Powered Generator reset timer after killer damage

apropos Member Posts: 245
edited November 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Once per generator, per trial, allow killers to damage a generator once it's powered.

When a powered generator has been damaged:

  • A reset timer lasting 120 seconds begins.
  • The generator glows red as if its overheating
  • A green aura of that generator becomes visible to all survivors, and turns to yellow, then red depending on the time left before the generator resets. The aura is not visible to the killer.

When the reset timer has been initiated and a survivor approaches it:

  • A skill check will appear 3 seconds after initiating repairs
  • The number of survivors on the generator determines the difficulty of the skill check; one survivor = tremendous; two = moderate; three = slight; four = no skill check.
  • The survivor(s) can try the skill check as many times as needed to stop the generator reset timer, with each failed skill check making the following one easier, as if another survivor had joined the repairs.

If a powered generator reset timer completes:

  • The generator returns to a state of no repairs having been completed.
  • After the reset, any survivors repairing that generator are granted a 100% repair speed bonus while repairing that generator, as well as a 5% repair sped bonus to all repairs made for the rest of the trial.
  • Leaving a generator that has reset regresses it's repairs 35% more quickly if damaged by the killer during those repairs.(with 100% repair speed increase this shouldn't happen often)

The goal is to slow down genrushing, but not make it so difficult that the survivors get trapped in the trial. It also puts some stress on the killer in deciding to damage a powered generator, given that if they damage them, they are choosing to also give the survivors a passive 5% repair speed increase for each generator they choose to damage.


  • milo77727
    milo77727 Member Posts: 44
    So basically make overcharge and pop goes the weasel mandatory while adding more complicated and OP mechanics. An easy way to avoid the bonus to generator repair is to damage the last gen. What is the point in just 1 generator getting that? Survivors can just avoid that generator until reset or attempt it to get a bonus. What problem would it solve? Maybe if it were a killer perk that survivors must hit a skill check and if they miss it then they have a 5%-2% (depends on tier) decrease on that generator repair the rest of the game. Or the survivor version could be a plus _% to repair on that gen with no penalty for missed skill check much like a brand new part.
  • apropos
    apropos Member Posts: 245


    Any powered generator could be damaged once to start the reset timer. If the reset timer completes, then any survivors that help to repair the reset gen would gain 100% bonus on that generator, as well as a 5% bonus for the rest of the trial, per survivor. So if all 4 survivors repaired two damaged generators, they would all be running around with a 10% bonus to repair speed.

    The point of there being a 100% bonus on repairing a reset gen is to provide survivors with a handicap while they redo the work they have already done. It seems unfair to me to reset it and make it like a fresh generator.

    I think the complexity could be fun(?), strategy wise.

    For the survivors, they could choose to ignore this gen, and go repair an untouched gen somewhere else, which could confuse some killer who's waiting for the survs to return to the damaged powered gen, to get that sweet 5% incentive. Pro survivors won't care about that bonus, for the most part.

    On the other end, the killer can use this as an opportunity to prolong the game, and to have more time to earn Gatekeeper emblem points, which I think is needed considering the genrush meta that is pretty dominant right now.

    I was trying to come up with something that could simply prolong the game without making it too unfair for either side. I feel like this would only add a few minutes to the game, but even gen rushing could still work if the survivors finish all the gens within a few minutes. However, if one of those gens has a reset timer ticking, and they get caught up by blood warden, or remember me, they could be set back a gen which could complicate things further for them.

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    While an interesting idea, and one that may indeed extend the game time a bit, I don't personally agree with the idea as it would take away the finality of a finished Generator and remove the hard penalty it gives to a Killer. I say this as a Killer main, so don't think I don't wish there was something to extend games, I just don't think this is it. When a Generator is complete it should remain that way, it's on the Killer for not having defended it. Additionally, at 3 Genies left I don't know where a Killer would find time to go push one into this state while not allowing them to complete one of the three final Gens and entering exit gate phase. At rank 1 Survivors would easily finish one of the three before a Killer has time to get back to them.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Tremendous skillchecks are not hard for experienced survivors, so in high ranks it would be a dead perk. On the other had it could be "abused" to create a 3 gen stall when otherwise it wouldn't have been possible.

  • KevinSalyer
    KevinSalyer Member Posts: 1

    I'm more in favor of letting them try the longer healing first before we talk about touching the genset right now.

    We have plenty of tools to slow down gens right now as it is.