let us work on generator with madness 3 or snap out of madness 2
problem solved for my part :) would make it easier to solo when your teammates run infront of you
So people dont missunderstand I DONT WANT DOCTOR TO BE NERFED!!! I just want that little thing reworked for an example add hard skillchecks so he cant stop a 99 gen and win the game based on his ability to just shock 1/4 of the map
But why?
He really doesn't need a nerf, especially to a gimmick mechanic.
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i find him quite weak but its just annyoing to snap have to snap out of it all the time because teammates loop around you so he hits both it extends gens to like 20 sec extra if you are unlucky
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i mean giove me a reson why you wouldnt be able to work on a gen with madness 3 what physically stops u from doing it? and when he can apply such a pressuare on a 3 gen he can just tunnel gens xd
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Cuz is his power, just take an couple of seconds and boom you are out of madness 3
tunneling gens, that new
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Buff Doctor
Doctor Power is countered the same way how clown is countered throw pallets down early,& his madness mechanic is very underwhelming & 9 out 10 times has little impact on the games
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A little tip: if you want to jump on a nerf bandwagon you should start with a stronger killer than a Doctor
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The Doctor had a rework and he is fine now. He's annoying to verse yes but he isn't op at all. You need to adjust your playstyle verse certain killers
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well gen patrolling* xD you get what i meant tho
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What? Doctor is mid-tier, at best. If anything, Doctor needs some sort of buff, such as "Snap out of it" being affected by perks like A Nurse's Calling or Coulrophobia, as it used to be.
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i dont think he is op i think he is under powered but he shouldnt be able to shock u and u get madnes 3 when a gen is 99 and thats gonna cost ur whole team the game thats what i meant
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Like i get it but why would you complain about gen patrolling, is literally one of their objectives
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So you "find him weak" but still want him nerfed? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. You nerf things that are OP, not things that simply annoy you.
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i agree he is quite weak but what i meant is that if the gen is on 99 and u get shocked while working on it it shouldnt stop you from working on i mean you have chilling thremors for that
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Calm spirit intensifies.
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i dont want him nerfed i should have formulated my post different i just want to be able to work on a gen for an example if its 99ed and u get hit with madness 3 that shouldnt save the gen and cost everyone the match just add hard skillchecks more often with more punishment for failing
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snapping out of it was already buffed by a LOT when he got his changes.
the fact that you can go back to madness tier 1 now alone is quite a huge change, you really dont need more imho.
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he is low tier but if you learn him well he could get to the top most people just spam him so you can juice out 20 loops on a rock
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Again that is annoying when it happens yes. But that's kinda the whole point of the Doctor. To shock you and make your character mad. If survivors could do gens while in tier 3 madness then his power would be useless
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Except that is the value of madness, if you could continue working on things while in madness 3 there would be no point in having madness tier up.
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his power should be used to stop vaults and pallets and shorten loops not hinder generators you got perks for that i mean ruing chilling tremors and a shock can regress a generator quite a bit
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i understand what you mean but i think madness should be used to stop vaults, pallets and items. So for shortening loops not used to stop generators since u already got so many perks for doing that.
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Survivors also have perks than can completely counter a killers power. So the killers power being able to stop or interrupt you doing a gen is fine. Plus if you are willing to do a generator right in front of a killers face you should expect to be punished
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Oh no you can't work on a gen for 12 seconds. What a huge deal.
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He's a less lethal Freddy at best.
He sucks at loops, but isn't too bad to the point where he's unplayable.
He has nice pressure and map awareness.
It's just annoying to verse as survivors.
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Yeah... No. I'm not down with changing the only things that make madness 3 worthwhile. You want to be able to do gens while on madness 3, what's next? Wanting to do gens when you've been Slugged?
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Thats the effect of the shock itself, the madness is a passive slowdown effect, like Pig's RBT or Legion's Deep Wound, it forces you to do something else for a few seconds. Then there are the add-ons that add passive effects to the madness, like the illusory Doctors, pallets, red stain/terror radius or aura reveal on madness up
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I needed this laugh!
