Should Old Hex: Ruin Be Restored

DarkHunter99 Member Posts: 18

Hex: Ruin was one of the most used perks in the history of Dead By Daylight and for a good reason, it actually slowed down generator repair speed. As we all know, generators can get repaired ridiculously fast before even anyone goes down. There may be other perks that help slow down generator speed, but none of them compare to the power of old ruin.

Old Ruin created a skill check that when a player hits the good skill check zone, the gen would lose some progress. If you hit a great skill check, the gen would continue as if you it a good skill check. Survivors would then have the choice to look for the hex or push through the generator with ruin still active. Either way, generators would take much longer to complete due to either scenario.

New Ruin works when a survivor leaves a generator and once that happens the gen begins to regress at 200% of the normal speed. The developers have stated that this perk fits more towards the end of the game rather than the beginning. In order to get maximum usage, killers have to push survivors off generators in order to get the perk to work.

Gen pressure is key in order for killers to win a match, however their options to do so are very limited. Unless the generators change in some way, killers are at the short end of the stick and when up against strong survivors, they will most certainly lose. Old Ruin allows killers to pressure the gens while they are chasing other survivors while New Ruin requires killers to pressure gens in order to slow the game down.

So what do you think, should Old Ruin be restored, or should New Ruin stay?

Should Old Hex: Ruin Be Restored 118 votes

Yes, Restore Old Ruin
RattmanNescauSpiderTashKnucklesRaven014DetailedDetrimentGeneralVGlamourousLeviathanKingOfGhostRobMeister88BriskenBigTimeGamerkidmaxxnoname11223345DarkHunter99FKreuger1IAmShadowZzzshadowwings8810Anti_Alphaimightmainlegion 28 votes
No, Ruin Should Stay as is
MandySeiko300zacmangamingFibijeanIhatelifeCrtKazzCheersVolantConch1719Mat_SellaTapeKnotbrokedownpalaceshardsCancan71closeAven_Fallenad19970TheRockstarKnightJawsIsTheNextKillerBlazelskiDelsKibara 56 votes
Neither, Fix Gen Speed
Mc_HartyThatbrownmonsterGibberishBlueberryPlanetJuke420Dimekmusstang62ElikMrPenguinAhoyWolfVikingWilsonEnderloganYTMattie_MayhemOGFilledPizzaDemogordon_RamsayinbiergebadenpizzamessOkoruMapleseruhpPlayer35 34 votes


  • nimesulide
    nimesulide Member Posts: 39
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    I still support the idea of the Trial Warmup, while gen speeds remaining the same, as well as new ruin is fine as it is. Also, I'm happy about the upcoming toolbox changes, gives opportunity for more strategic gameplay, while also nerfes gen rushing, just a little bit. Maybe a little nerf for additive repair speed I could imagine.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    Fix map size

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    Nerf second chance perks instead

  • shadowwings8810
    shadowwings8810 Member Posts: 28
    Yes, Restore Old Ruin

    I liked the pressure

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    I like Scott Jund's idea of the Trial Warmup, but since that probably isn't going to happen then Smaller Maps is the way to go. The current Ruin is much healthier for the game as a whole, even though I personally didn't mind it that much.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    Yes, Restore Old Ruin

    Until they fix the whole genrush situation, old Ruin should return. Its not even the perk itself, but the fact that the mentality shifted a lot after its change, making it viable to genrush fast.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I have so many questions...

    @DarkHunter99 - why would there need to be a "fix" on gen speed? And how?

    @Brucecastro81 - why would there need to be a "fix" on map size? And how?

    @JawsIsTheNextKiller - What is a 'second chance' perk? And why does it need nerfed?

    LOL ya'll want to fix problems I didn't even know existed. 😂

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    I actually like how the community went from "Ruin nerf ######### sucks" to "keep it how it is, don't revert it back".

    People be roasting the devs for the decisions they make all the goddamn time but when a poll is put up, it turns out people are pretty happy or at least content enough with the decision that they wouldn't want it to be reversed.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    If you spawn in a corner in ormond and there's 2 survs doing the gen in the other side of the map you litteraly can't go there before it gets done. Just reduce them. If you didn't know that map sizes are a problem, I don't know if you're even playing DBD

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I have over 1,600 hours played in DBD. LOL - I simply don't see how map sizes are a problem. Regardless of where you spawn on a map, gens will always pop in the beginning of the match. You cannot chase 4 survivors at a time. So whether 2 survivors on a gen are across the map or across the street, you will have a survivor in closer proximity to you to pursue - unless rare offerings are used - and while doing so a gen will likely pop. That's the reality of the game. Making maps smaller would create an imbalance in other aspects of the game.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    ofc not. In the new map I think its impossible to a gen pop before you can get there (think so), it does change a lot, its even more fun to the survivor since he can be chases by the killer more often

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I disagree with you. It is also a change that would only benefit killers in having overall less ground to cover and everything closer together. I dont see a single advantage for survivors in this scenario. Why would Behavior implement that change simply so that killers who want to walk through the middle of the map to get to the furthest gen right out of the gate can do so before that gen pops, IF multiple survivors are on it. That's a very specific and odd scenario to cater to in such a drastic way. I dont see that happening. LOL

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    Its more FUN to the survivor, not better. and that is happening, the devs want to do it since everyone asked for it. LOL YOU DON'T SHARE MY OPINION

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    I'm not gonna even vote, because the surv mains damn sure don't want it back, because gen speeds are supposedly fine, and the game isn't fun anymore w old ruin according to them. That's what these forums mostly are, so GOOD LUCK!

