uninstalled game after 200hrs of playtime

I can't play this early access game anymore,

I'm tired of playing against swf and eating the same perks day after day.

survivors make me 2 generators in a 30 second chase.

A survivor to get to a safe pallet with dead hard.

unbreakable and dc combo with no counter to that

You have to respect those perks as if they were there even if no one has equipped them because the mere fact that they exist is already doing something in the game.

You are going to tell me that 200hrs of play is too little to judge how the video game is but my time is limited, there are many more games out there and I don't have time to play this only for more than 1khrs to master.

In counter strike I don't even have 300hrs and I already consider myself better than average

Games are supposed to be fun not to be stressed out at every game. I honestly don't see anything positive in this game mentally, so I'd better play something else. Thank you.



  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    You do you. The good thing about the age we live in is that there are literally thousands of games at our fingertips. If one doesn't cut the mustard for you, vagabond (as you are doing) to the next. I'm not sure what value there was in stopping by the Forum to give us a "goodbye cruel DbD" post but... you do you. :)

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Always sorry to see someone leave so early, but whatever works for you man. See ya.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877

    Killer is brutally hard for new players. It's totally fair to decide you'd rather play a different game.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I'll be seeing you tomorrow, just in time for the Trickster to drop.

  • edgardot02
    edgardot02 Member Posts: 149
    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068
  • edgardot02
    edgardot02 Member Posts: 149
    edited March 2021

    actually I contacted steam support to remove the game from my steam library withouth being able to recover the game. ;)

  • edgardot02
    edgardot02 Member Posts: 149

    I'm playing metro exodus right now, next is doom, for online cs go and league of legends its fine for now.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689

    Ok bye

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    No game is for everyone, so do enjoy the other ones!

  • Rellewd
    Rellewd Member Posts: 195

    about to say before i read it all but you said it yourself games suppose to be fun and if you are not having fun well..... you said it all you needed to say at the end, follow that....last little paragraph, and you a person play creates their own mentality playing, what do you mean positive in this game mentally???????

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    And why is that disturbing you? Are you owner of this forum?

    In modern world people can discus? Is that forum rules by any dictator? No? Then he can share him opinions. And he is right about what he wrote. That is why killer mains stopping play this game. Maybe devs will fix this problems, hopefully

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186

    There's literally a nerf coming out this week to end the Unbreakable/DS combo...

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048

    Yes, 200hr is VERY little time. I'd love to see how you play and tell you exactly why it isn't.

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462
    edited March 2021

    1st of all if your chases are lasting 30 seconds, then that's the problem right there. So until you figure that out this post is meaningless.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    He escaped before the game could grasp his soul...



  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    And what makes you think that they are going to fix the controller version of the blight tomorrow? They are simply raising his point of view

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    When a heroin addict quits, they try desperately to remove all fond memories of their best experiences. Sadly, those same memories always keep them coming back in some way, shape or form. Wait, we're talking about DBD? Sheeeet.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Unfortunately I think two weeks (when you posted the thread. Good thread btw) is too little time for the Devs to fix anything in that regard. If we're lucky maybe we'll see something in the 5th anniversary update.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I'm not sure how they could even fix controller Blight without making Blight with a mouse and keyboard even better than he already is. I love Blight, but it really does suck how bad he is on console compared to what we have on PC. A ton of thought was put into how he works on PC and you can tell, but it seems none of that translated to console very well which is a shame.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Killers are not supposed to win every game. Everything you are upset about is survivors playing and trying to win. If they don't try to pop 2 gens fairly quickly, then their chances of winning is very small, killers get a lot stronger with less gens on the map. Try playing against Hag with 3 gens fairly close together. Survivors have to be extremely resilient to deal with such regularly, along with camping bubbas, spirits, iri-head huntresses, etc. Don't pretend it is not stressful playing survivor.

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    OHhhh #########! You're that guy! Yea man i was praising your thread for sure. Keep it up man your work is appreciated. And if you come to the pc world, please use blight don't quit completely ita worth it!

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229
    edited March 2021

    I think most of the players who leave dbd is because they are bad players, they get upset because they lose, when I see streamers like umbra winning with all the killers and with any teams and I see myself losing I understood that the problem is not the game but rather my bad skills. dbd is a game that becomes very frustrating as you rank up and if you do not play very often and you are in high rank you lose the practice quickly, I think you should not take the game so seriously and enjoy the matches even you lose, in terms of swf I at least try to choose well against which teams I play against in the lobbies, I avoid keys and games with more than 1 toolbox even with many kits if they affect the perks or the killer that I going to use and the game becomes more enjoyable, but the best advice I can give you is not to take the game so personal win or lose and if you see that you play in a bad mood leave it for a few days, I also get angry but I know how to handle my anger and that will not prevent me to keep playing, because you have to understand that we can´t win all the matches that we played and with the hours you have I think you need more practice as a killer because it is very little, but as you want, if you see it as a torture to play leave it. 

