Why is there no counterplay for head on?

So I'm suppose to just take that free stun with no drawbacks to your perk?
oh but the "counterplay" is avoiding lockers. K.
so just avoid literally every single locker then and commit to zero chases. Great
You can bait out head on.
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there is a counter, it's called not walking in hugging distance of lockers and baiting it out
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and lose my ######### chase
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There is, you dance around at minimum safe distance and bait it out.
You hope they trigger it when you're not in range and then immediately swing as you move back in.
If you use Head On yourself, you'll get a feel for the timing. If you see someone rush into a locker, immediately pull them out, as it takes a few seconds for Head On to activate.
As someone who regularly uses Head On, it fails more often than it hits. Latency can be a huge issue, you try to trigger Head On at the right time on your screen, but it turns out the killer had already hit the button to open the locker on their screen and it doesn't go off.
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Not sure sure if bait or serioust, but no drawbacks? You get exhausted upon successfully stunning the killer. If you hate dealing with lockers builds, just get Iron Maiden and they will think twice before going into locker again.
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If you know they’re in the locker, it’s really easy to make them miss. If your issue is for when you don’t know they’re in a locker, how is that any different than somebody getting a surprise pallet stun? There’s no ‘counter play’ to that either. 🥴
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The ones that dive in mid chase are annoying, especially the lockers on the wall edges. The ones that pre hide and then jump out if you guess that they are in there are absolutely fine, that's well played imo. I main trapper and did trap someone in a locker for the first time recently, pretty sure they didn't have head on, could traps be placed before head on is readied?
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Head on does have risks. If I know someone is in a locker, I either try to bait them, or I rush it and spam to open the locker and hope to get a grab.
Avoid lockers when you're carrying a survivor. Otherwise if you get Head On-ed just chase them and kill them, they're exhausted.
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I had a head on bully squad as leatherface yesterday. Boy was it fun. The counterplay is memorizing where lockers are and if you're chasing and lose them chances are they went in a locker. You can open the locker before the head on animation.
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head on with solo is fine.
head on with coordinated SWF is a complete nightmare. It makes the match unfun
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It got mega buffed. You use to be able to walk to the side of the locker and avoid the stun and the stun radius was smaller and shorter. They increased the radius and made it a circle around the locker so there is no way to get near it and also added a little delay after the survivor can move where you can still be stunned if you walk into it.
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Yeah? Believe Spirit Fury might say something to that. I agree with OP, don’t see why a Killer can’t stake a whole perk slot to counter a specific perk. Not like BHVR doesn’t do that all the time.
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If you successfully bait the head-on you also get a free m1, or grab if the survivor is a goof.
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So by your logic, I guess that Iron Maiden is counter play to Head On then? 🥴
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Wait for 60 seconds at a locker
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Are we really crying about Head On now? What's next? Boil Over?
Are you aware the perk needs 3 seconds to activate AFTER jumping inside the locker? They can't just jump in while you are behind them. I can't imagine survivors manage to do that while you are 5 meters behind them in a chase. That is, unless you constantly lose them or you don't know how the perk works and assume it instantly activates.
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We're at the point now where we're complaining about head on?
Eat the stun. It's not the end of the world, especially if you're playing a high mobility killer. Treat it like decisive. Eat the stun and move on.
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You can sort of bait out head on.
If the servers are feeling okay and have had their regulatory tummy rubs.
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Neither is Spirit Fury but you bought that up in relation to surprise pallet stuns.
Edit: Also, don't be rude.
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But how is Spirit Fury a counter to what I said? A perk is not counter play, because how are you supposed to know what the other side are using? It’s like saying that Calm Spirit is counter play to Doctor. Or that Urban Evasion is counter play to Hag. That ‘logic’ would only work if you knew what killer / perks you were going against each match. But until that happens (it won’t) it isn’t legit counter play. So like I said, by YOUR logic and not mine, Iron Maiden is counter play to Head On, because they become an insta-down after exiting the locker. 🙃
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being coordinated with SWF makes it unbearable and is a nightmare when survivors use it to bully killers.
It's just not a fair perk in the hands of SWF
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Eat the stun and move on is not solid advice.
Ok so I chase the guy who just stunned me from head on. His other friend whom I previously chased and also has head on will just jump into a locker and then they'll bait me again. with it.
I literally cannot chase anyone in this situation especially if all 4 have head-on.
the perk is a complete nightmare against SWF
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The perk Iron Maiden is a counter for it. Exiting the locker makes them exposed for a short time.
