Killers win too much

Playing a few games at red ranks has reminded me how overpowered killers can be. Doctor and overpowered Bubba with his 1-shot that lasts forever. Before I reached the third game, it was a slugging overpowered Huntress of course. You can’t play long without seeing Huntress because she is so overpowered with an unfair advantage. At one point, one was on the hook, another was slugged, I tried to make a save before they reached death stage and she played proxy camp and got me before I could make the save. 4 gens was still up and survivors are helpless.
Killers moan about that one loss, but there is no question 4K happens too much. A coordinated SWF is the only possible way to somewhat slowdown killrushers. But most SWF don’t win either. Killers have been buffed too much and survivors nerfed too much. Way too many tracking and gen perks making it too easy for killers.
A mid-chapter buffing survivors and survivor perks like they gave tinkerer would be a refreshing change. Where is the survivor’s NOED? It doesn’t exist. Constantly nerfing survivors and buffing killers is making the game unfun.
It needs to be looked into how much killers win.
Clearly you have never gone against really skillful survivors. Also, you seem to be losing your touch Sluzzy, the last bait post you made felt more authentic and real like you were speaking from the heart... Have a nice day.
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Maybe you don't belong in red ranks?
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The majority of killers and survivors on Red ranks don't deserve to be there anyway from what i've seen 🤷♂️
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Sounds like a you problem
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Really? You wanna nerf low tier perks? Cmon, you gotta look at the biggerer picture here: This-Is-Not-Happening and Beast of Prey.
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If you died half as much as you claim you would not be in red ranks. Enough with this. The problem may lie with you being laurie she might be bad luck I know they always seem to die in my trials.
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Today was my free day. I played so much games.
First i played 8 9 games as survivor. 6 of them i died and i get mad. Then i back to my Freddy boi. Played 10 games. 8 games 4K (But i gave hatch to last guy on all of them so call it 3K). 1 game 2k. Only 1 game all survivors escaped. And 3 matches i played really swf teams. Red rank btw.
So killers are strong yes. If you destroy loop they have not any chance. For gen rushing i had end game build btw.
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survivors win too much lol
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This just in, winning in DBD is illegal.
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aren't you the one that said kindred was op and needed a nerf?
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I still think same. I didnt say nerf kindred because killers are weak. It is just unfair perk for killers. Survivors can see each other, also they can see where are you going. So remove killer's aura, that's all.
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That’s probably because you give up on 1st hook Sluzzy
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sluzzy just invented a new term! killrushing!
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Survivor NOED exists. Its called: Adrenaline.
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I want to remind you all that everyone is entitled of their opinion, if you don't want to have a discussion with someone of an opposing opinion to your own, then move on to another thread, don't attack and belittle them for it.
So please avoid all of that off-topic stuff and stay on topic with the thread if you want to have a civil and respectful dialogue.
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I think Billy is more of a challenge then Doctor and Bubba.
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No survivors noed is decisive strike. Adrenaline rewards you for winning.
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Why? Swf has the same info.
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Adrenaline works the exact same way as NOED does, just in a reversed way (noed increases speed&technically reduces health of all survivors by 1, adrenaline gives a speed boost&increases health by 1), while DS does a similar job - being a comeback tool.
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Maybe you die so much you're skewing the data?
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Yes, thats correct. So only Sluzzy knows which aspect of Noed he wants for a survivor perk.
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Well the average kill rate is at a healthy 60-ish percent so I'm not sure where the problem is.
Also just get good lol ggez
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I honestly wouldn't mind looking at some new win statistics. It'll give us an idea of where the game is at balance wise.
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Ahh #########, here we go again.
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Once I saw "Overpowered bubba" I knew this was going to be a high quality sluzzy post.
It was a good read, thank you for your thoughtful opinions Sluzzy.
I think you should reconsider your opinion on bubba however, he isn't that great.
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fun fact: most of the thread got ######### snapped. We can no longer see the best parts of this thread
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Hi Sluzzy.
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It's undeniable that some Killers are better at their job than others and all Survivors are just skins of the exact same gameplay style except for model size, shape and colour and sound capacity for varying degrees of stealth ability.
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Sluzzy back at it again :D
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smol donkey :(
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yes, donkey has been snapped.