  • Beefmur
    Beefmur Member Posts: 261

    the game is designed for people to get hooked at first. Spend some money on characters and cosmetics. Then once you get good enough to go against the top % you leave. This is the dbd cycle

  • I just want the maps fixed. Why do I have to sweat and struggle as killer when survivors just have to hold W around a god loop? why not fix the unbalanced buildings and map areas and introduce more unsafe loops?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Good, if you don't enjoy it you move on.

    Better then all the people that force themself to play a game they clearly don't enjoy to then just complain about it.

    If you ever decide to come back i recommend to play dnd as a side game. DbD imo is best enjoyed in short burst so you don't let the frustrating parts of the game build up.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Not sure why you would need to do this. Do you have so little self control you need it actually removed? Seems a bit over the top, but you do you - if that makes you feel better.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    I get this is difficult for you to understand, so I'll try to make it simple, eh?

    If people don't say anything about something bad, it keeps being bad and no one will likely do anything. Conversely, if enough say something and a business that makes money starts losing it's source of revenue to a noticable degree, and can see WHY, then it stand to reason that just maybe, they mean guy take action.

    Ultimately, it's usually futile, but it's also something they need to voice. If the idea of venting in the hopes that someone will hear you and listen makes no sense to you, you're either a child or a sociopath. Now please sit down.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    this game isnt really friendly towards new players so i understand your frustration. i felt like that too but i kept pushing and now im at rank 3

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    DbD has a rough learning curve. It takes time, dedication and a lot of grinding, reading and thinking to be good at this game. That’s the reason why many of us love the game. If you can’t put all of that into a single game, DbD is not a game for you and I don’t know why you thought otherwise.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited March 2021

    Disturbed? I don't think any of us are disturbed by people who come over here and do their dramatic little "goodbye cruel DbD" posts so much as we are embarrassed for such people. These colorful, over the top displays demonstrate a profound lack of dignity. One day I too will have gotten bored of the game and will move on to the next one. I will be too busy to stop by here and put on a show. No one will even notice I'm gone. That is because I'm an adult and my expectations are realistic.

    Neither the DEV nor this so-called community care if you, I, or the OP decide to leave. People come and go every day. That is the reality of modern gaming. There are thousands upon thousands of games at our fingertips all the time. If one isn't right for us, we move on to the next one. Thus, the DEV work to maintain the game for the majority of people playing. The fact that DbD is still here, popular, and its numbers rise and dip within a predictable pattern is solid evidence that the DEV actually are doing a pretty good job.

    So no silly, theatrical gaming suicide notes are going to sway them. Idiotic ultimatums where people demand what they want.... NOW.... or they are leaving do not even register as worth reading by the DEV. They are too busy doing their jobs to worry about such nonsense. Video games are luxury items, things most of us do to pass the time. For the people who work for the company, this is their means to pay the bills. I suspect they are far more VESTED in maintaining DbD than any of us. Thus, doing what is right by MOST of us is important to them. Doing what is right by entitled individuals who say "screw you guys I'm going home" is the last thing on their minds.

    But let's step away from BEhavior's interest in these matters and talk about you and I. Let's talk about whether or not we, as part of the so-called community, should give a rat's patootie about people pulling these melodramatic stunts. I'm glad people like this leave. Why? Because if they lack this much dignity and self respect, rage quitting over their perception of injustice in their damn luxury item video games, they are also the people acting like jerks in the end game chatter. The same entitlement applies. We don't need them. We will do better without them. And I say to you, if you are unhappy with the game, WHY are you still here?

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    First i am sure you are not disturbed :d You are not seem like this and i am really susp you are adult. You need to learn respect. If you disagree people you cant insult them, you cant mean they are not adult. With that you seem child, not they. And you are not boss here, you cant force people to anything lol (Even you were boss, you still would not do that)

    And second, it is not your business, you cant ask me why you are here. I am here because i have my reasons and nothing for you. I love this game and most of community. If i wanna leave i will do. I will not ask you and i will not care you lol. You need to calm down.

    And last, when you use product you can feedback with your opinions, you can say " i dont like because of that" or you can say " this is awww because of that." That is modern world my bro and maybe you dont know but this discussion forum. And there is nothing wrong saying to "good bye". If you dont know to show respect please dont answer me more, i dont like people who unrespect.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited March 2021

    This is a discussion Forum, and I am giving you my opinion of melodramatic, entitled posts that serve no purpose. I showed you respect in answering your post carefully and thoughtfully. I did not engage in personal attacks against you. You on the other hand, decided to do the opposite. The fact that I tore your argument to shreds is not the same as insulting you. I can respect you without agreeing with your point of view. The two are not one and the same. Do you follow? In short, adults can disagree with one another but still respect one another.

    When someone posts here, they should be ready, willing, and able to have people disagree with them. They should be ready to eat crow when they are proven wrong and corrected. That also, is what adults do. You are are now at a crossroads. Do you act like an adult or do you continue down your current path?

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019