Clueless Survivors that urk me-Solo play

Wylesong Member Posts: 642

I have been playing for over 3000 hours now and still amazed at the amount of cluelessness survivors have in the game. I almost never get mad at any game because well they are games but this is the one game were I get so mad I yell and have to take a breather from it.

These are the issues I have seen that trigger me:

I do not understand how or why survivors go into a game without even one perk. Even level 1 characters can equip at least 1 perk and are provided with 3 to pick from. I mean okay if for some reason you are doing a challenge then sure but I have been having more and more games where survivors just go in with nothing. The past 2 games I was shocked when I was the only survivor at all with ANY perks. I have to ask is it new players that have NO CLUE they can pick 1 perk or more of a personal challenge or just being hate to say it dumb? This is not the worst thing but just confuses me how out of 4 survivors there is less than 5 perks being used. lol

My other issue is when I die and like to watch the rest of the match I see survivors who seem to forget the hatch exist. They think hiding in a corner is how they win. My last two games I wished I could block players because I would never want them on my team they were that bad. The one survivor in my second to last game not only ran over the hatch before it opened but then ran past it so close that even I could hear loud and clear and YET they kept running to a corner to hide. Then it gets better my last game the survivor not only picked up my key but then runs past a open hatch only to let the killer close it and keep in mind he has a purple key they decided to try the gate instead of just hatching it out. I quit for a few days because I could not take the level of dumb in the game.

My other thing that urks me as a solo survivor is how as a survivor you can do sooo well to play stealth and loop a killer only to have a fellow survivor who is in a chase run right to you and then lead the killer to you. My last game I did 4 gens alone and 3 totems only to have the same survivor who was being chased run RIGHT to me bringing the killer to me and then blocking my window so the killer got me. This seems to happen a lot and it is like solo survivors forget that running leaves scratch marks. I mean I understand running but I would never RUN to a fellow survivor and give them away plus as much as running has a use learning when not to run and leave scratch marks helps too.

I am sincerely sorry this was a long pointless post about playing solo survivor but just figured others have horror stories they may like to share as well. I hope you all have a great day and great matches in your games. =)


  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    There is an achievement to escape when perkless

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I figured that was a thing but just seems to happen in most games that 1 if not 2 survivors in my game have none equipped. Then in the case of my last game no one but me had any. I get people trying for the achievement but I have a question Is this achievement console based because Nintendo Switch users do not get those. I also find it hard to believe that in every game I play that these survivors are trying for that achievement. I mean okay maybe but there is always some player doing this and recently it seem to be entire rooms which just seems highly unlikely that I get stuck with an entire set of teammates trying for this one console based achievement at the same time. I guess it is possible because my luck stinks but dang the luck gods must just hate me then. lol

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Oh I love that last one as well. Instead of making sure the last few gens are far apart they screw themselves and leave the closes gens together undone. Then claim the killer is camping when really he is just doing his job and it's not their fault that we left those gens instead of working back and forth.

    I also agree that many people do not do totems and then when NOED pops they scream. I simply point out how they ran past 2 totems. Oh and my all time favorite totem/NOED moment was when I was already dead and watching the other players. The one survivor is at a open gate and no joke dry humping the BRIGHTLY LIT NOED TOTEM. One of the other players goes down on the COMPLETE other side of the map. Well instead of taking advantage and killing the totem even if not to save the teammate but for the points they no joke poke it and run out. I about blew a blood vessel in my head with pure anger of the stupidity. That was when I learned to hate Solo survivor play.

    Oh and when it comes to hatch huggers that do nothing the entire game but then hump the hatch if I am still alive I will focus my entire energy at that point to getting the killer to find them and the hatch. I know it is toxic but why should the player who did the least get out. I have had games no joke where the one survivor who gets out alive is still the bottom of the point screen.

    Oh the unhooker people! They run up when the killer is right there and grab you like YAY I SAVED YOU! They forget it needs to be a safe rescue and well also THE KILLER IS RIGHT THERE! These players should be punished for their horrible decisions. I know when I play killer I mean I do not tunnel anyway but I will always hit the person making the bad decision because I do not want to slug the poor person who was on the hook for their teammates bad choice.

    As much as survivors complain about killers being OP to me it is more common and likely my fellow team members just stink. lol Anyway I liked your reasons as well and yeah it is hard to play solo survivor and enjoy the game sometimes especially when I have had games when I have single handly done every gen alone and end up the only one dead. lol Good luck in your future games. =)

  • Hazular
    Hazular Member Posts: 31

    Ugh the immediate unhook kills me! I run Kindred too and if I'm hanging there on first hook and I can see all 3 survs leave a gen I end up screaming at my screen like NO STAY THERE AND FINISH IT I CAN CHILL HERE FOR A MINUTE 😂

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I do not mind them leaving a gen BUT I do not need EVERYONE to rescue me. If you have kindred they should see someone is going for the rescue and continue working. I love kindred for this reason. If I see the killer camping I won't leave my gen. I know it is mean but no point if they are gonna camp/tunnel and instead let them waste the killers time while we pop gens. I also won't leave the gen if I see someone else going for it UNLESS I am running BT and the killer is being a pain then I will try to help. =)