No One Escapes Death

scumrrado Member Posts: 61
edited November 2018 in General Discussions

Also known as "I'm gonna need an 'oh ######### button' because I'm a bad killer main" lol All jokes aside, this perk is EVERYWHERE. Hell, I even see Leather Face and Billy mains running this perk.

Although it's not really surprising anymore because every killer runs it, can us survivors at least get one of two:

1) A totem counter so everyone can know how many totems are left to cleanse.

2) The exposed notification when NOED activates, rather than upon first down. It really sucks when you've won the entire match and body a hit for a hurt survivor only to get surprised with NOED. Then everyone else escapes without you because they're scared of getting insta-downed. The perk should be titled "One Person Won't Escape Death!" with an Arthur fist as the icon lol



  • RekinShark
    RekinShark Member Posts: 21
    The amount of times I see other survivors just wander by and leave totems uncleansed...nuts.

    Naturally I always seem to have difficulty finding the Ruin totem for some reason. 
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Orion said:

    Break the totems. You're not entitled to that information.

    True, but SWF get that information for free so....

    As for the OP, ALWAYS assume they have NOED until proven otherwise. I try to stand on the edge of the exit. So if they hit me out if notifies the rest if NOED is active.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    As soon as NOED becomes base kit for all killers, sure.

    You do realize knowing how many totems are left would basically make NOED worthless? Survivors would all know for certain if it can activate or not.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Rank? Because you talk like a really new ish player. Just cleanse totems, big counter huh?
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    Small Game exists
  • Aidan_fowl
    Aidan_fowl Member Posts: 47

    I can't belive there are people complaining about NOED, it's so easy to counter it, you don't even need to clean all totems, just do the ones that are in an awkard positivon, leave one or two in a position you can remember and when the last gen is done go and check those two totems before rushing to the door.

  • scumrrado
    scumrrado Member Posts: 61
    edited November 2018

    I> @Orion said:

    Break the totems. You're not entitled to that information.

    Maybe we aren't entitled to that information, but we are certainly entitled to know if we are exposed. NOED is the only instance when being exposed isn't revealed until it's too late for someone. If we're exposed, tell us we're exposed. That's the information survivors are entitled to if killers are entitled to insta-downs.

    @Malakir said:
    Rank? Because you talk like a really new ish player. Just cleanse totems, big counter huh?

    Rank 1 Survivor actually. Rank 15 (I think?) Killer. All on PS4 to be fully transparent. I've only recently gotten into playing Killer. Prior, I only did it for Daily Rituals.

    I never said I have personal trouble with NOED. I think in it's current state, it's not good for the game. It enforces bad teamwork from survivors and rewards low skill killers.

    How are survivors supposed to know they have cleansed all totems? Perhaps a totem tally is too powerful. A good way to know they failed this objective is if the hex and exposed notifications appear immediately after lighting the last gen. It would punish survivors for not cleansing all the totems without feeling cheap.

    As it is now, some poor sucker gets surprise insta-downed and everyone else says "oh ######### we're exposed" and leaves, completely dismantling altruism and leaving one person feeling cheated (especially if they took the hit for an injured survivor).

    @Wahara said:
    Like I always say, I'm a reasonable person. I am all up for a NOED nerf if decisicive gets nerfed, but survivors typically never want to make that trade off. You have the option of rendering NOED completely useless, I have to be lucky enough to be close enough to a hook to dribble to counter DS. I can't counter Deliverance unless it's the last person hooked and I'm expecting it. I can't counter a three man body block of the hook.

    I agree NOED is powerful and it's frustrating, but it's counterable. All our options can be hard countered, but you have a variety of options that can't be countered or only soft countered. So, you're going to have to come to the negotiating table if you have your sights on taking down NOED a notch or two.

    I don't think DS should be nerfed. It's a single use perk that one may or may not land the difficult skill check on. One may also have to wiggle up to it, which makes it more difficult to land. To top that off, juggling can render DS completely useless. Then one has to successfully escape afterwards.

    Deliverance is also a single use, circumstantial perk that comes with the inability to heal back to full health.

    I think there may be some fundamental gameplay changes needed to correct the issues you've outlined:

    • Killers should be able to push through survivors, completely disabling body blocking.
    • Juggling is inherently a bad mechanic that shouldn't be required of killers. I don't believe killers should be able to juggle survivors once the skill check for DS has appeared. DS should take priority, since it's difficult and single use. If the survivor ignores or fails the skill check, dropping a survivor can become available again. If ignored, DS won't activate until the next time the survivor is downed. As a trade off, make DS stun for less time or even more difficult to land.

    I'm glad there have been so many constructive responses! It's clear both sides have frustrations. There seems to be too much feeling of unfairness. I think that all of these issues can be addressed in a way that makes them fair for both sides, yet keep the game competitive and asymmetrical. Let killers and survivors have and fairly use their perks, but make it rely on skilled gameplay rather than poor mechanics, body blocking, etc.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    @Milo said:
    Small Game exists

    Thank you for mentioning it.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    NOED can get a nerf after DS bites the bullet.
  • scumrrado
    scumrrado Member Posts: 61

    @Malakir said:
    Just the fact you say DS is a difficult skill check when as survivor you do only skill checks 24/7 its kinda sad.

    It's difficult for me to read through lengthy posts that begin by trying to belittle my skill. I'm a Rank 1 survivor. I rank up quickly and I stay there. I know my skill level and am proud of it.

