I decided to not buy trickster.

Soo he's looking pretty weak and there seemes to be a consensus. I generally stay around red ranks and I already know this guys not going to be viable. He looks fun but I have no interest in getting destroyed back to purple or green ranks until I can compete with him. I look as the trickster as a "just for fun" killer that serves no real value. This game needs to fix its frustrating ranking system before it releases any more killers. Bc I'm not going buy them anymore.



  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Good thing shards are around or it would be a long wait for his perks on the shrine.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited March 2021

    I want to say you're lying .... but my time as an m1tress begs to differ.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    I mean, he's going to be purchasable with shards, so I'll be buying him anyway. It's not like it makes a difference or not if its with shards.

    If its auric cells though, like hell I'm paying for a chapter that's probably not going to change at all from the PTB despite the release delay.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    I almost have enough shards to buy Clown, Slinger, Prickster and survivor so maybe I’ll wait until then to get all of them at once just for completist sake. Because really I don’t care about any of them, but what else am I going to do with shards?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I thought Blight would be weak but I was wrong about him. Trickster however, I'm still convinced he is weak.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    no they aren't, starstruck in particular is actually pretty good.

    hex: crowd control is insane, but it's a hex so you know... might do nothing, might win the game...

    and no way out sounds great for an end game build.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah he's one of the few killers that actually come with some solide perks.

    dunno how i'd rate the individual strength of each perk yet, but he might actually be one of the best killers in the game, purely based on perk value.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I ll use shards to buy him as I didn't buy the last 3 or 4 killers they've made. Trickster looks like good fun im half and half with him, part of me thinks the fun aspect is enough to buy him, the other half if me is not keen on supporting the Kpop chapter on a whole, especially as they couldn't even make a map for it

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    no one is ever gonna top bubba on perk value (because double bloodpoints every match is just way too good)

    but yeah, he's definetively up there on perk value

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    I'm using shards to buy trickster. I havnt bought a dlc in a loooooooong time.

  • nutmilk420
    nutmilk420 Member Posts: 153

    I forgot about shards lol. I usually just buy the dlc pack bc I cross play w a buddy and he can get them too plus I don't mind supporting a game I play alot. But this chapter's definitely being bought with shards. Thanks everyone for the advice lmao.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    I'm pretty much ready to take lots of L's with Trickster once he's out on release day

  • KlapzCheeks
    KlapzCheeks Member Posts: 171

    The only perk thats somewhat good is No way out.

    Starstruck literally tells them theyre exposed so it will do nothing.

    Another Hex totem? Yeah, dont get me started.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    We'll see, it depends on if he comes out in his current state or not.

    I think his main event makes him not the worst killer in the game, but pretty close. Thing is Trapper is arguably the (or at least one of the) worst killers in the game, and I play him all the time.

    However Trickster felt like a chore to play he was THAT bad. So we'll see if he gets improved before release or not. If he comes out as is, I highly suggest not buying him unless you just want the perks.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I think Star Struck has potential. I'm not expecting to get many insta downs with it, but I can see using it to make the Survivors play less efficient. Picture this...

    Run Thrilling Tremors, Pop, Agitation, and Star Struck.

    Pick up a guy... Thrilling tells you were a gen is in progress. Hike yourself over there with Agitation with the guy still on your shoulder. Suddenly the peeps on the Gen get exposed when your 40m or 48m Terror Radius hits them and are very likely to peace out way earlier than they'd need to because no one wants to get insta downed. This gives you the time you need to get over there with your now active Pop and break the gen before it gets completed. Since you probably just exposed a bunch of people, they're not likely to come in for a fast save or to tap the gen.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    He's definitely not going to be weak. Another killing machine with 3 awesome perks as usual. Survivor on the hand should pass.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited March 2021

    I get the whole hex totems bad but its a hex totem generating immediate value. Get into any chase and its already reducing the length of the chase and forcing survivors to move to other loops combine this with killers who can punish survivors who have to immeidatly vacate loops like blight, huntress or deathslinger and you have an insane perk.

    Calling it now the hex crowd control perk is gonna be too powerful. Killers will run it with undying and it will force some awful lose lose scenarios for survivors. I will happily be called out as being wrong if it dosent work out. I said this about a lpt of the busted perk like MoM, undying ruin and im going to say this about hex crowd control.

    I will say that your likely only going to be using those two hex perks. As hex perks get weaker the more you equip bar the haunted grounds retribution variants. Also corrupt has negative synergy with hexes in general so dont run it alongside what's mentioned above.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
    edited March 2021

    someone gets exposed for 30 seconds, and you go "it's useless"...

    not like several killers can easily close the gap right? what is a nurse or spirit ever gonna do with this?