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When 4 potatoes face off against 1 potatoe, the single potatoe team will have the advantage since he has 4 times less potatoes on his team and has to coordinate and rely only on his single potatoe "skills".
That's why killers win too much. Even if you overbuff potatoes, there's still going to be 4 times more potatoes in one team. You would know that if you played during infinites with only 3 killers in DBD and they still managed to kill just as often as they do now.
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actually thats the killer response to gen rushing, ive seen it before
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For once, I actually agree. The bar for entry to red ranks needs to be much higher so the kill stats stop getting inflated by complete and utter potatoes that are the reason their entire team dies.
This idiotic kill inflation is just as bad as the way second chance perks artificially lower the kill stats by allowing survivors to "outplay" killers with perks instead of skill and effort.
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Wow, just wow.
Post edited by DBDude on2 -
Hold up... my smol bear was snapped? Now I am sad :(
And why was my first comment deleted? The smol bear was off-topic, but my first comment wasn't.
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Oh yeah I hate Lauries and Feng Min's, which is a shame because I actually really like Laurie, but the types of people I tend to compete against using her are some pretty awful people (cue the toxic post-game messages and teabagging etc).
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I thinks it's time for a new ac sluzzy I'm pretty sure everybody already knows you're a troll
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And who said swf is also fair lol
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I also playing as PH and Myers. Myers is hard sometimes but usually i have good games
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lol potato math, I like it
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I believe it is much higher. Freddy and Leatherface alone is close to 80%!
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Hi :)
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Even if you use BHVR's stats, which are very very flawed, Freddy is at a 75% Kill Rate and is being nerfed. Bubba isn't that high.
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I finally got a greeting from Sluzzy themself. My life is complete.
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Yes, the only thing contesting good killers these days are good SWFs. Solo Q is awful, which is why I rarely play it. It’s way too easy for the killer to tunnel and camp someone to death and then win by default in the 3v1.
The pipping system has “red rank” survivors crouching in bushes when their team is getting tunneled to death, obsession indicator and all, across the map. Maybe the MMR system will help?
Maybe a tutorial explaining the basic mechanics of the game to survivors, such as looping and pallet economy, would help?
Probably not though. The devs seem dead set on balancing DBD as a competitive game but leaving the majority of players in the dark as to basic high level game mechanics. And it shows, through killers like Freddy have 3/4 average kills which is outrageous in a game attempting to take itself seriously.
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That is an interesting point. But how would a tutorial help when you look at profiles of those dying quickly at rank 1 and they have hundreds of hours? It is most likely a lack of pallets as chases are too short or the killer is overpowered. I'm still seeing too many deadzones. The only thing SWF does is genrush but isn't that unfun? Chases are what is fun but killers like pyramid head, spirit, nurse, huntress/deathslinger can end chases instantly. Then add in tracking and slow gen perks and it is a bloodbath.
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Good survivors can extend such chases and make the killer waste a lot of time. SWF groups often use said time to power through generators. Of course, the killer won't lose all 5 gens at once, but he might be unable to make a comeback.
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"A coordinated SWF is the only possible way to somewhat slowdown killrushers"
Have you considered the point of view of none red rank killers?
I'm a rank 13 killer do you want to know who I face 99.99999999999999999999999% of the time?
rank 1 to 4 SWF teams will all the best perks (DS, BT, Iron will,etc)
Now here's my game goes as a Wraith with the yellow bone add on (distant bell) and 6 sec no terror radius
Will arrive near a Gen with usual survivors long gone so, gen pops because the guy with Spine chill already mentioned I'm coming. Then I will surprise a survivor so I will get looped to death or body block by the master looper forcing me to chase him. will stop because he's bringing me to the god loop. Will down a survivor (usually the rank 4), Sabotaged hook and flashlight are waiting for me so I might manage to make the hook so after that already 2 gens left, rinse and repeat till all is gone, Might down one when all gens are down tks to No ed but hey totem usually gets clean in 20 sec and will end the game with 4 surv teabag me and exit
Now, this is basically 95% of my games at night rarely do I get a random team or a rank 13 survivor team so yeah ether I waste 20 hours to get a rank 50, Freddy or you play 2 games then you quit remembering why you quit the night before.
I will add that I now play during the day instead of the night (eastern time) and I face less godlike teams that make the game more enjoyable (and queue time for survivor is shorter too).