    We all find difficulty with different challenges. That's what makes a game a game. The DS skill check is not easy. It's nearly the most difficult skill check in the game, based on success zone alone. In addition, there's a lot of pressure because I only get one shot, all while being juggled. If I'm not the obsession, I have to struggle up to it which is awkward to do on controllers. And usually, my heart is beating out of my chest from a good chase that I just lost. After all, I'm a survivor main because of the fun of experiencing fear.

    We can find mutual ground. Apparently DS feels cheap. Well surprise so does NOED. Both are "oh #########" buttons that need to be looked at a little closer. They're relatively avoidable for us higher rank players, but both encourage bad gameplay mechanics and seem to create a lot of toxicity lol I think we can all agree on that.

  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    I'd be fine for the notification for NOED popping up immediately when the exit gates are powered if it was reverted to being a non-hex perk, or rolled into the killer base kit.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    edited November 2018
    scumrrado said:

    @Malakir said:
    Just the fact you say DS is a difficult skill check when as survivor you do only skill checks 24/7 its kinda sad.

    It's difficult for me to read through lengthy posts that begin by trying to belittle my skill. I'm a Rank 1 survivor. I rank up quickly and I stay there. I know my skill level and am proud of it.

    We all find difficulty with different challenges. That's what makes a game a game. The DS skill check is not easy. It's nearly the most difficult skill check in the game, based on success zone alone. In addition, there's a lot of pressure because I only get one shot, all while being juggled. If I'm not the obsession, I have to struggle up to it which is awkward to do on controllers. And usually, my heart is beating out of my chest from a good chase that I just lost. After all, I'm a survivor main because of the fun of experiencing fear.

    We can find mutual ground. Apparently DS feels cheap. Well surprise so does NOED. Both are "oh #########" buttons that need to be looked at a little closer. They're relatively avoidable for us higher rank players, but both encourage bad gameplay mechanics and seem to create a lot of toxicity lol I think we can all agree on that.

    So you won't read my lost but answer to it anyway? Whatever

    If you as survivor main can't hit a skill check even when its the only thing that you do its your problems for not being "skilled" for that check.

    Need. stop whining about it, its literally the easiest perk to counter cleansing it. You don't even have to actively look for every totem for how awful the spawns are. They are in the open or close to a general, it takes 20s ish to cleanse it, so you're just being lazy.

    DS feels cheap since I mostly play survivor and played Laurie lvl1 (where she belongs) and the skill check is easy af. So it might be you're not used to do gens through ruin so you find it difficult

    At the same time ds gives you at minimum 30s of killers time if he commits that can be prolonged depending on the situation and survivor skill up to 1 to 2 min if doesn't lose the victim.

    If you are so lazy to even just read through my post but answer anyway I can imagine why you put noed and DS close together. Lazy thinking

    Edit: almost forgot. On controller wiggle it's easy. Just rotate the stick, you don't even need to do it fast. Its absurd you find it odd unless you move it left and right which is dumb. I figured it out in my first 5 minutes into the game
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    @scumrrado since you do long posts and its fine but if someone respond to you making as well a long post and you won't read it through but respond anyway cuz you are lazy, I'm gonna summarize it for you:

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Survivor would just need to cleanse 1/2 totems each to deny NOED, it's not hard to count to 2.

  • Strider
    Strider Member Posts: 94

    I agree that survivors should know that they are exposed instead of the status only being shown after the first hit. I've been downed many times by taking a hit for a teammate only for me to end up being dead.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Strider said:
    I agree that survivors should know that they are exposed instead of the status only being shown after the first hit. I've been downed many times by taking a hit for a teammate only for me to end up being dead.

    Taking a hit is supposed to be a risk for you. Why are you upset that you had to endure the risk?

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Orion said:

    @Strider said:
    I agree that survivors should know that they are exposed instead of the status only being shown after the first hit. I've been downed many times by taking a hit for a teammate only for me to end up being dead.

    Taking a hit is supposed to be a risk for you. Why are you upset that you had to endure the risk?

    I agree with @Orion this time, the amount of information survivors get is ridiculous, it should be more intuitive.
    For instance, why do survivors get the lullaby notification when no one has been hooked yet?
  • scumrrado
    scumrrado Member Posts: 61

    @Malakir said:
    @scumrrado since you do long posts and its fine but if someone respond to you making as well a long post and you won't read it through but respond anyway cuz you are lazy, I'm gonna summarize it for you:


    I'm the OP and I'm not making disrespectful jabs at anyone's skill. So, please stop being disrespectful. I'll read this post of yours.

    And as far as "GetGood" goes, I can't really get better than Rank 1 lol

    @Malakir said:
    If you as survivor main can't hit a skill check even when its the only thing that you do its your problems for not being "skilled" for that check.

    If as a killer main one can't chase down survivors even when it's the only thing that they do it's their problem for not being 'skilled' at that. See how unhelpful and blatantly untrue saying something like that is?

    Need. stop whining about it, its literally the easiest perk to counter cleansing it. You don't even have to actively look for every totem for how awful the spawns are. They are in the open or close to a general, it takes 20s ish to cleanse it, so you're just being lazy.

    It's not about being lazy. I cleanse every totem I see. It's that survivors don't know if their team has cleansed all totems unless they're in comms. And if we don't know that information and when NOED activates we aren't told we're exposed, then ######### lol Tell us we failed the sub-objective and notify us of the exposed status when it activates.