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854
    edited March 2021

    I personally see hag, blight and nurse putting in some work with this. Hag is a bit more “rng” as survivors will need to step on traps, but nurse and blight can actively hunt.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I do that too I play with my better half on ps4

    btw I thinking of getting ps5 does the share dlc work on that? like on ps4

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    I fully intend to main him, get an absolute appreciation for his strengths and weaknesses, intended playstyle, etc.

    Then I will come to the forums, spell out what I feel is his intended playstyle, what works with that playstyle and what hinders it the most, as well as suggest ways to improve those weaknesses to strengthen his playstyle while not chipping away too much at his intended weaknesses.

    I've mained Legion long enough to basically already make a habit of this.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Nobody cares...

    Except maybe BHVR management, but they don't read forums.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    those are probably some of the best for this.

    spirit and slinger aswell.

    but honestly, any killer can take advantage of this in some way (some, like trapper, less than others)

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    They could release a 100% speed m1 only killer and I still get them as long as they're free with shards.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    Am I going to be the only Day1 Trickster main? :(

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    I know right. I was on the other side of a pallet and he was throwing knives at me and I died. WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE PALLET???

  • KlapzCheeks
    KlapzCheeks Member Posts: 171
    edited March 2021

    So tricksters perks are only gonna be good on nurse and spirit? WOW The 2 strongest killers who can win games perkless. FOH

    Tell me how good Haunted grounds is please thats a full minute of exposed and its trash. This is half the time and they will know the second they are exposed and will stay away. So by the time you hook someone and can go try and find someone the timer is almost gone.

    *golf clap* You tried though

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    i'm just gonna wait and see on this one

    a lot of people said blight was week on the ptb and we all know what a god blight main can do right now even before his buff next patch

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yes and no.

    i definitely agree that there arent many perks in the game that can compete with BBQ & Chili and that Trickster definitely doesnt bring a Perk that is capable of competing with it aswell, however the way i interpret a characters Perk vaule is based on all perks they bring, not just one.

    basically, i made a tierlist some time ago where i ranked all killers based on how good their perk value was. the way i ranked them was by ranking every single Perk they brought on a scale from 0 - 5 points, added the score of their 3 perks together and then put them on a tierlist based on their overall score.

    Bubba on that list actually scored surprisingly low (4th place - tied with 4 others, topped by 7 and beat 10), as even though BBQ gave him an easy 5 points, his other two teachables (Franklyns & Knock Out) both kinda sucked, so they scored low, which means his overall perk value isnt that high.

    Trickster on the other hand seems to bring a lot of pretty good perks in, none that are godlike but overall i could definitely see him beat most Killers on my list. depending on how i decide to rank certain perks (not 100% sure as of yet), but right now it looks like he's gonna be A-Tier.

    PS: just in case i made you curious, here's my general ranking. the red lines mark killers with the same point scorings, so only when a red line appears you actually see killers who scored worse then the ones before (there are a lot of killers who tied their rank):

    then in the end its all just up to your own opinion.

    if you think BBQ alone makes Bubba S-Tier thats fine, i just interpret it differently.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    wow wow wow...

    how is nurse so high.

    thana is ok at best, nurse's is good and stridor is extremely niche. how is she at 10 or 11?

    also, knock out is a 3. around where I would put thana.

    bbq is 5.

    and franklins is easily a 3, maybe a 4.

    how is he at 8 total points?

    you know? gonna go 1 by 1 on this


    0 = useless or even worse

    1 = very niche, might get some value, but it's hard

    2 = some use, but still limited

    3 = average, not amazing, but also not bad.

    4 = great perk.

    5 = you need a good reason to justify not using this

    plague - corrupt 4, infectious 4, devotion 4

    nurse - thana 3, nurses 5, stridor 3. (which adds to 11... ha)

    trapper - agitation 3, brutal 2, unnerving 1

    shape - dying 2, STBFL 5, PWYF 3

    hag - ruin 5, third seal 3, devour 5

    clown - bamboozle 4, coulrophobia 1, pop 5

    spirit - fury 2, haunted 3, rancor 3

    billy - enduring 3, lightborne 2, tinkerer 4

    doctor - monitor 3, overcharge 2, overwhelming 1

    bubba - bbq 5, franklins 3, knock out 2

    legion - discordance 5, mad grit 2, iron maiden 1

    ghostface - all ears 4, thrilling 4, furtive 1

    pig - make your choice 4, surveilance 3, hangman's 0

    demo - surge 4, cruel limits 1, mind breaker 1

    oni - nemesis 3, zenshin 1, echoes 1

    blight - undying 4, dragon 3, favour 2

    wraith - predator 0, bloodhound 1, shadowborne 2

    PH - penance 1, trail 4, deathbound 2

    huntress - beast 0, territorial 1, lullaby 2

    freddy - remember me 3, fire up 3, blood warden 3

    slinger - gearhead 2, switch 1, retribution 3

    twins - hoarder 0, opression 3, coup 2

    so it would end up VERY different from yours. I have honestly no idea how you ranked twins and freddy so low and wraith so high

