Alright since the new chapter is officially coming out tomorrow, who's ready for Trickster?

Yes, I'm the person that jinxed the release of Trickster last week. But now since he will officially be coming out tomorrow, are you excited for the Trickster? Now we're still unsure as to whether or not he's gonna get anymore buffs on release, since they delayed the chapter by a week. Who knows if any work has been done to him since, although we all know he's incredibly weak. I personally am a little bit excited to try him out to get the feel for him, haven't been this excited to play a new killer since Blight came out. Also his perks are definitely gonna be fun to mess around with, especially now since we finally have the ultimate endgame build. Although my expectations are remaining low, I can only have a slither of hope to expect more changes tomorrow. So how you feel about Trickster coming out tomorrow, and what expectations do you have?
I'm more excited for the Blight and Wraith changes tbh.
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If there's no changes for his base kit i'll buy him with shards and level up for perks and never touch him until his buffs arrived
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Wraith finally got buffed after years of being bullied
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I'm really excited for him. I'm not expecting any more buffs coming though. I suspect they want to wait untill people actually played with him and they have some data.
Not going to win as much as him but fun is more important anyway.
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I'm ready for the horror of the Adept Achievement in Red Ranks.
But I'm more excited about the other changes like the DS rework and Blight/Bing Bong Buffs.
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He's kind of fun to play but really weak. Devs will not buff him I'm pretty sure, they would announce the changes to calm the community down if they actually had any. They might buff him in hotfixes after the release but I'm sure they won't on the release date.
Honestly, wraith changes and new perks are far more interesting than the actual killer if he's the same as on PTB.
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Gonna be nice to see Wraith and ds changes. As for Jared Leto's joker, not so much
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I'm excited for him, as much as for any other chapter. Will buy it since I buy every chapter. I'm also almost finished with the rift so I'm also looking forward to the fragments in level 4 the day after the release, not the challenges itself though. 😖
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I'm genuinely excited for him. He looks fun to play as, he's got awesome perks, even though he's really weak he's definitely a killer anyone can pick up due to his low skill cap (He's the first killer ever since Bubba to be considered Easy by the devs!).
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I think he will be fun to play spamming his knives but the novelty will wear off fairly quickly when you realise how weak he is.
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I've been saving BP for him and am ready to make easy Jojo references
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Yeah im looking forward to playing him, not keen on supporting there choice of Kpop but the character looks fun to play atleast. Ive dropped down quite a few ranks so hopefully I can enjoy him more.
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I'm excited to play him. Gonna level up the survivor first and play as her until I get at least 500k BPs to level up Trickster.
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I'm always exited to try a new killer. Though it will take some time to get used to his appearance in dbd as he is nothing like the other killers at all.
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The Wraith changes make me so happy, the Blight changes are hit or miss cause I may be able to play him I may not, and I'm excited for the new killer and to try out Hex:CC on Bubba!!
Overall, provided it isn't too Buggy, it has been approved by the DonkeyOfFlowers™
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I want to main Jiwoon because, yes, I'm one of those weird KPop fans. I main Legion now so I'm used to under-powered, frustrating Killers.
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I think the better question is who cares about the Trickster? His power is woefully underpowered and it's frustrating to use at most loops. Without anything really unique going for him and the disproportionally high effort-to-reward ratio to do well in matches.
I think he'll be played a bit more than the Twins. But not by much. Only being chosen by people who really like his aesthetic.
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I am sure the trickster got further changes.
Why then should the release got ,,delayed"?
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swf is just going to bully him.
no where near the power of nurse or spirit
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Not every killer has to be on nurse or spirit level....
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Yeah lets have the same killers over and over for years in a row now without having the balls to implent a killer into the game that can provide some competition at red ranks.
Lets be real, If bhvr is not buffing trickster, he's gonna get used for his played for a week and then its the sam old same old
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well, maybe not the same old. he has the potential to draw a lot of hate away from deathslinger.
but yeah, we can likely expect a lot of fake-bad players with NWO, Remember Me and BW
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So, uh, am I just imagining the existence of Blight and Pyramid Head and Freddy or can someone else back me up that these killers exist?
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I'm excited but also apprehensive. Pretty annoying to play against him several times in a row, i don't like his knives.