    DS feels cheap since I mostly play survivor and played Laurie lvl1 (where she belongs) and the skill check is easy af. So it might be you're not used to do gens through ruin so you find it difficult

    At the same time ds gives you at minimum 30s of killers time if he commits that can be prolonged depending on the situation and survivor skill up to 1 to 2 min if doesn't lose the victim.

    If you are so lazy to even just read through my post but answer anyway I can imagine why you put noed and DS close together. Lazy thinking

    You're aware that the Success Zone of skill checks can vary, correct? And that DS has the smallest Success Zone in the game, apart from those caused by stacked perks or Great Skill Checks.

    Sure, there's working through Ruin, but Ruin ultimately gets it's value, whether it's slowing down gen progress or slowing down the game while survivors search for the hexed totem. DS can be stripped of it's value by juggling or missing the one chance one gets to use it.

    I'm only talking about DS because many responses brought it up. What's lazy is you not reading the thread before trying to make jabs. I wasn't too lazy to read your post. I didn't read it because of how you started it. If you were more respectful in your response, I would have gladly read it. I'm happy to have healthy, constructive debate.

    Edit: almost forgot. On controller wiggle it's easy. Just rotate the stick, you don't even need to do it fast. Its absurd you find it odd unless you move it left and right which is dumb. I figured it out in my first 5 minutes into the game

    And again, trying to devalue my skill. I'm Rank 1. I know how to wiggle and I still think it's an awkward mechanic that makes landing the DS skill check that much more difficult.

    @Orion said:

    @Strider said:
    I agree that survivors should know that they are exposed instead of the status only being shown after the first hit. I've been downed many times by taking a hit for a teammate only for me to end up being dead.

    Taking a hit is supposed to be a risk for you. Why are you upset that you had to endure the risk?

    Whenever survivors are exposed, they are notified that they are exposed. Except for NOED. NOED does not notify survivors until someone gets hit and is insta-downed. And NOED is the only time when survivors can actually combat being exposed. That's the issue - not getting the exposed status when NOED activates.

    What if they added a Survivor Perk that gave every survivor an undeclared extra health state at the end of the game if all survivors remained alive? 1) That's not what the winning side needs 2) The Killer wouldn't know and would be pissed when they found out. NOED rewards a losing killer. Not exactly what the killer deserves, but to a degree, that's ok - that's what makes this an asymmetrical game and I like the fear of being exposed. Just let me know I'm exposed please.

    @Vietfox said:
    I agree with @Orion this time, the amount of information survivors get is ridiculous, it should be more intuitive.
    For instance, why do survivors get the lullaby notification when no one has been hooked yet?

    If survivors had no clue what conditions they were suffering from, they would never have a chance to win. It would be way too unpredictable. There are so many perks in this game, certain information needs to be conveyed.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited November 2018
    scumrrado said:

    @Malakir said:
    @scumrrado since you do long posts and its fine but if someone respond to you making as well a long post and you won't read it through but respond anyway cuz you are lazy, I'm gonna summarize it for you:


    I'm the OP and I'm not making disrespectful jabs at anyone's skill. So, please stop being disrespectful. I'll read this post of yours.

    And as far as "GetGood" goes, I can't really get better than Rank 1 lol

    @Malakir said:
    If you as survivor main can't hit a skill check even when its the only thing that you do its your problems for not being "skilled" for that check.

    If as a killer main one can't chase down survivors even when it's the only thing that they do it's their problem for not being 'skilled' at that. See how unhelpful and blatantly untrue saying something like that is?

    Need. stop whining about it, its literally the easiest perk to counter cleansing it. You don't even have to actively look for every totem for how awful the spawns are. They are in the open or close to a general, it takes 20s ish to cleanse it, so you're just being lazy.

    It's not about being lazy. I cleanse every totem I see. It's that survivors don't know if their team has cleansed all totems unless they're in comms. And if we don't know that information and when NOED activates we aren't told we're exposed, then ######### lol Tell us we failed the sub-objective and notify us of the exposed status when it activates.

    DS feels cheap since I mostly play survivor and played Laurie lvl1 (where she belongs) and the skill check is easy af. So it might be you're not used to do gens through ruin so you find it difficult

    At the same time ds gives you at minimum 30s of killers time if he commits that can be prolonged depending on the situation and survivor skill up to 1 to 2 min if doesn't lose the victim.

    If you are so lazy to even just read through my post but answer anyway I can imagine why you put noed and DS close together. Lazy thinking

    You're aware that the Success Zone of skill checks can vary, correct? And that DS has the smallest Success Zone in the game, apart from those caused by stacked perks or Great Skill Checks.

    Sure, there's working through Ruin, but Ruin ultimately gets it's value, whether it's slowing down gen progress or slowing down the game while survivors search for the hexed totem. DS can be stripped of it's value by juggling or missing the one chance one gets to use it.

    I'm only talking about DS because many responses brought it up. What's lazy is you not reading the thread before trying to make jabs. I wasn't too lazy to read your post. I didn't read it because of how you started it. If you were more respectful in your response, I would have gladly read it. I'm happy to have healthy, constructive debate.

    Edit: almost forgot. On controller wiggle it's easy. Just rotate the stick, you don't even need to do it fast. Its absurd you find it odd unless you move it left and right which is dumb. I figured it out in my first 5 minutes into the game

    And again, trying to devalue my skill. I'm Rank 1. I know how to wiggle and I still think it's an awkward mechanic that makes landing the DS skill check that much more difficult.

