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It's taken over 2k hrs, but the toxicity is starting to upset me

I've never been bothered by endgame rage, but it's finally starting to get to me. Especially this game earlier on:

Team of three friends get killed, one of them gets angry and asks if I depipped, I say I safety pipped. Tune into their stream and they're ranting at length about how I'm giving the game a bad name and pathetic for caring about rank (I don't, they were the ones that brought it up).

I know this is common and bringing up this one case might seem silly, but I just wanted to get it off my chest that hearing things like this for so long really does have a negative effect on people.


  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    To be 100% real, the game does have moments where you can feel robbed either by bugs or just bad luck. I dont blame people getting upset about kills/escapes because when I was starting, i used that to gauge whether i was improving or not... but then you see it. You see the duality of the phrase:

    "Rank means nothing"

    And you either let your bad teammates/horrid RNG eat away at you from the inside out because you feel like there really wasnt anything you could do or just stop caring.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    To me, that sounds more like an issue with your SWF teammate than the actual endgame chat itself...

  • Rellewd
    Rellewd Member Posts: 195

    nothing like when i listened to them toxic rants on youtube few entertaining ones, ...

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    They sound like jerks. Another way to look at that situation is to take pride in the fact you got under their skin.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,116

    Watching TTV streams of a match you've been in whilst they're live is not advisablr. If it's hosted by bitter people it'll just be a bunch of knobs ranting to their 4 viewers about how crap players are in a futile attempt to take the focus away from their ineptitude.

    It's a shame there are a fair amount of entitled players who are never wrong, but that's probably down to crap parenting and/or a severe inferiority complex.

    Treat the game like you're playing against advanced, less predictable AI's. Unless they're actually nice, then be nice back and spread the positivity.

  • TDK
    TDK Member Posts: 8

    Just say EZ no matter what and leave. Works most of the times.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788
  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    I'm confused. They asked you about rank and you answered them accordingly and then they say you're the one who cares about rank? What?

    If this is so, they're dumb. Sorry they were rude to you, but at least knowing they were stupid should give you some relief.

    Personally I disable end game chat 90% of the time when playing killer to prevent stuff like this.

  • EvanRaven
    EvanRaven Member Posts: 194

    i was in a game with a 3 man SWF who were terrible. they all went down instantly because they were being altruistic and then started blaming ME (aka the one doing gens) . the girl was calling me ######### useless in her stream and calling me a blendette.

    did i mention some trolls from her stream were messaging me? after that?

    i ######### hate ttv users with a passion

    i will 100% dodge if i see them on my team again.

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    Wym that's the best part of red-rank killer

    Destroy 4-man as addonless Trapper then drink their tears

  • DonkeyRat
    DonkeyRat Member Posts: 42

    If you got TTV in your name you probably stink at DBD. That's how I see it

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I despise TTV in my matches. Anytime I get them as Killer it’s always a three man red rank SWF team while I’m rank 13. Not all are toxic or bad but it always leave a terrible taste in my mouth cause I’m just used as a laughing stock and punching bag for their viewers cause I’m not up to their skill and the game forced me to play against them

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060

    I once killed a blendette as Clown. They then proceeded to come into my chat and tell me that they were going to kill me and my entire family. Because they died. In a video game.