Ideas for Map-Specific Intro Music


In one of my last posts, I suggested that each map have its own intro music, like Lampkin Lane, that would play a little motif of whatever killer that map belonged to! To recap, Coldwind maps would open with a little hillbilly-style jingle, Midwhich would open with a Pyramid-Head style jingle, etc. So, I present ideas as to what maps could have as their opening jingles!

MacMillian - Some sort of instrumentation with wood clappers, to homage the snapping of bear traps.

Autohaven - Since the lore has a lot to do with car wrecking, homaging giant metal slammers/presses would probably be a good idea, so maybe using crash cymbals might replicate that?

Coldwind - Whatever they did to make the chainsaw revving noises in Hillbilly's menu theme as well as his terror radius, I love you, and please do that again for this lol

Crotus Prenn (Asylum) - I think since the place is all burned down as seen throughout the new maps, however, you could replicate fire burning or fire whoosh noises, probably using actual samples.

Haddonfield - This one is already covered.

Backwater Swamp - This one is tricky. Maybe sloshing around water in a jug and a wooden fish guiro to mimick sludge and insects perhaps?

Lery's: Whatever you did for the shocking sounds in Doctor's menu theme, please, do that again lol

Mother's Dwelling: I think getting the actual humming of the Huntress to open up with might be confusing to some people unless you use it sparingly (which I do want it incorporated) so perhaps something akin to the cutting of wood or leaves whooshing?

Badham - I think a music box would encapsulate the preschool-ness of it really well. Plus might creep some people out!

The Game - Timer noises using like, a toaster oven or anything with a timer really is a definite for sure. Maybe some saw's grinding too, because, you know. Saw.

Crotus Prenn (Chapel) - Accordions, of course! Maybe even paired with the aforementioned fire. Maybe even organs too since its a chapel!

Family Residence - This one again is hard, but I think if the opening jingle had whispers, it would be fitting.

Ormond - Since it's so wintery, I think jingle bells accompanied by the contrasting guitar of the legion would be excellent.

Temple of Purgation - I can't think of anything for this one. I'm pretty sure just using the instruments found in her menu theme would work. If you wanted to incorporate splashing water since her whole deal is cleanliness (in some regard), then that could work.

Hawkins - I am completely stumped on this one. I don't know much about the actual show, but maybe noises hitting long wires like snapping elevator wires as seen in the map could be cool. Otherwise, I'll cop out and say creaking metal.

Sanctum of Wrath - This one is also kind of explanatory, maybe using the low chanting noises of the statues combined with the instrumentation for the Oni's chase theme could be fitting.

Dead Dawg - Low, ominous strings combined with flies buzzing encapsulates this western, dreary place. Maybe wind whooshing for good measure!

And that's all I got. All of these could be improved or changed of course but that's just my take on it. Kinda hard! But I think it would be so worth it if they were actually incorporated into the game. I hope this gets seen, and please, let me know what you think! I'd love to hear other people's input.