    @Orion said:

    @Strider said:
    I agree that survivors should know that they are exposed instead of the status only being shown after the first hit. I've been downed many times by taking a hit for a teammate only for me to end up being dead.

    Taking a hit is supposed to be a risk for you. Why are you upset that you had to endure the risk?

    Whenever survivors are exposed, they are notified that they are exposed. Except for NOED. NOED does not notify survivors until someone gets hit and is insta-downed. And NOED is the only time when survivors can actually combat being exposed. That's the issue - not getting the exposed status when NOED activates.

    What if they added a Survivor Perk that gave every survivor an undeclared extra health state at the end of the game if all survivors remained alive? 1) That's not what the winning side needs 2) The Killer wouldn't know and would be pissed when they found out. NOED rewards a losing killer. Not exactly what the killer deserves, but to a degree, that's ok - that's what makes this an asymmetrical game and I like the fear of being exposed. Just let me know I'm exposed please.

    @Vietfox said:
    I agree with @Orion this time, the amount of information survivors get is ridiculous, it should be more intuitive.
    For instance, why do survivors get the lullaby notification when no one has been hooked yet?

    If survivors had no clue what conditions they were suffering from, they would never have a chance to win. It would be way too unpredictable. There are so many perks in this game, certain information needs to be conveyed.

    Dude, i'm a survivor main (70/30) who has played for 2 years and i can tell you i don't need that information in order to be able to survive.
    Post edited by Vietfox on
  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @Wahara said:
    Like I always say, I'm a reasonable person. I am all up for a NOED nerf if decisicive gets nerfed, but survivors typically never want to make that trade off. You have the option of rendering NOED completely useless, I have to be lucky enough to be close enough to a hook to dribble to counter DS. I can't counter Deliverance unless it's the last person hooked and I'm expecting it. I can't counter a three man body block of the hook.

    I agree NOED is powerful and it's frustrating, but it's counterable. All our options can be hard countered, but you have a variety of options that can't be countered or only soft countered. So, you're going to have to come to the negotiating table if you have your sights on taking down NOED a notch or two.

    decisive doesn't need nerfed. all they need to do is implement a script for every x amount of survivors running ds the gens take x amount longer to repair etc. decisive can be countered by enduring, which is ez to do, just select enduring. countering noed however is all situational. sometimes u cant go after totems hardly at all during them game if you're against a killer with good map control. cleansing during the endgame is another story and its all rng. countering decisive has no rng involved whatsoever. run enduring. thats what people don't understand. it takes no skill etc to counter ds. run enduring. finding the totems on the other hand, has its own little rng and it completely depends on how u, your team and the killer is playing. can't cleanse totems if you're being chased, being forced into altruism (yes this is possible sometimes your whole team dies with more than 3 gens left) etc.

  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237

    Enduring would be a soft counter, not a counter.

  • Strider
    Strider Member Posts: 94

    @Orion said:
    Taking a hit is supposed to be a risk for you. Why are you upset that you had to endure the risk?

    There's a difference in knowing you would survive the hit and still be able to make it to the exit and just straight up being downed without realizing it would happen.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959
    edited November 2018

    So in 2018 survivor still complain about a weak perk?
    The killer plays basically all match with a perk without any effect until the last gen is done.
    And if the survivor refused to do dull totems, the effect will trigger.
    And worse of all, the effect can still get destroyed before anyone got hit, by destroying the shinning beacon called a hex.
    Just last patch Noed was nerfed, but still survivor wnat it completely gutted again.
    DS is still a meta perk, but Noed needs to get nerfed… totally Gotcha.^^

  • Strider
    Strider Member Posts: 94

    @Orion said:
    So you only want to take a hit if there's no risk, even though the action is supposed to be risky. What a surprise.
    EDIT: I'd like to point out that your reaction says a lot about the balance of the game. You are literally complaining that taking a hit isn't safe.

    It's a calculated decision to let yourself take a hit for a teammate in order to make sure another player survives. If the killer has NOED and I go down for it, so be it. It's not rocket science to figure yeah a survivor would probably do that if they think they can take another hit.

    I'm not being all "boo hoo crybaby" about dying for a teammate, I've attained my goal even if I died for it. The game has a system of being injured before you go into the dying state, healthy survivors use this knowledge to take hits for injured teammates. Sorry if my "reaction" made you feel upset about the balance but that's just how the cookie crumbles.

    I'm just saying the OP has the point that NOED is the only instance where a status effect is applied on survivors without any indication, except the first exposed hit from Devour Hope (?). I play both on the side of survivors and killers in this game, I'm not being partial to either side by saying a survivor should know that they're exposed. It works in the killers' favor too if survivors see the exposed status and think to themselves they should just GTFO instead of trying something stupid.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Survivor are so spoon fed now that they ask for more.
    The exposed notification was a bullcrap idea in the first place.
    If survivor are to oblivious to figure it out by themself they shouldn't get a notification to make up for being bad.
    But now the survivor are so used to getting lead by the hand, that they want to know in advance and think it is justified and still see themself as "skillful".

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Strider said:

    @Orion said:
    So you only want to take a hit if there's no risk, even though the action is supposed to be risky. What a surprise.
    EDIT: I'd like to point out that your reaction says a lot about the balance of the game. You are literally complaining that taking a hit isn't safe.

    It's a calculated decision to let yourself take a hit for a teammate in order to make sure another player survives. If the killer has NOED and I go down for it, so be it. It's not rocket science to figure yeah a survivor would probably do that if they think they can take another hit.

