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Survivor turned killer

Depend on the perks and how they work it, is anyone against the idea of a survivor who getting corrupted by the constant pain and suffering from the entity over the centuries and decides to slaughter his whole team before the killer could, kind of concept?
He would look like a survivor, could do things like base vault, windows, run with the legion limit but slightly slower than a survivor. Quick tea bag, maybe a survivor blinding flashlight. No but seriously, maybe thinks that tamper with the survivor main goal of fixing generators, finding exit gates, and healing other survivors.
After all he would be a ex-survivor turned killer so it is plausible from them obtain perks that constantly be a nuisance for survivors main goal.
Isn't this what people thought Legion was originally going to be.
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from my understanding yes, but I wouldn't mind a survivor turned killer. I mean legion is really a group of school shooters not really a survivor turned killer, aka The Snitch.
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I won't deny that, especially as of recently Bhvr's patterns with PTB and releases. But I still would like to see how they do with the concept, that's not legion but a true ex-survivor turned killer.
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I can imagine the Name & Lore & Power
Name: The Tunneler
Lore: Decades have passed, the Survivor was already joining the trials in Madness 3 after all he have suffered from the Entity's puppets, but it was enough, he was tired of being tunneled and camped, so he had an brilliant ideia: "If I can't defeat them, I'll join them". And so, he decided to take on the role of The Tunneler, always chasing that same Survivor, giving him all the pain he suffered through his days as Survivor
Power: Pressing the Activate Abiliy button near a hooked Survivor will bring a chair from the Entity. Who says camping is easy huh?
EDIT: I hade an idea for his power.
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Blight was initially a Survivor before being corrupted by the Entity. An unusually strong Survivor, but still a Survivor. And the archives seem to imply that the Survivors DO kill each other (I don't remember which one said it, but I do remember them burying another Survivor to shut him up).
While a Killer that actually DOES look like a Survivor could be cool, one of the big complaints I've seen about Trickster is how he... looks like a Survivor.
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Associated cosmetic: Dwight but he wears a black hooded cloak.
" he never showed his eyes, and even those did get that chance saw the void."
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The Legion weren't school shooters.
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Good points you make there.
I need to look more into the blights bio as I haven't sat down to read it, just moved over from xbox to pc so, under the grind I sadly put myself back under. Eitherway I enjoy the blights abilities but he is a little too supernatural for what concept im going for.
I am curious where the complaints because the trickster looking like a survivor not matching his k-pop-esk bio or is it just a appeal thing?
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Brah if 4 kids all Socio and psychopaths who decide it's a good idea to murder a janitor for no reason isn't school shooter vibes then idk what is.
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Me n my friends talk about this alot. Like he can make gens regress by doing them instead of kicking them things like that. If he is on a gen long enough it blocks it he could people n hook like the chucky idea with telepathy.
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Put people on hook like the chucky concept that was tossed around with telepathy a shape shifter that can look like any survivor. That could buy all the outfits for the Its a gold mine and would be fun.
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I would like to see a killer who could pretend to be another survivor who is already in the game and can change while in the match. Would be nice. Scott had a nice idea for Legion to do that. Seeing a Claudette run up to you then brandish a knife would be terrifying lol.
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Entity power telepathy, I like that idea and the one of the Entity blocking gens if the killer decide he wants to "regress" work on one ( what would that be 10/15 seconds?).
What he could also sabotage gates and hooks so if a survivor try to take the hook down, it falls on them consequently insuring themselves in the process.
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Awesome we really need to design this killer imagine a bunny feng killing everyone I'm down with that. The longer you work on gen the more it blocks it make would be like 30 seconds. I'm not particularly good with timing but this killer is amazing I'm drooling.
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Oh man dont I know it, I saw a lot of that during legion ptb and release. And was quite disappointed when Legion turned out to be anything but that, yo know. Doesnt mean they could try again with the concept tho.
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Seeing a Claudette running in the wild and trying to teabag her to see if she's the killer or not but realizing its actually a survivor until a Dwight comes up behind both of them while they teabag and stabbing you in the back XD There is SO many opportunities to instill fear into a survivor.
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Right, aye I'm right there with you. I'm not good with timing either, and the bunny Feng cosmetic idea. I would also like a dobbleganger Dwight outfit.
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Yes that's what I'm saying bhr would make so much money it is an awesome idea that would be fun cause I would purchase every one on all my accounts
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Yeah they were ######### and kind of messed up, but all they did was kill a janitor. Never once is it mentioned in their lore that they were going to shoot up a school.
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Yes you could purchase outfits and try to make yourself look exactly like any survivor n the lobby.
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I would prefer that it would choose a survivor already in-game to copy when I activate my power then deactivate when I'm ready to hit. All survivors can see their own outfits and having to buy over a 1000 cosmetics to match 1 survivor doesn't seem reasonable. I rather have custom outfits for when he/she is not in stealth mode.
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Maybe but your destroying my dream to kill with bunny feng
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Ah I see, you're taking my quote on the nose.
I said the were LIKE school shooters, that means I'm implying they have similar traits not that ' They are', school shooters.
There cleared it up for you.
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I bet killer blendatte would be about as hard to see as ghost face in those pitch black areas.
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That's actually a really great counter point.
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Exactly I agree killing blendette would be scary I almost jump out of chair with Michael but blendette I would probably crap myself.
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Aye aye, I'm down for a murderous bunny feng, but we would also have evil Dwight, killer Nea and Op blendatte.
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This will be broken. I like it
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You would never truly feel safe lol.
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Now all he needs is thanatophobia, hex: ruin, undying, bbQ and nurses.
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Yes we should figure out his perks
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For sure, I definitely want that perk were he blocks a survivor from working on a generator by working on it to be called " Homecoming".
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Nice he would need an expose feature on claudette that idea was awesome
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True very true, now do you think sabotaging hooks and the gate should wrapped into 1 perk? Also sounds it take tokens?