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There would be literally no point for the madness mechanic to begin with if you could work on gens in madness 3. How about y’all actually play as a killer before trying to come up with silly ideas on how to rework them.
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Doc is fine the way he is.
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i play doc a little i play spirit, blight and im trying to get into ghostface i also play freddy so i know. But i also know that if more people knew how to play doctor he would be higher on a tier list because he us quite good if you know how to play him like only use shock on loops to cut them of just like clown using bottle on the apex of a loop...
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Im not talking about nerfing him i would love a buff on him actually its just this mechanic that pisses me off. you cant do anything to stop a 3 gen when your teammates only do gens in one corner, arent going for middle gen and they loop the killer around you. I have even tried to point survivors away from gens body blocking to stop them from running to a gen etc. it just doesnt work. when i loop killers my teammates hide behind a box waiting for me to die and i end up looping like 20 - 30 sec which could have been almost 1/3 of a generator if the game actually had skilled survivor i wouldnt really care about a killer being overpowered like a good hag :p... but unfortunately most game i play are with clowns just 3 genning cheering me while im looping and worst of all holding shift when im healing them
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Git Gud. doc is high b with the best build and addons
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wdym he sucks at loops he can shutdown almost every single loop if you use him right like predicting a window and use it thats a few seconds from them i mean the reason he sucks at looping is ebcause people spam his shock.
just watch and yes i know he is a good killer but if you would have spent 50+ hours on doctor you would start to learn how to shutdown loops etc.
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thats what im saying looping jungle gyms pallets is pretty much useless against a good doctor but people keep saying he is ######### its just because people spam his shock ability or using it wrong
and this little rework isnt even close to being a priority for me on fixing this game i dont really care i mainly wanted to see if people would agree on this or not
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It can be...
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So you lost because the killer knew how to manage madness tiers. And? If everything that caused one side or the other to lose a game was removed, we'd just be left with a gen repair/jumpscare simulator where no killer/Survivor interactions occur.
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git gud
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He's probably talking about 3-gen doctor, which can be absolutely infuriating to play against. I doubt there's a way to solve this without driving his base kit into the ground, but we'll see.
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he did now know he used the shock that goes 360 while looping someone he then did a 180 ran straight for me and i got downed because he was pretty close. it should be used for knowledge and shouldnt make a difference. It shouldnt make 3 players that had an easy win lose just because you cant complete the last generator this is not really a big problem for me but on the smaller maps its annoyings as...
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thats what im talking about and im trying to point the survivors to a gen on the other side of the map to avoid 3 genningbut it doesnt work at all :D
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You didn't have an easy win. You 3 genned yourselves and lost because of it. Nerfing a working mechanic isn't the cure, learning not to 3 gen yourself is. Static blast has a cool down and is hard countered by being in a locker.
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ooh i did the doc was probably the worst player in a long time without any gen pressure at all it was an super easy win... he just got lucky that i got madness 3 from his shock like 20 meters away! all 3 had adrenaline and we all would have been healed and could have gotten the last guy off hook it was a guaranteed win almost :p well my teammate kinda threw to because he did run on the gen and pop it.
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The only thing I'd change about Doctor is his Discipline add ons, because those get super oppressive very quickly and make him way easier to use.
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Yup, it was such an easy win that you all died.
Sounds like you want to count chickens before they've even been laid, much less hatched. Maybe if you wait to see a game as won until you've actually escaped, you won't feel so bad about losing games that started off going your way.
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not really if my teammate would have ran away from me instead of going towards me the shock would have missed and the killer was pretty bad so maybe it wouldnt have been a win but i would have escaped and probably the other guy that wasnt on downed i mean if you would have seen the match you would have known what im talking about
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If my mother was an only child I wouldn't have an aunt.
Game isn't over until it's over. Stop focusing on what you didn't get, what could have happened and you'll be much happier.
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Sweet tears.
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No that is still a nerf.
his madness mechanic is fine as it is.