Starting a Match With a Motif of the Map's Killer?

TamboRhyyn Member Posts: 124
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I just had a cool little idea! So, you know how when loading into Haddonfield, the Halloween riff plays on the piano for a moment or two? Well, what if, when loading into every map, it had a little riff for that killer depending on the map? So say, you load into Coldwind, and you get a short little moment or two of some Hillbilly style music, with its chainsaw sounds to introduce you to the map? Or maybe on Father Campbell's chapel, the match starts with a little bit of some slow accordion to welcome you to the Clown's realm? I feel like adding that little spice at the start of each map, when your camera is panning around, would be really neat!

Edit: Clarification! It would NOT do a riff of the killer being played that match! It would do a riff of the killer FROM THAT MAP, for thematic purposes!

Post edited by TamboRhyyn on
