ghost face sohuldnt be able to 99

FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

maybe a little clikbaity but heres the deal... 99 is so unfair and unbalanced because first of all you dont know if he can stalk you sometimes and i mean sure i always out go from that im 99% but when you havent sene the killer for + half the match it should start going down because its not even fair to outplay someone hard the nwhen they get close the can pop the 99 and get a insta down without you gaining any distance so its basically a guaranteed down a 1 or 2 sec stund would do the job or make it so it goes down by time because you shouldn't be able to 99 someone on teh start of the match then use it during endgame collapse. or as an alternative make it visible that you are like 99 or atleast 75+ just some que so you know. every killer has it billy iwth fast chainsaw you will probably hear him rev it really fast so you know that its a 1 sec chainsaw you can see om michael mayers if its a tombstone or not by the hand everyone has a que besides ghsotface.. now its not the end of the world but its just so damn annoying to outplay someone hard and then they use the 99% on you that they got from the first minute thats been saved up for 5 minutes