    I'm not being all "boo hoo crybaby" about dying for a teammate, I've attained my goal even if I died for it. The game has a system of being injured before you go into the dying state, healthy survivors use this knowledge to take hits for injured teammates. Sorry if my "reaction" made you feel upset about the balance but that's just how the cookie crumbles.

    I'm just saying the OP has the point that NOED is the only instance where a status effect is applied on survivors without any indication, except the first exposed hit from Devour Hope (?). I play both on the side of survivors and killers in this game, I'm not being partial to either side by saying a survivor should know that they're exposed. It works in the killers' favor too if survivors see the exposed status and think to themselves they should just GTFO instead of trying something stupid.

    Well, you miscalculated. It's your problem; you don't need more hand-holding.

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    the comparison between NOED and DS is laughable. 
    NOES has the potential to down multiple victims right at the end of the game...
    where as DS has the potential to save ONE survivor ONCE... 
    I really couldn't care less about either perk, but I find the incessant whining from killers to be hilarious. 

    DS is gamebreaking but camping is a legit strat.  xD
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Avariku said:
    the comparison between NOED and DS is laughable. 
    NOES has the potential to down multiple victims right at the end of the game...
    where as DS has the potential to save ONE survivor ONCE... 
    I really couldn't care less about either perk, but I find the incessant whining from killers to be hilarious. 

    DS is gamebreaking but camping is a legit strat.  xD
    Yeah its laughable, noed canbe prevented before it ever happen (happened several games, people are starting to clean more, no only me) and can be countered

    DS, especially no obsession one, can be less of an issue if you run enduring, and even that won't matter if the survivor have half of a brain cell and go to the nearest loop.

    So yeah, the comparison is laughable. Just the fact you think camping isn't okay I can imagine which side you only play

    Even a bad chaser like me (or evader?) Can survive against tunneling and camping just by using stealth. Anybody can, like anybody can take 20s to have extra bp and prevent akiller perk
  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    Malakir said:
    Avariku said:
    the comparison between NOED and DS is laughable. 
    NOES has the potential to down multiple victims right at the end of the game...
    where as DS has the potential to save ONE survivor ONCE... 
    I really couldn't care less about either perk, but I find the incessant whining from killers to be hilarious. 

    DS is gamebreaking but camping is a legit strat.  xD
    Yeah its laughable, noed canbe prevented before it ever happen (happened several games, people are starting to clean more, no only me) and can be countered

    DS, especially no obsession one, can be less of an issue if you run enduring, and even that won't matter if the survivor have half of a brain cell and go to the nearest loop.

    So yeah, the comparison is laughable. Just the fact you think camping isn't okay I can imagine which side you only play

    Even a bad chaser like me (or evader?) Can survive against tunneling and camping just by using stealth. Anybody can, like anybody can take 20s to have extra bp and prevent akiller perk
    to be honest I prefer to play killer, and I refuse to camp unless someone is being a salty/trolly little twat... then and only then will I camp. 

    unfortunately, since I hate waiting 5-15 minutes just to find a game, I end up playing survivor so that I can get more than 2-3 rounds a night after work. 

    its what bugs me... I have NO issue getting kills as killer without resorting to camping, or many of the more "supposedly unfair" perks, and yet I'm constantly reading about how the game is stacked so unfavorably against killers.

    yet for me, a stealthy survivor, thats my ONLY defense against the ridiculous number of campers. don't get caught, even once, or its game over.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @MegMain98 said:
    There wouldn’t be all this whining and complaining from BOTH sides if DS and NOED were both removed entirely.

    So you want to put a well balanced perk like Noed in the same level as a frickin broken thing like DS?
    Screw balance, screw logic … survivor need to be protected from nasty surprises, because it's a horror game and that could scare them … #########?

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Wolf74 said:

    Oh I love those sweet little … stories.
    All the player telling me they never camp, never tunnel, don't use meta perks, don't use Moris and get 4K anyway at rank 1.

    I don't really need moris nor to tunnel/camp to get 4K at rank 1. Maybe not always but 3K can be fairly easy to achieve.
    MYC, for instance, is one of the best perks this game has released since encourages killers to not camp or tunnel.
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    MegMain98 said:

    @MegMain98 said:
    There wouldn’t be all this whining and complaining from BOTH sides if DS and NOED were both removed entirely. NOED would be removed before DS since DS directly ties into the “Adept Laurie” achievement so in all reality it isn’t going anywhere.

    I just wish both perks were gone from the game. I don’t personally have a problem with either of them despite people calling them “crutch perks” but all this crybaby nonsense from both sides about DS and NOED is getting a little bit old.

    @Wolf74 said:

    @MegMain98 said:
    There wouldn’t be all this whining and complaining from BOTH sides if DS and NOED were both removed entirely.

    So you want to put a well balanced perk like Noed in the same level as a frickin broken thing like DS?
    Screw balance, screw logic … survivor need to be protected from nasty surprises, because it's a horror game and that could scare them … #########?

    Well balanced enough for you to want to put it in the killers base kit? Sure...whatever you say.

    It’s barely a horror game, there is no element of suprise and when you get hit with NOED it isn’t a genuine scare factor. It’s more like “Oh...okay, that just happened for the eighth time tonight.”

    I said what I said, I meant what I said and you heard what I said. My stance on NOED and DS has not changed and it probably never will.

