nerf swf or buff killer
nurse and spirit are the only 2 killers capable of going against sweaty swf.
either nerf swf or buff all other killers to be on par with nurse and spirit.
If the new sbm/mmr works well they will probably have to. Even solo squads will be playing at higher efficiency, statistics will probably show a drop for killers without the potatoes to capitalize on.
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then the game is going to die.
Survivors are sick of nurse and spirit but at the same time killers are sick of SWF and don't want to try killers other than nurse or spirit
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Nerfing SWF would just discourage people from playing together, and buffing killer just destroys the already awful Solo Queue experience. What should be done is that survivor information should be buffed to close the gap between Solo and SWF and with that we can then safely buff all killers.
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No it's not, sweaty squads are rare
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yet I've encountered 5 today and I'm only purple rank getting 5 red rank SWF squads.
it being "rare" does not balance the issue.
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I could've gone against 3 hwckers today. Buff killers. I suggest 200% movement speed. Maybe insta kill for trapper?
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So I guess all those matches I’ve played as Trapper, PH, Pig, Michael (my main) against SWF and won mean nothing. 😓
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are you comparing hackers to SWF?
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I'm comparing the chance to go against then
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The only ones that count are Padded Jaws Trapper with no perks on Haddonfield. If you lose it must be a tryhard swf.
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So you want to buff killers to make them match 1% of the playerbase that are sweaty SWFs. What about the other 99% of players? I think your idea is what will kill the game
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sweaty SWF on discord = 4 cheaters using CE to show killer aura + survivors aura all the time
while dev have been pretending it do not exist for 4 years
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During rush hour I can fking garantee that more than half of my enemies r SWF on comms
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That’s cos you’re not as good as you think you ate
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You might wanna read the definition of cheating
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nerf killer or buff solo
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I hear what you are saying.
But do you know how many times killers tell me I am swfing,and I am solo? Happens quite often, and they refuse to believe I am not.
4 experience player's can be just as efficient as a SWF. And to some degree better, because they don't become overly altruistic.
And I play a lot of killer, and there are a lot of survivor potatoes out there as well.
My question to these posts is always. Do you lose more games than you win as killer?
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are you aware of how much this would destroy already crippling solo queue? swf is already being nerfed (more or less) by the object of obsession change
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While I play killer quite a bit more than survivor, calling voice communication cheating is highly disingenuous. Does it give an advantage? Yes. Cheating? Absolutely not. Cheating by definition is using a mechanism that is not intended to gain an unfair advantage. The devs intend to allow voice comms. It’s THEIR game, they make the rules. Just like camping, tunneling, and slugging is often mistakenly referred to as “cheating” when it’s not.
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The only survivors killers can't massacre are sweaty SWFs. If they nerf SWFs, then they definitely need to nerf Killers at that point.
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When I'm tired of playing as killer so I go play as survivor and I get a 10 min waiting q as a solo player. And u say that only good killer players are allowed to enjoy this game, and if I'm average then I deserve to be bullied and suffer. If that is true and every killers are not no.1 killer in this game quit playing as killer, then guess what, u can never get a game as a survivor. I reach rank 1 as killer in 2017 BTW and I can get to rank 1 as huntress with exhaustion addons.
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No I’m saying if the opponents are better than you, then you’re going to lose. Don’t blame balancing issues for you not winning
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Ummm. No. The only thing in this game that needs a buff is solo queue. You cannot nerf all of SWF, and not all Killers have to be broken to the point of a free win against solo queue. No matter how much you say it, you are not losing to 4 man comp squads whenever you get outplayed. Often times its a 2 man SWF and 2 solo queue people, which is on par with the average Killer if all players are of the same skill.
Also, Nurse is uncommon as ######### to play against, and good Nurses are even rarer. Spirits are rare as well, all things considered.
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Please reply to me. What you are saying is to nerf a game mode that allows you to play with your friends? Dude- stop eating [BAD WORD] and be a good killer. You have 81 unique perks upon your feet. Find a good build, and use it.
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You mean the same devs who set up an official Discord for people to meet up and play DBD together?
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thats a hard no from me.
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So 8.5% play as 4 man SWF, how many of those are sweat squads? Probably less than 5% of those, so yeah maybe I’m wrong it’s even lower
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That's the information MMR will give us when it is implemented.
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To be honest you shouldn't be that focused about stats in DBD. Stats in DBD are always flawed because it only shows the outside and not the inside. For example: Freddy is by the stats the strongest killer in the game, Nurse is the weakest killer with the lowest kill rate, on average 3,2 survivors die in a trial, which would mean survivors are pretty weak and killers too strong. Are these stats reflecting the actuality of this game? not even close. Just because 70% of this community plays SWF doesn't mean they're all rank 1 DS+UB abusing monsters. Killers are in a massive disadvantage? maybe when you play against the top 3% of this playerbase. Am I in a massive disadvantage when I play against 4 rank 17 survivors as a rank 1 killer? hell no. The stats would say I'm in disadvantage but in actuality the survivors are. The stats just say that the majority are swf's but swf isn't just swf, there is a difference between 4 friends on discord and 2 friends on discord with 2 randoms in their lobby. Stats mean nothing in DBD.
