 hr Nurse.

    It really depends on what type of survivors we're talking about here. The type that you're likely to run into every day? Pretty much every killer can do it by being smart. Four solos will mess it up at some point if they have to stay tight strategically for longer than 30 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 1,035
    edited March 2021

    Assuming you mean a close together 3 gen:

    Billy, hag, spirit, nurse, legion, blight, freddy and twins

    especially if they have discordance and tinkerer

  • Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2021

    My favorite killer for 3gen is trapper. With a bag and honing stone addons, have all traps in the 3gen area is amazing. For perks I prefer:

    • corrupte intervention
    • dragons grip
    • pop
    • hunted grounds/ noed as backup or agitation or myc

    But I think this setting works very well on hag, billy, bubba, shape, ghostface too.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    If the survivors are good and there is 4 of them no killer can defend a 3 gen, provided there is no ruin. Especially if it's early game

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Doctor is the king of this. Madness directly interferes with the progress of generators, and the only way to solve it is to leave the terror radius. It's a catch 22.

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    If 4 healthy survivors made it that far then they are smart enough to get the last gen against any killer. If you insist on trying, Plague could probably get it or a one shot killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    play twins and turn it into a 2 gen strat by parking vic near one of the gens :)

  • Member Posts: 2,918

    Demo depending on the distance and map can be added to that list

  • Member Posts: 36

    Myers i guess

  • Member Posts: 915

    A good 3 gen means the ways between gens are short and easily accessible, not only the distance when looking from above. There should also be no strong loops left. For example the saloon gen or the Pale Rose boat gen (or Thompson House) are very hard to defend because survivors can spot you easily and will have a head start. Especially the saloon gen is a free gen that i don't even try to defend because the path is way too long to get into chases fast and efficiently. Survivors have also strong loops at these tiles and as is said it's hard to approach them. Better try to defend gens that are in the open in deadzones.

    It's a weak strategy against good survivors. I've never seen a good killer doing this, but tried it myself a few times. It works sometimes against weak survivors that don't play coordinated and go down easily. But you need to get some hook states or you need a hook to camp in between gens that are VERY close. Usually the 1 and 3 gen are far enough from each other to work on them and just run away to the next windows when the killer approaches. Generally, defending a 3 gen is a game of patience. You can just run in between gens, injure everyone and hope they do mistakes so you get a down but if they don't they will eventually finish one gen. Committing to a chase can be a huge risk if they work together. Surely you will get your downs in late game this way and maybe even a kill or two, but i don't think you can win this way regularly

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    The Pale Rose map 3gen doesnt use the Pale Rose gen, uses the small boat marooned gen and they cant see you coming because the railings block their view.

    The saloon 3gen is defended by staying on the railing of the Saloon, from there you can check both the gallows gen and the center or corner gen and then attack before someone gets close.

    Also a 3gen always involves having almost no pallets where the 3gen is located because either you chase Survivors in that zone forcing them to drop pallets and blocking potential work on those 3 gens you want or you chase them in another zone and then the ones who are free will switch to the gens you dont want fixed negating the potential 3gen.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    1 doctor- gives survivors impossible skill checks & his tier 3 makes them unable to do generators

    2 freddy- do i need to say much?

    3 billy- his chainsaw turns him into usain bolt

    4 spirit- same as with billy

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Reading some of the coments people are posting I think a lot misunderstood what OP was asking (or maybe I misunderstood).

    He talks about the strategy where the last 3 gens are extremely close and easy to patrol, not the point where there are 3 gens left in diferent corners of the map, just saying because Im reading certain comments that dont make much sense to me like "Freddy with his teleport" or "Demogorgon with his portals", in a 3gen teleport or mobility skills dont really factor that much for gens are like 5 seconds away of each other in a straight line.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Honestly most killers can if they play it right and have like pop and some other slowdown. Mainly Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, Hag, Trapper, Doc, Oni, Blight, Billy. High mobility and good anti loop is best

  • Member Posts: 6,278
    edited March 2021

    I don’t care if I’m fought hard on this but defending a 3 gen as old Freddy was a total breeze.

    Just keep putting Survivors to sleep from a distance at a centralised point, and let them idiotically regress their own gen progress over and over again with a mass of purposely failed skill checks.

    So annoying for the survivors. Oh so satisfying for me once I’ve determined I’ve bought enough time to commit to a chase.

  • Member Posts: 22,842

    Oh I completely agree; it was actually even better if you were using Lullaby and Overcharge too. They'd keep missing skillchecks to wake themselves up and within the space of about 20 seconds an 80% gen would be back to 0. Old Freddy may not have had much going for him but his 50% slowdown was absolutely godlike, especially in 3 gen scenarios

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    I agree. But this also opens up a different problem. When 3 gens go by the first hook, the killer really doesn´t have much room for errors and needs to play perfectly.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Actually i asked about a 3gen forced by the killer. So if the survivor play smart and realize what the killer is doing, they would get 4 gens for free, waste almost no pallets and wouldnt be on deathhook.

    So some comments are not helpful, but its ok. Its normal for a discussion and i got many good answers.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    It always depends on the survivors. A good team will split up on the gens, run when the killer comes go right back when the killer leaves. Even if they only get 5 seconds on a gen, with all gens being worked on, the killer can't regress them fast enough.

    One half decent chase and hook is game over. There is a reason why some killers try to make it a 3 man early.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Nah a 3gen forced by the Killer is not achieved like that, I do the 3gen a lot as Myers and Jigsaw and I chase Survivors around, hook them also defend every gen I reasonably can.

    The thing is every chase you initiate your main goal is to herd whoever you are chasing near the the 3/4 generators you want to protect so they are forced to drop the pallets there or get hooked, this has the benefit of giving you constant info on the generators and check them all the time, also saving PGTW for those gens unless one isolated gen is very close to completion, in that moment either they notice what you are up to or they dont, if they dont they will end up finishing the isolated gens and get themselves into a death trap where they have to fix 1 or 2 gens which are very close in a huge deadzone this is usually a death sentence, every Killer can win this easily since there are no pallets around they have no way to stop a chase.

    If they do notice they will attempt to break the 3gen by commiting to one of those and ignoring the isolated gens which in turn gives you a lot of extra time because fixing one of those gens is not going to be easy nor fast, this stalls the game and makes gens go much slower, usually it will cost them several hooks but can be achieved if the pallets are all up.

    Forcing a 3gen is not leaving 4 gens to their own demise while waiting for Survivors to come knocking home, thats absurd and should never be tried unless you are playing Trapper and have a very solid map to lay his traps.

  • Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2021

    Freddy is one of them.

    Post edited by DonkeyRat on
  • Member Posts: 11,534

    So the other 20 killers just can’t hook survivors. Not even slinger or huntress

  • Member Posts: 313

    When facing sweaty red rank 2000 hours SWF then yes especially when u didn't equip light born.

  • Member Posts: 2,446
  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Assuming we’re talking about 2000 hours SWF we’ll talk about a 2000 hour deathslinger who doesn’t miss a single shot.

    Deathslinger can actually pull survivors to walls which he can use to block flashlights as well as bait the pickup and shoot the survivor

  • Member Posts: 313

    Yeah I think deathslinger is as good as spirit but all those streamers tend to put him in B tier.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    It is if you play your cards well and they dont manage to break the cluster or they break it but take too many hooks in the process.

    It doesnt work 100% of the time for Survivors always have a chance to break it but its better than running around the map following Survivors with no plan or strategy, the game is more than "running from Killer" "chasing Survivor" and getting on a trial with only that as plan is a recipe for disaster unless you play against people with the same mindset.

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