    The game isn’t balanced on either side. It is PVP, this will never EVER be a true horror experience simply because it is PVP and you can’t have the killers side be incredibly powerful as if it was an AI.

    you forgot something. 1 its asymmetrical or should be 2 noed is an hex

    the second point invalidates your ds noed comparison. Just imagine hex totems doesn't exist, in that case I would agree
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited November 2018

    @Malakir said:
    MegMain98 said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    There wouldn’t be all this whining and complaining from BOTH sides if DS and NOED were both removed entirely. NOED would be removed before DS since DS directly ties into the “Adept Laurie” achievement so in all reality it isn’t going anywhere.

    I just wish both perks were gone from the game. I don’t personally have a problem with either of them despite people calling them “crutch perks” but all this crybaby nonsense from both sides about DS and NOED is getting a little bit old.
    @Wolf74 said:
     @MegMain98 said:

    There wouldn’t be all this whining and complaining from BOTH sides if DS and NOED were both removed entirely.

    So you want to put a well balanced perk like Noed in the same level as a frickin broken thing like DS?


    Screw balance, screw logic … survivor need to be protected from nasty surprises, because it's a horror game and that could scare them … #########?

    Well balanced enough for you to want to put it in the killers base kit? Sure...whatever you say.

    It’s barely a horror game, there is no element of suprise and when you get hit with NOED it isn’t a genuine scare factor. It’s more like “Oh...okay, that just happened for the eighth time tonight.”

    I said what I said, I meant what I said and you heard what I said. My stance on NOED and DS has not changed and it probably never will.

    The game isn’t balanced on either side. It is PVP, this will never EVER be a true horror experience simply because it is PVP and you can’t have the killers side be incredibly powerful as if it was an AI.

    you forgot something. 1 its asymmetrical or should be 2 noed is an hex

    the second point invalidates your ds noed comparison. Just imagine hex totems doesn't exist, in that case I would agree

    Yes it is asymmetrical and the killer SHOULD have the power role but the killer can’t be untouchable. In a PvP game it’ll never be a true horror game. If they added a single player game mode then maybe it would but I doubt that will happen. I don’t really consider DBD to be a horror game to begin with. I put in it the same boat that I do F13, but extremely great party games to play with friends but when you play it alone you get drained out quickly especially if you take the game too seriously.

    Some perks would be way overpowered without it being a hex unless you had competent teammates. Ruin and Devor Hope come to mind easily. Matches would end with five generators left and a four man mori.

    It’s just getting old that people are still arguing over DS and NOED. Just saying if they were both gone there would be no complaining. Although killers can’t do without their precious little insta-downs. I would say the same with survivors not being able to do without their free escapes but I don’t see many people stick up for DS nor do I run into it a lot as killer but 80% of the time killers have NOED. It gives bad killers a kill because when there is four survivors left and you insta-down one of them, why would you go and chase the other three? There isn’t any point, you won’t get a four man. The killer killed that ONE person due to an insta-down and that is how MOST of the time NOED works. DS gives bad survivors a free escape. Both perks makes up for the players mistakes.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    @scumrrado said:
    It really sucks when you've won the entire match and body a hit for a hurt survivor only to get surprised with NOED.

    This is your problem right here, you assumed you won. You didn't win, you almost won. You helped your teammate by taking a risk (knowing NOED and other end-game perks are a potential threat) and that risk did not pay off. It happens, learn from your mistakes and move on.

    I'm not even defending NOED here, I'm just pointing out bad plays by you.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    MegMain98 said:

    @Malakir said:
    MegMain98 said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    There wouldn’t be all this whining and complaining from BOTH sides if DS and NOED were both removed entirely. NOED would be removed before DS since DS directly ties into the “Adept Laurie” achievement so in all reality it isn’t going anywhere.

    I just wish both perks were gone from the game. I don’t personally have a problem with either of them despite people calling them “crutch perks” but all this crybaby nonsense from both sides about DS and NOED is getting a little bit old.
    @Wolf74 said:
     @MegMain98 said:

    There wouldn’t be all this whining and complaining from BOTH sides if DS and NOED were both removed entirely.

    So you want to put a well balanced perk like Noed in the same level as a frickin broken thing like DS?


    Screw balance, screw logic … survivor need to be protected from nasty surprises, because it's a horror game and that could scare them … #########?

    Well balanced enough for you to want to put it in the killers base kit? Sure...whatever you say.

    It’s barely a horror game, there is no element of suprise and when you get hit with NOED it isn’t a genuine scare factor. It’s more like “Oh...okay, that just happened for the eighth time tonight.”

    I said what I said, I meant what I said and you heard what I said. My stance on NOED and DS has not changed and it probably never will.

    The game isn’t balanced on either side. It is PVP, this will never EVER be a true horror experience simply because it is PVP and you can’t have the killers side be incredibly powerful as if it was an AI.

    you forgot something. 1 its asymmetrical or should be 2 noed is an hex

    the second point invalidates your ds noed comparison. Just imagine hex totems doesn't exist, in that case I would agree

    Yes it is asymmetrical and the killer SHOULD have the power role but the killer can’t be untouchable. In a PvP game it’ll never be a true horror game. If they added a single player game mode then maybe it would but I doubt that will happen. I don’t really consider DBD to be a horror game to begin with. I put in it the same boat that I do F13, but extremely great party games to play with friends but when you play it alone you get drained out quickly especially if you take the game too seriously.

    Some perks would be way overpowered without it being a hex unless you had competent teammates. Ruin and Devor Hope come to mind easily. Matches would end with five generators left and a four man mori.