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It's called prediction. Eventually, you'll get the sense of where survivors are leading you. Either deny the head on completely or fake it out. If they anticipate that you'll fake it, you can actually just grab them out fo the locker, since the area where you can trigger a grab is pretty generous.
It's also self-regulating, in that a survivor in lockers is a survivor not doing gens.
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And start a new one off with a hit.
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People have mentioned that it's pretty easy to bait out.
It also takes 3 seconds to activate, so once you know a survivor is Q&Qing into lockers you'll be able to anticipate and have a much better chance of yanking them out before they charge their perk.
Also, the stun isn't as long as DS and doesnt require you to break or sidestep a pallet like after getting pallet stunned, so you can usually catch up pretty quickly.
It also denies them of using other exhaustion perks like DH or SB.
I've always felt like Head On was a bit of a one trick pony. Get locker stunned once, shame on them. Get locker stunned twice, shame on you.
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It works about 50% of the time, the rest of the time it pushes the killer back, does not stun them and they get a free hit. So its design flaws are its counterplay.
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This has to be bait, it's a very easy to counter exhaustion perk that is known as the meme exhaust perk.
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Not if you don’t know which lockers a survivor went into
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At that point though they've kinda earned the stun by ducking you.
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I've been able to hit Survivors during their animation of using Head On.
I've only done it once, but i got stunned and they got hit.
Don't know if it's still a thing though.
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I actually don’t think the OP is referring to a chased survivor getting into a locker.
I think they’re referring to when SWF behave like trolls by having most of the team running head on, and chased are instructed to run past lockers that have teammates hidden in them.
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Complaining about head on now?
Dear god.
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That... Honestly just doesn't seem that bad either. I mean, taken to an extreme where they aren't even trying to win, sure, but other than that, decent tactic when you're being chased.
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I can tell you first hand that it’s a total nightmare to deal with. It’s a semi regular strategy in my region of Australia. There is little the killer can do when every chase is being prevented from ending in a down.
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Fair enough, I don't play swf, and haven't encountered that more than a couple of times, so I can't say.
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I mean, I guess you could run Iron Maiden to screw with these types if you really want too.....
Believe it or not, I'm actually being a little serious.
My only real annoyance with the perk is it's hitbox is REALLY GENEROUS. So even when you know it's coming and you're trying to ignore the survivor by going around, they can often hit you anyway.
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It’s the single most frustrating, demoralising strategy to come up against as killer.
The only reason I can think of that it’s not so prevalent is because it requires a high degree of impeccable coordination to be rotating survivors with exhaustion and survivors that have recovered their exhaustion.
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I don't think the perk itself is a problem -- the problem is more that it's vulnerable to abuse. A solo survivor using it in an honest attempt to hide or escape is fine. A survivor with a stun challenge creeping around the map to surprise-stun you all game is annoying. Toxic SWF chain-stunning you indefinitely is the thing we all remember in our nightmares.
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dude if you hate head on that much just run iron maiden
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you euip Iron Maiden on the Twins, block their locker with Victor, and just wait for them to storm out as you come with Charlotte and smash them to the ground ;)
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Nah. I've gone up against a Locker Crew before and I'd much rather that than the Flashlight Squad. It's fun baiting lockers, or trying to predict where they'll be. There's nothing fun about getting chain blinded 7 times at once, and being unable to avoid it because you literally can't see where they're blinding you from. Happened yesterday as the exit gates opened and everyone escaped.
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Bait them into it walk towards the locker but then run back they will jump out missing you and you can hit them works every time unless you don't know they're in there
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Flashlight batteries run out.
Head On chains can be done indefinitely if the teams is rotating amongst themselves correctly.
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Trying to “bait it out” isn’t counterplay. It’s still on the survivors to make mistakes and it’s still completely in their control. The answer to the question is Head On doesn’t have counterplay because it’s a survivor perk and survivor perks dont have counterplay because the game is designed for survivors
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you can try to bait it. btw head on is already the worst exhaustion perk so why make it even worse
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Iron maiden
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It is an absolute ball ache, but it is very funny to watch when it's not you on the receiving end lol
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Its extremely easy to bait it out by dipping back and forth before latency even comes into question.
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Im sure most people here play at rank 10. Good survivors wont be baited, they have the patience of a saint.
Either people are playing at rank 10 or they’re being disingenuous because they like the perk being in survivors control. Everything in this game is in survivors control. When a killer comes along who bucks that trend (spirit) they cry for nerfs.
Must feel good being given top priority every time while the lesser class of players (killers) get shown the finger.