Thoughts on the monthly Rank Reset?


I think its a little counter intuitive, there will be people who are in rank 15 because they cant play going against people who are rank 1 - 5 who had their rank reset. Also gets somewhat frustrating, going from rank 3 to rank 13 as survivor and rank 5 as killer to rank 15 after a few resets, I cannot play as much as most people so I cannot grind to get to a high rank as I keep getting placed at low tier


  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 735

    To be honest, I dont like the new monthly rank resets. I dont want to be in red ranks, its just annoying to be there and you can't do something against it.
    Your team mates are terrible there. Only SWF is fine there, but thats all.
    You can't even derank neither do you get something to be on rank 1. That hole concept is pretty bad and doesn't makes fun.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    As Survivor.  I don’t want to be red ranks, or anywhere near it.

    As Killer.. I don’t really care.  I don’t mind playing R1 Killer.   

    Rank reset every month is just a way to keep sweaty players coming back.  
  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    As a survivor I really like it, I hate the red ranks.
    As a killer it gives me time to practice killers I never play like Huntress and Billy.

  • dope_danny
    dope_danny Member Posts: 6

    Doesn't really bother me that much. Granted as killer the high the rank the more the survivors tend to be the teabagging, body blocking kind but there doesnt really seem to be a point from the player perspective TO rank up. I get from a dev point of view it somewhat organises more experienced players to match up and not engage in hardcore bullying of beginners but where you break 15 it doesn't really seem to matter at all. Its all about farming the BP really since there is a tangible reward for it.
    Maybe if reaching rank 1 in a season unlocked some time limited thing like a cosmetic or some kind of icon on your rank symbol or something it would seem like a thing to chase but right now it just doesn't.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436
    (inn4 "rank doesn't matter" bc it doesn't buuuut) i always liked red ranks as a solo survivor due to people having more competence there because they're all no lifers, but otherwise i don't care. Rank System is garbage anyways. Atleast Rank Reset gives me something to grind.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Rank reset is just to keep killer playing.
    Survivor enjoy staying high ranks.
    For killer it's a pain in the rear.

  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649

    Ahhh, yes. That wonderful time of the month when folks derank in order to strengthen their toxicity against weaker players. Good times, good times.

    Rank system is broke AF with no fix in sight.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    rank resets are a blessing
  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 1,971

    @Chi said:
    As a survivor I really like it, I hate the red ranks.

    As well you should.

    The whole controversy over the reset is kind of silly given the current ranking system still doesn't mean rank is a good proxy for skill. I admit with the new reset changes, ranks are a bit harder to cheese, but there's still no reason to rank up and "Rank 1" capable players can easily stay in the 5-10 or 10-15 range as long as they want. You could definitely complain about the system itself, and the fact that there's so little incentive to want a higher rank... but with the system we do have, the reset isn't so bad.

  • NoOne
    NoOne Member Posts: 42
    I would like to get back to 20. takes at least a little bit more time to reach 1. From 10 to 1 is done way too fast. I want to avoid the red ranks as much as i can.  :(
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited November 2018

    If there's going to be rank resets, there should be rewards for the season, or it feels like we didn't accomplish anything, and you are just removing our rank to make some sort of weird grind for replayability that lacks most of its pride.

    That being said....

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    It's to easy to rank up. If it didn't exist everyone would just be R1.

    The gameplay at r1 changes drastically as the month progresses. The first week is intense gameplay by the 4th week it's similar to r15 gameplay since all the casual players have ranked up.

  • apropos
    apropos Member Posts: 245

    I finally got to rank 1 with Leatherface this cycle. I've had to solely play leatherface and I'm looking forward to going back to playing other killers occasionally. Playing Leatherface is like playing a killer without a power, until you get someone in the basement.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,667
    Try getting to R1 as Freddy ;3
  • ForsakenLemon
    ForsakenLemon Member Posts: 42

    @Might_Oakk said:
    It's to easy to rank up. If it didn't exist everyone would just be R1.

    The gameplay at r1 changes drastically as the month progresses. The first week is intense gameplay by the 4th week it's similar to r15 gameplay since all the casual players have ranked up.

    I agree with that, but I feel like there needs to be a system in place like other competitive games so you can maintain your rank or stay closer to it, for example CS:GO or Overwatch, when you lose your rank/season ends you can get your rank back or if you do not play well you get a lower rank, it punishes people who play well as much as it rewards people who dont want to rank up, even though low ranks are just FULL of red ranks at the moment, so people who are already at low ranks are playing with people who are at high ranks (this does not bother me because I am always in high ranks but why make me a green rank when everyone else is a red rank)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    It's not the best thing, but it's better than being able to reach rank 1 and then having to do nothing to maintain that rank.
    I'd prefer to just have the game take away a certain amount of pips every 24 hours.