    It’s just getting old that people are still arguing over DS and NOED. Just saying if they were both gone there would be no complaining. Although killers can’t do without their precious little insta-downs. I would say the same with survivors not being able to do without their free escapes but I don’t see many people stick up for DS nor do I run into it a lot as killer but 80% of the time killers have NOED. It gives bad killers a kill because when there is four survivors left and you insta-down one of them, why would you go and chase the other three? There isn’t any point, you won’t get a four man. The killer killed that ONE person due to an insta-down and that is how MOST of the time NOED works. DS gives bad survivors a free escape. Both perks makes up for the players mistakes.

    still people can't understand noed works by survivor mistakes to no cleanse totems. I've lost count of matches where noed didn't worked when practicing nurse. DS just rewards a mistake and cannot be preventing kicking an objective

    I always do around 2-3 totems per march and if my mates do the same(lately more often) noed don't even proc.

    "It gives a bad killers kills" maybe you should phase it like, punish lazy survivors who just wanna genrush when totems grants bp and boldness. Like, it even gives you points and you still cry about noed when its you fault you won't adapt

    I know its a weird word but seriously, adapt. Noed is more frequent? Instead of ignoring totems just cleanse if you see some. Noed is the last perk I have a problems with as survivor and it actually bothers me that people like you cry about it, you know why? Because you guys are the kind of people who won't cleans them when you are in my team, then cry about it.

    This sentence really nothers me for these reasons: "Both perks makes up for the players mistakes"
    Which is a lie to have an excuse to don't adapt and press one button to 1) prevent a perk 2) free bp 3) free bold points
  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    Malakir said:
    MegMain98 said:

    @Malakir said:
    MegMain98 said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    There wouldn’t be all this whining and complaining from BOTH sides if DS and NOED were both removed entirely. NOED would be removed before DS since DS directly ties into the “Adept Laurie” achievement so in all reality it isn’t going anywhere.

    I just wish both perks were gone from the game. I don’t personally have a problem with either of them despite people calling them “crutch perks” but all this crybaby nonsense from both sides about DS and NOED is getting a little bit old.
    @Wolf74 said:
     @MegMain98 said:

    There wouldn’t be all this whining and complaining from BOTH sides if DS and NOED were both removed entirely.

    So you want to put a well balanced perk like Noed in the same level as a frickin broken thing like DS?


    Screw balance, screw logic … survivor need to be protected from nasty surprises, because it's a horror game and that could scare them … #########?

    Well balanced enough for you to want to put it in the killers base kit? Sure...whatever you say.

    It’s barely a horror game, there is no element of suprise and when you get hit with NOED it isn’t a genuine scare factor. It’s more like “Oh...okay, that just happened for the eighth time tonight.”

    I said what I said, I meant what I said and you heard what I said. My stance on NOED and DS has not changed and it probably never will.

    The game isn’t balanced on either side. It is PVP, this will never EVER be a true horror experience simply because it is PVP and you can’t have the killers side be incredibly powerful as if it was an AI.

    you forgot something. 1 its asymmetrical or should be 2 noed is an hex

    the second point invalidates your ds noed comparison. Just imagine hex totems doesn't exist, in that case I would agree

    Yes it is asymmetrical and the killer SHOULD have the power role but the killer can’t be untouchable. In a PvP game it’ll never be a true horror game. If they added a single player game mode then maybe it would but I doubt that will happen. I don’t really consider DBD to be a horror game to begin with. I put in it the same boat that I do F13, but extremely great party games to play with friends but when you play it alone you get drained out quickly especially if you take the game too seriously.

    Some perks would be way overpowered without it being a hex unless you had competent teammates. Ruin and Devor Hope come to mind easily. Matches would end with five generators left and a four man mori.

    It’s just getting old that people are still arguing over DS and NOED. Just saying if they were both gone there would be no complaining. Although killers can’t do without their precious little insta-downs. I would say the same with survivors not being able to do without their free escapes but I don’t see many people stick up for DS nor do I run into it a lot as killer but 80% of the time killers have NOED. It gives bad killers a kill because when there is four survivors left and you insta-down one of them, why would you go and chase the other three? There isn’t any point, you won’t get a four man. The killer killed that ONE person due to an insta-down and that is how MOST of the time NOED works. DS gives bad survivors a free escape. Both perks makes up for the players mistakes.

    still people can't understand noed works by survivor mistakes to no cleanse totems. I've lost count of matches where noed didn't worked when practicing nurse. DS just rewards a mistake and cannot be preventing kicking an objective

    I always do around 2-3 totems per march and if my mates do the same(lately more often) noed don't even proc.

    "It gives a bad killers kills" maybe you should phase it like, punish lazy survivors who just wanna genrush when totems grants bp and boldness. Like, it even gives you points and you still cry about noed when its you fault you won't adapt

    I know its a weird word but seriously, adapt. Noed is more frequent? Instead of ignoring totems just cleanse if you see some. Noed is the last perk I have a problems with as survivor and it actually bothers me that people like you cry about it, you know why? Because you guys are the kind of people who won't cleans them when you are in my team, then cry about it.