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    ...and I still disagree with you. I am a survivor most of the time, and I assure you that it's not "more fun". I also play killer, and the map size is never an issue. Killers do complain to devs the loudest, as is evident by a lot of the changes DBD has implemented in the last year and just in general in my experience so far here and in DBD Facebook groups. But I doubt this will happen. At least not to existing maps. Especially if DBD wants to retain its survivor base. :)

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    ah you're entitled and wants the game easier to survivor, that explains. the sizes are going to be reduced, even if you complain and cry to BHVR saying: "This game is hard, pls nerf every single killer"

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    I agree with Lalythia, the map sizes are fine as is. "Man, I wish this map were smaller so I could engage in more chases." said, no survivor ever. This sounds more like killer entitlement because you are not interested in having to put in effort to find and chase survivors, they should all be in a tight little radius for you to down. And there have been several comments about 'gen rushing' in this comment thread. Gen rushing is not a thing. That is survivors doing their objective, just like finding survivors, kicking gens and hooking people are kiiler objectives. And even though it has never been a thing, the toolbox nerf should make killers happy because they are useless now.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    old ruin and new ruin will still get destroyed by a totem hunting survivor anyways...

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I could call you entitled as well, just wanting maps to be smaller so gens and survivors come to you instead of having to put in any effort or hone any skills. Also, BY FAR killers 'whine' to BHVR far more than survivors in this forum and in other FB groups. Also, Ormond is actually smaller than a lot of the classic DBD maps ( Ya'll need to stop crying. 🤣

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    Old Ruin was poorly designed and bad for the game; New Ruin should stay/be changed into something totally new.

    Also, I don't think gen speeds are a universal problem, I think the problem is how big the disparity is with respect to solos vs. SWF and high mobility Killers/Killers with a strong chase power vs. no mobility Killers/Killers with no chase power; I mean, the difference between playing as/against Clown or Leatherface and playing as/against Spirit or Hillbilly is like night and day. Same thing with coordinated Survivors vs. uncoordinated Survivors.

    Something needs to change at that level. Messing with gen speeds will probably just make those issues worse, not better.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    Its not, everyone complained about and my issue is not finding survivors is the time it takes to patrol a gen on ormond and other maps. Never said nothing about genrush, totally agree with you. You guys still entitled tho

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
  • asparagus
    asparagus Member Posts: 133
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    The new ruin is FINE, it shouldn’t be restored at all. I hate it when people complain about this, wether it’s the old or new people are still gonna wanna cleanse it anyways.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Yes, Restore Old Ruin

    It would be nice for killers to have the choice between old and new ruin, but as Ruin stands now, there is no real reason to cleanse it as it is generally useless.

  • Sleeps14
    Sleeps14 Member Posts: 3
    Neither, Fix Gen Speed

    110% Gen speed needs to be addressed! They can go FAR TOO QUICK! Especially with SWF, there can be an easy solution, a simple, a slight debuff for SWF...

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    Neither, Fix Gen Speed

    Closest to my answer

    I think it should be reworked again (oof) so that it's not terrible but doesn't have the issues with old ruin. maybe it slows gens down #%/#%/#% either passively or per hit. that way, a new player and a vet can work on a gen together without the new player messing it up, and without the whole skillcheck issue, but it can still be poofed away if the problems too. much for the survivors. however, I'm a stinky baby when it comes to making perks so it probably has some glaring issue i'm unaware of.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2020
    Neither, Fix Gen Speed

    I doubt it, Lalythia is a whiny survivor that just wants Generator Simulator. Her input means next to nothing.

    "Keep survivor base" she says as we're losing killers.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    Neither, Fix Gen Speed

    When the killer can hardly turn around without a gen popping, it's time to either do something with the gen speeds, maps, or have the survivors require another objective, such as having to find and "read" a technical manual each (akin to totem speed) before even being able to repair generators.

    It's crazy how fast gens are still going.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    oof, its weird that these people actually exist

  • Pixel_BoomBot
    Pixel_BoomBot Member Posts: 116
    Neither, Fix Gen Speed

    I don't even know anymore.

  • MildMegamind
    MildMegamind Member Posts: 4
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    Honestly, I feel like a lot of people in this forum are influenced by emotion more than facts... I feel like ruin is fine as is. The old ruin was mostly useless against survivors who knew what they were doing, so this rework fixed that. Basically, this game has a large issue with skill gaps. It is really hard to learn dbd. The gap between rank 20 and rank 1 is gigantic. Honestly, I think this game would be actually playable if they fixed hitboxes and servers. Truth is, you can't change all the perks to satisfy everyone. Gen times are fine. People need to learn how to play killer before saying gens take too little time to finish. I'm saying this as a killer main. I think the problem people are having with playing killer is that the easy to play killers are locked behind a paywall, so one of the only good killers you get off the bat is nurse, and nurse is hard to use.

    TL:DR The game is fine and ruin is also absolutely fine.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927
    Yes, Restore Old Ruin

    I liked it on both sides. Plus as survivor it got me to get good at hitting great skill checks and also killers tunnelling was a lot rarer when they had the ability to go for numerous hooks, it still happened but it wasn't as much as I see these days.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019
    Yes, Restore Old Ruin

    it would help perks like this is not happening and stake out. i havent played while the old ruin was there so idk.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited April 2021
    Neither, Fix Gen Speed

    I just think that at least current ruin helps against people who can hit greats while before it didn't. It was basically a dead perk if they could. New ruin also isn't based on how many skill checks they got for how effective it is, and less RNG is the direction I like more.

    the core problem is the gen speeds though, anything else that isn't fixing those in some way at base is just a band-aid.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
    edited April 2021
    No, Ruin Should Stay as is

    Ruin may be one hell of a perk to go against, but it's WAY more healthy right now and it's actually well-designed.

    Edit: I just realized I contributed to a year-old post. My bad lmao