Besides, there's something refreshing in this chapter and we will see maps rework after that.
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Imagine thinking that only Nurse and Spirit are viable against high rank SWF. I use Demogorgon, Michael and Deathslinger and do completely fine? Literally EVERY killer in the game can be strong if they’re in the right hands. 🤦🏻♂️
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Also,the majority of high rank players just isn't really good at the game anyway so it's definetely possibly to win with any killer as long as you're good enough.
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They do exist, but the person you're quoting does have a point. Killer variety in high ranks is very limited. All I see are Freddy, Nurse, Spirit and Blight over and over, with a sprinkling of Bubba and Clown and tunneling Huntresses. I don't want to constantly face the same killers over and over, it becomes boring. Just look at what happened to the Twins. I maybe see 1 out of 100 matches.
Don't take this as me saying I want another OP killer as strong as Nurse, I don't, I just wouldn't mind the devs making more viable killers that can make matches last longer than 5 minutes.
We need a cute donkey killer that kills survivors with its cuteness.
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I agree. I’ve gone against the typical ‘bully’ squad 4-man teams a lot and Deathslinger just wipes the floor with them. They’re all just sheep. It’s laughable how alike they all are. You’ll get one trying to do generators and the rest trying to make you chase them. My favourite part is when they go from cocky to being gen jockeys after they’ve realised you don’t fall for their tricks. 😈
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I saw quite a few comments from people wanting scary killer and/or a killer that's borderline Nurse level. Bhvr went the other way on that one, not scary and the worst killer in the game.
Roll on chapter 20
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My main account got 72 hours ban and my second account does not have enough shards ;_;
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I’m guessing the next Licensed chapter isn’t as exciting as we all hope it’s going to be, so they opted to put out a bunch of lackluster/broken chapters so they can make it seem more hyped and amazing then it really will be.
Thats my tin-foil hat take on this.
Ill but and try Trickster regardless but I won’t consider playing him consistently without an outfit that seems less stupid. Might as well call him April in that banana rain coat.
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Really only excited for Yun. She's the first character I've liked enough to Prestige since Yui.
Still really upset over the last 3 killers not getting their own maps. And the devs said in a stream after the Twins came out that it would be unlikely they would get their own maps. It sucks. So much potential gone. If you're not gonna give them their own map, at least give them their own map in an already existing realm. As that won't take as long to create.
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I fully support this new killer except I'd be immune and give it head pats and command it to kill the rest of my team
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Honestly I am more interested in the new Dweet cosmetic.
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I am 100% ready. I have 9k shards, 1.2 mil BP, 3 dailies, and roughly 6 tome achievements all ready to go.
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They're not gonna make a new map on release but they also haven't ruled out the possibility of making maps related to Blight, Twins, Trickster etc in the future.
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Up until this chapter I've never even heard of Kpop before.
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In a dev stream right after the Twins came out, someone asked if the new killers (Twins and Blight) would get a new map after the graphical rework was finished, and they said it was likely not going to happen.
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Found the stream! At 32:19
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The Trickster looks crazy and Yun-Jin Lee looks resilient, I love both appearances. This is the chapter I've been most excited for since Silent Hill. At the moment I'm pretty busy but I should be able to get a few hours play in.
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I'm ready! I kept my dailies for tomorrow, and I farmed until 1m BP today.
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The release was delayed because they did not get console patch approval in time. They changed nothing.
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i see potential in him.
also, i really really like his visual and audio design aswell as the new Perks he brings!
plus, as many others already mentoned, Wraith and Blight get some love aswell!
oh yeah and the DS nerf also comes tomorrow!
there are some really cool things comming up, so i cant wait ^^
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I've hoarded nearly 1.7mil bloodpoints plus have two dallies ready to go. I should be able to Prestige Yun right away or get very close to it.
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No new map makes me sad
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its sad that no one is going to play him at red ranks.
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I'm not excited for the worst killer we've had in a very long time. So many unnecessary hindrances. He's complete trash without a low wall loop. Unless he releases with further changes, he's DOA. And given the devs track record, don't expect that.
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So we're just ignore the fact that killers like Hag, Oni, and Blight exist?
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How am i not surprised that you got a Donkey with a Flower hat..
Watjoo gunna tell me next, You got a Bear with a Tophat on for a picture?