    This sentence really nothers me for these reasons: "Both perks makes up for the players mistakes"
    Which is a lie to have an excuse to don't adapt and press one button to 1) prevent a perk 2) free bp 3) free bold points

    "free bp" as if ignoring gens to work on totems isn't a terrible idea anyway with the current strategy of camping being prevalent.

    even without camping this puts the survivors at a slight disadvantage and potentially wastes time that isn't needed. 

    but DS which is a ONE TIME USE skill is somehow overpowered? 

    personally I don't care about either perk, I'll adjust to them as I need... but to hear the killer/survivor mains whining over their respective sides is ridiculous and the comparison between the two perks is annoying.

    I'm with the others... remove both so the whining can stop.
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Avariku said:
    Malakir said:
    MegMain98 said:

    @Malakir said:
    MegMain98 said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    There wouldn’t be all this whining and complaining from BOTH sides if DS and NOED were both removed entirely. NOED would be removed before DS since DS directly ties into the “Adept Laurie” achievement so in all reality it isn’t going anywhere.

    I just wish both perks were gone from the game. I don’t personally have a problem with either of them despite people calling them “crutch perks” but all this crybaby nonsense from both sides about DS and NOED is getting a little bit old.
    @Wolf74 said:
     @MegMain98 said:

    There wouldn’t be all this whining and complaining from BOTH sides if DS and NOED were both removed entirely.

    So you want to put a well balanced perk like Noed in the same level as a frickin broken thing like DS?


    Screw balance, screw logic … survivor need to be protected from nasty surprises, because it's a horror game and that could scare them … #########?

    Well balanced enough for you to want to put it in the killers base kit? Sure...whatever you say.

    It’s barely a horror game, there is no element of suprise and when you get hit with NOED it isn’t a genuine scare factor. It’s more like “Oh...okay, that just happened for the eighth time tonight.”

    I said what I said, I meant what I said and you heard what I said. My stance on NOED and DS has not changed and it probably never will.

    The game isn’t balanced on either side. It is PVP, this will never EVER be a true horror experience simply because it is PVP and you can’t have the killers side be incredibly powerful as if it was an AI.

    you forgot something. 1 its asymmetrical or should be 2 noed is an hex

    the second point invalidates your ds noed comparison. Just imagine hex totems doesn't exist, in that case I would agree

    Yes it is asymmetrical and the killer SHOULD have the power role but the killer can’t be untouchable. In a PvP game it’ll never be a true horror game. If they added a single player game mode then maybe it would but I doubt that will happen. I don’t really consider DBD to be a horror game to begin with. I put in it the same boat that I do F13, but extremely great party games to play with friends but when you play it alone you get drained out quickly especially if you take the game too seriously.

    Some perks would be way overpowered without it being a hex unless you had competent teammates. Ruin and Devor Hope come to mind easily. Matches would end with five generators left and a four man mori.

    It’s just getting old that people are still arguing over DS and NOED. Just saying if they were both gone there would be no complaining. Although killers can’t do without their precious little insta-downs. I would say the same with survivors not being able to do without their free escapes but I don’t see many people stick up for DS nor do I run into it a lot as killer but 80% of the time killers have NOED. It gives bad killers a kill because when there is four survivors left and you insta-down one of them, why would you go and chase the other three? There isn’t any point, you won’t get a four man. The killer killed that ONE person due to an insta-down and that is how MOST of the time NOED works. DS gives bad survivors a free escape. Both perks makes up for the players mistakes.

    still people can't understand noed works by survivor mistakes to no cleanse totems. I've lost count of matches where noed didn't worked when practicing nurse. DS just rewards a mistake and cannot be preventing kicking an objective

    I always do around 2-3 totems per march and if my mates do the same(lately more often) noed don't even proc.

    "It gives a bad killers kills" maybe you should phase it like, punish lazy survivors who just wanna genrush when totems grants bp and boldness. Like, it even gives you points and you still cry about noed when its you fault you won't adapt

    I know its a weird word but seriously, adapt. Noed is more frequent? Instead of ignoring totems just cleanse if you see some. Noed is the last perk I have a problems with as survivor and it actually bothers me that people like you cry about it, you know why? Because you guys are the kind of people who won't cleans them when you are in my team, then cry about it.

    This sentence really nothers me for these reasons: "Both perks makes up for the players mistakes"
    Which is a lie to have an excuse to don't adapt and press one button to 1) prevent a perk 2) free bp 3) free bold points

    "free bp" as if ignoring gens to work on totems isn't a terrible idea anyway with the current strategy of camping being prevalent.

    even without camping this puts the survivors at a slight disadvantage and potentially wastes time that isn't needed. 

    but DS which is a ONE TIME USE skill is somehow overpowered? 

    personally I don't care about either perk, I'll adjust to them as I need... but to hear the killer/survivor mains whining over their respective sides is ridiculous and the comparison between the two perks is annoying.

    I'm with the others... remove both so the whining can stop.
    first, since when camping is prevalent? Unless you are around rank 20-12 you won't find many campers at all. At least for my experience, never saw it. Just once at rank 6 but that guy got 8k bp, maybe that survivor owned him money, idk

    I won't removed either, DS would be great if reworked. I gave even an idea time ago to make it a fun perk for both sides. I'd like to see it like a tool to survive but no like it is right now. Noed, same thing as I said, if you won't cleanse take the blame to yourself. 18s isn't such a big deal especially when people ask for other obj cuz the games are going too fast but ignoring totems (#########?)

    I don't main either, i play both even if mostly survivor since its more relaxing and can watch videos while repairing. Just "wasted time that isn't needed", I know you might love gen rush but even if I hate repeat myself, Adapt!

    If even a bad evader like me can survive and get rid of noed at the same time doing at least 2 gens per game, anybody can