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I often play in a 4 man SWF.
We still lose most of the games, because we're not sweaty rank 1s, we're greens and purples, which means we often face rank 1 killers...
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Okay do you think BHVR should buff Nurse then? I mean the stats say she is massively underperforming. It might be true that some players are performing so well with her that she is the strongest killer in the game by a mile but no, the stats say she is weak and she needs to be buffed.
Sounds silly right?
How do you explain that the average killer main gets a 3k even though the SWF's have a massive advantage? I'll wait.
Literally all the stats are showing is that most people play with their friends, which we all already knew. Most survivors aren't really good in this game but your stats don't show it.
"The power differential is still there in a 2 man. Even when they aren't sweating." you kinda admitted that the stats aren't showing much.
Cool, SWF's have an advantage, but still 3 of them will die on average. I'll say it again, these stats don't show the actuality of this game. You can't bring stats in a conversation that is DBD related, you literally can't.
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As a survivor I LOVE going against Nurse. Not a fan of Spirit killers, but I will gladly face a Nurse any day.
FYI you do not speak for all survivors - or even a majority of them. Maybe learn to post without using hyperbolic statements which can be unequivocally proven wrong.
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Give comm features and information to solo queue so the disparity between them and SWF isn't disgusting
Then we can buff killers accordingly.
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...or ELSE
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SWF represents less than 5% of the trials.
And in those <5%, you get at least half of them that are terrible.
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2017 stats xD.
Haven't you found older stats ?
Ok, i will show you the most recent we get (Feb 2020) :
So only 15% of the trials are against 3 players squad or more. Only 3/4% are SWF.
It means that 85% of the trials are against soloQ/duoQ.
It is the moment you understand that killers thinking they loose because of SWF are just noobs :).
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We again have a genius on this forum...
PS4 is around 3%, Xbox is at 5% and PC is at 6 or 7%
Don't take just the stats you like. And ye, you should go back to school i guess.
To help you understand the graph as you seem to have some problems with it. =)
Now go play somewhere else, this thread is killed in the box as it's a "no talk" situation now.
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nerf survivor, buff killer is so 2016/17 bringing up old complaints.
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Ye so only 17% trials with a squad of 3 or more players.
83% of soloQ and duoQ.
It means you face a SWF (let's say 3 or more) 1 time on 6 trials.
And if we take full SWF, it's 5 times out of 100 trials.
It's nothing.
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This forum is a joke and, no offense, you participate to make it a joke.
SWF is 4 man squad, period. I agree to admit that a 3 man squad can be strong enough to outbalance the game.
But honestly, duoQ are clearly not SWF...
And most of the survivors (whatever their rank) are total potatoes.
I mean, i'm a high skilled survivor (playing exclusiveley red ranks) and almost no one is able to hold the killer in chase as long as i do. I meet a survivor with my skill level (or better) once every 50 trials. It is so rare that when i duoQ, i tell my friends "wow, this survivor is good, finally".
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Ähm, yes? IF the opponents are better, they shouldnt be playing against each other? If Mike Tyson is boxing against an 8 year-old, would you tell the 8year old too there were no balance issue? I think you have no idea what you are talking about.
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Lol you’re comparing this to boxing? 99% of boxing matches 1 person wins and 1 person loses. Do they blame balancing, of course not. The winner was better simple as
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But still, the problem here is the rank system. Every killer that is red rank thinks he is a good killer while most of them (easily 95%) are trash.
And they are used to win against soloQ/duoQ and then get rekt against SWF. Then they come here and say the game is unbalanced and survivor sided while it's not true.
A high skilled killer will win most of the game against SWF. Sure you will get top 5% SWF that will be almost unbeatable and still a good killer will be bale to get 2k most of the times.
When you think about the balance of the game just think that most players are terrible, killers and survivors.
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Simple, buff all the killers to where any killer can be viable, and fix the way the game just plays. You will never be able to get rid of SWF and so they should fix the actual gameplay around it.
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The developers aren't going to buff killers to be like nurse and spirit, I do suggest buffing bad killers though. Also, SWF is a playstyle, just like killer and solo. Yet again, you do make a point, instead of nerfing SWF, the developers need to balance the game mechanics.
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I think this is a good idea.
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And the reason for that is because boxing has a decent matchmaking. They dont pair the heavywight champion against an 8 year old. DBD does.
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This game has matchmaking too. Whether it’s reliable or not isn’t what’s being questioned. Just cos matchmaking is an issue doesn’t mean balancing is also an issue.
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In order to nerf SWF while keeping survivors happy and buff killers survivors need to be put on an equal field to SWF teams. This would be done by the game having a communication feature for solo survivors which is why solo survivors are weak due to lack of communication, this could be text or a wheel with pre-set communication options that would be quick to select. Then solo survivors will be buffed to be equal with SWF teams and that would make it a lot easier to then buff killers to a suitable amount.
We can't really nerf SWFs without it just annoying people, stop them from playing or just not working that well, so i think this would be better.