  • Nephil1682
    Nephil1682 Member Posts: 17

    They legit aren’t???? Being able to instadown anyone in your terror radius while holding a survivor is great and punishes protection hits.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I have saved up my shards and I'm just going to use those to buy him, get his achievements and then he'll only get used again for daily's and archives.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Call me a sucker or whatever but I'll buy whatever characters they create. I've gotten every achievement in this game and character so far and I'm just too deep in to stop now.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    this was my criteria:

    0 Points:

    0 Points are given to Perks which are so bad that no one would ever run them outside of maybe meme builds. Either the restrictions and / or downsides are way too overpowering compared to the main effect, or its generally just useless.

    1 Point:

    1 Point is given to Perks that can only be useful in very specific scenarios and have little to no usage outside of that.

    2 Points:

    2 Points are given to Perks that are only good in specific combinations. Whether said combination is another Perk, a specific Killer or a special playstyle does not matter. Outside of those the Perk is below average and is rarely ever seen on its own.

    3 Points:

    3 Points are given to Perks that are overall decent. Not very strong, but also not bad. These Perks can be used if someone wants to, but they are not all that common due to downsides or just generally not great effects.

    4 Points:

    4 Points are given to generally good Perks. They are overall good choices to play and can be seen quite often in games. Sometimes these Perks can achieve victories that would not have been possible without them. However, they are not good enough to be considered ''the best''.

    5 Points:

    5 Points are given to the best of the Perks. Perks everyone should go for and that you can run pretty much any time you want. Perks that have great upsides compared to little to no downsides. Usually represented in the Meta.

    and my individual killer ranking looked as follows (ill give some quick thoughts behind each one to justify the ranking i gave):


    Unnerving Presence: 2 (only good on Doc)

    Brutal Strength: 3 (overall decent)

    Agitation: 4 (overall good)

    Overall Score: 9


    Predator: 0 (useless)

    Bloodhound: 3 (very meh)

    Shadowborn: 3 (makes it easier to blind you, therefore not 4)

    Overall Score: 6


    Enduring: 4 (overall very good)

    Lightborn: 1 (only usable with flashlights)

    Tinkerer: 3 (only good on high map pressure killers, otherwise pretty meh)

    Overall Score: 8


    Stridor: 2 (Spirit)

    Thanatophobia: 4 (good at forcing survivors into healing, amazing on killers with powers that can easily injure)

    A Nurse's Calling: 5 (absolutely amazing perk)

    Overall Score: 11


    Beast Of Prey: 1 (BP farm builds)

    Territorial Imperative: 0 (useless)

    Hex: Huntress Lullaby: 3 (decent, but not mindblowingly good)

    Overall Score: 4


    Save The Best For Last: 4 (very solide perk)

    Play With your Food: 3 (can be very good, can be very useless. requires you to drop your momentum tho)

    Dying Light: 2 (only good when combined with other slowdown perks / abilities. pretty bad on its own, too many downsides)

    Overall Score: 9


    Hex: The Third Seal: 2 (slugging builds)

    Hex: Ruin: 3 (very hit or miss on its own)

    Hex: Devour Hope: 4 (amazing totem perk. definition of high risk, high reward. this perk alone can win you matches)

    Overall Score: 9


    Overwhelming Presence: 0 (yikes)

    Monitor & Abuse: 5 (amazing utility perk on everyone that isnt Doc)

    Overcharge: 3 (pretty meh, but not that bad)

    Overall Score: 8


    Knock Out: 2 (slugging builds)

    Barbecue & Chili: 5 (map knowledge + double BP - amazingly good)

    Franklyn's Demise: 1 (wont work unless they brought items)

    Overall Score: 8


    Fire Up: 3 (pretty decent overall)

    Remember Me: 0 (borderline useless after the nerf)

    Bloodwarden: 1 (requires very specific scenarios to work. wont do much unless you focus your entire playstyle on getting this to work)

    Overall Score: 4


    Hangman's Trick: 0 (could have been a 5 had they kept the aura reading from the PTB)

    Surveillance: 3 (pretty decent, not that great tho. good in combination with others)

    Make Your Choice: 4 (can very quickly create a lot of pressure)

    Overall Score: 7


    Bamboozle: 4 (deletes mindgames on many tiles)

    Coulrophobia: 0 (lol)

