The Cosmetic Design Contest 2021

So, as of right now, there is a design your own cosmetic contest happening right now. However, since things have been done slightly differently this time, we have no way of showing off our ideas to friends or others. If you feel comfortable showing your idea here, feel free to contribute it here! :D
This is my submission for Élodie Rakoto!
It's called "Seeker of the Truth", and it is based off her parents birth place in Madagascar, as well as Élodie's determination to understand their disappearence, and uncover the truth.
Excuse the quality, I drew it, and my art skills aren't too good!
"Excuse the quality, I drew it, and my art skills aren't too good!"
Still better than I could draw!
Overall, I quite like it, Im more partial to a skirt than shorts, but that's just my personal preference.
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Really, this is better than my own damn hand writing
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"Excuse the quality."
*produces godtier piece of work*
Excuse me?
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Damn that's sick. "My art skills aren't that good." Well it doesn't seem that way, haha.
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Kinda gives off some Lara Croft vibes with the heavy themes of exploration and mystery.
Pretty cool concept overall!
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I actually didn't think about that XD Thank you though
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You did great!
I might enter when I feel like and I hope you win as the design would fit in dbd
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Thank you :D I didn't have much hope, but the feedback has been surprising :O
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Mine isn't that good lol, there are a lot more creative ones out there.
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It looks really cute :D I really like it
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where is the contest right now? I only see the one from 2020
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It's been done differently this time. There was a link on DBD's Twitter, with a link to submit your designs. So, you can't see other people's designs unless they post them somewhere, like here for an example.
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That's lame I like seeing people's artistic abilities because I lack so much in it😂 is it only for survivors or killers too?
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It's for killer, survivor, and charms (For killer and survivor). :D
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That's cool. I've seen some pop in on Reddit on my news feed but do they have a spot on here as well I haven't searched for one. Or is this the one?
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Here is my submission.
The tylergorgon!
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Now that:
That is beautiful. XD
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I think some characters need cute clothes, like meg. she needs a cute hoody. <3 I know Meg is sporty but you can still be sporty and own a cute bunny hoody of some sort. :)
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Im going to take a wild guess here and assume that you really like Meg XD But yeah, It seems like most characters seem to stick to one or two definite themes e.g. sports. Hopefully we'll get some variety with the contest entries :)
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I do, I main Meg for survivor and Freddy for killer.
I am sporty like Meg, so hoping we could get a cute hoody for her or something like that.
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Here is my submission
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"Priestess of the Damned" skin for The Plague.
A once holy priestess who was corrupted and turned by demonic forces. She now serves a much darker power..
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This looks very good! I wonder, what kind of platforms do you artists use to make such good and perfectly detailed art?
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Who is this for?
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I am glad you like it! I use a program called IbisPaint X which I have on my tablet
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Of course. Good art should always be appreciated, and thanks, I will look into it.
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Hi, I love your Elodie art xMidgeModgex !
I just sent my idea of cosmetic for Jake : Lux Et Veritas. In the lore, Jake's brother went to Yale and I liked the idea that Jake was in this university too, but was clearly showing he didn't like being here.
So he would have the uniform with the real motto of Yale : Lux et veritas, but with kind of a nonchalant style to it.
I'm happy with all elements except that he doesn't quite look like Jake.
I made a short video for the process :
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I love the inclusion of the lore :D Its a really good idea
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Thanks ! I hope other artists will share their ideas !
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I created something for my Kate. Hope you like it :)
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I took a whack at Blight. This is the result of lack of sleep as I rush a pic I should have made a month ago hahaha. xD
Showed WIPs as well, and sent this DBD's way.
(I also put in proper details in my posts about said too tired to post em all here again xD)
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I got lazy with weapon if you do put it in, make the weapon longer please. But here it is a maid outfit with mask.