    Pop Goes The Weasel: 5 (amazing game slowdown)

    Overall Score: 9


    Spirit Fury: 2 (pretty underwhelming on its own, gets very good with Enduring though)

    Hex: Haunted Ground: 4 (great trap totem perk, can win you games on its own)

    Rancor: 3 (decent map knowledge, killing the obsession is a nice bonus i guess)

    Overall Score: 9


    Discordance: 5 (amazing map knowledge. imho one of the best perks ingame, definitely my coice over BBQ (im not playing for BP))

    Mad Grit: 1 (only ever does anthing against bodyblocking survivors)

    Iron Maiden: 2 (Huntress / Trickster (should they allow it to speed his reload up))

    Overall Score: 8


    Corrupt Intervention: 4 (early game slowdown)

    Infectious Fright: 5 (borderline OP - deletes any kind of stealth around you, makes flashlight saves / pallet saves pretty much impossible + has huge snowballing potential. range dependend entirely on your TR, has no cooldown and pretty much no counterplay (besides Calm Spirit, which no one ever runs))

    Dark Devotion: 3 (good, not great)

    Overall Score: 12

    Ghost Face

    I'm All Ears: 4 (very good to mindgame)

    Thrilling Tremors: 4 (good map info)

    Furtive Chase: 0 (horrible)

    Overall Score: 8


    Surge: 4 (good knowledge. saves time kicking gens and is generally a pretty good perk)

    Mindbreaker: 3 (the buff was nice i guess)

    Cruel Limits: 0 (yikes)

    Overall Score: 7


    Zanshin Tactis: 0 (Windows for killer, difference is you should know when you kicked sthg and when you didnt, so pretty useless)

    Blood Echo: 3 (okay i guess)

    Nemesis: 4 (pretty good standalone perk. can be combined with others to get better and is generally nice to have)

    Overall Score: 7


    Gearhead: 0 (unnecessarily gutted uppon release)

    Dead Man's Switch: 0 (timer starts when the obsession is hooked, so if someone leaves the gen after 40 seconds the gen will only be blocked for 5)

    Hex: Retribution: 4 (another great trap totem. on its own not that great, but can be very devestating in many totem builds, as it just deletes stealth)

    Overall Score: 4


    Forced Penance: 0 (oblivious would unironically have been better than broken)

    Trail Of Torment: 3 (okay, but nothing mindblowing)

    Deathbound: 3 (decent info i guess)

    Overall Score: 6


    Dragon's Grip: 3 (not a bad perk, not really good either)

    Hex: Blood Favor: 0 (lol)

    Hex: Undying: 4 (was a 5 before the nerf. still a good perk though)

    Overall Score: 7


    Hoarder: 0 (never)

    Oppression: 3 (could be a 4 with small tweaks, currently more on the underwhelming side of things)

    Coup De Grace: 0 (could have been a 3, potentially even 4 pre nerf, but now its activation requirement is way too harsh given the very mediocre effect it has)

    Overall Score: 3

    Trickster (for now)

    Starstruck: 3 (uncertain about the points, might get a 4 later. gotte try it out a little, seems like it could be very devestating though)

    Hex: Crowd Control: 4 (very strong perk, great Hex. very happy with this one)

    No Way Out: 3 (might be underestimating this one, but a 3 seems good for now. pretty good at buying time in the end game though, might have the potential to turn games around (which would be worthy of a 4))

    Overall Score: 10

    hopesfully that made it more understandable for you ^^

    again, this is just my opinion, so feel free to disagree ^^

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Just buy him with shards.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    My friend says Trickster is gonna be his new main, because he's a Huntress/Spirit main right now.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    They're not THAT bad on average. Even a bunch of solos can beat any killer if they're efficient on gens and have 1-2 good loopers with meta perks.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    survivors are bad only at certain time of a day. You're lucky to play in that time

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    He seems pretty fun, and that's what lazy, filthy casuals like me like. Trick blades on Midwich is going to be fun.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I will just buy him for the perks but not play him. If we can get him for shards.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    What time? Morning is mostly Younger players due to people working who aren’t very good and at evening night it’s inconsistent with good and bad playing together

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302
  • storydove
    storydove Member Posts: 54

    Love the look of both Trickster and Yun-Jin, can't wait to try them out.

    Both attires are very well crafted, the characters themselves look phenomenal, they totally fit into the atmosphere of the game. Whoever designed them, great work!

    The only thing lacking is some neon filled cityscape map, but I understand the whole map design is busy with updating what we already have.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    I'm gonna test out out a Transporting build built around starstruck, with iron grasp, light born and maybe Franklin's. There will probably be an influx in SWF teams due to the new chapter dropping, so I'll have plenty of Boosted Banana's too peel