How do you disable the censor?

I thought it was something we opt into. It’s automatic?
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I don't think you can opt out of it sorry.
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Yep... And I can't find a way to turn it off.
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Chat filter. PC only
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The new patch added a chat filter on the pc end game chat.
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You cannot opt out of the chat filter, it's on by default for all users.
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So how long until the game is E for everyone?
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please consider changing this - when terms like 'face camp' some actual genuine natural conversation are censored, it goes WAY too far. Can't even have a proper genuine friendly discussion post game chat anymore without stuff being blocked out.
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Do you know if there is any plans to make this optional in settings?
I personally like it just some people dont and haveing it as optional would solve that potential issue
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Haha when a Mori happens, your entire screen gets pixelated, that’ll be amusing
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There might be an option to turn it off in the future @onemind but for right now this is not currently planned, we are monitoring the chat filter though and making adjustments as we go if need be.
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It's always been in the gamepass version. It's insanely restrictive and I hate it. The word "rude" is censored.
It's a game about murdering people. Arbitrarily restricting the language used is just stupid in the extreme.
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Making this default was so dumb.
This should be an optional thing.
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You literally can't say "michael myers" and not being able to opt out is a terrible decision. Default it to being on, sure, but i should have option to disable it.
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I sure hope it will become optional, cause right now i'm fearing Dark Souls-level of censoring coming from these "adjustments".
To clarify just in case: You can't for example have your name contain the word "knight" without it becoming "k***ht".
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Why does it matter whether or not it's option. Isn't this a good thing in order to lower toxicity?
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Try having a one minute conversation with someone in post game chat about literally anything and then ask yourself why it matters.
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How tf is saying "Michael Myers downed me" toxic??
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Sure somethings should be fixed in that regard in order communicate better, but ultimately it should still stay.
Your ignoring legitimate cases of when things should be censored.
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Then why have it at all.
I am not complaining about adding it, but you need to either remove it or stick to your guns and keep it on.
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Wait we can't enable swears in our 18+ video game? What a joke
At least make a toggle option FFS
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Why not just let people decide if they want things censored? Why the need to enforce censorship upon everyone?
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I mean... we've seen the censoring on the forum and how it's handled...
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And you're ignoring that it censors basic speech.
Yeah... There should be a toggle option for that too.
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I'm not ignoring that which is why I say they should make improvements on that. Make something similar to what they have on the forum.
But we shouldn't get rid of it because of a small negative that can easily be fixed.
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I play on console so I don't have to worry about end game chat. I just block users who insult me.
However there really should be an option to turn it off if a user chooses too. At the same time if they turn it off they're not allowed to complain about being told off
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I think it's fine to make it on by default but allow someone to toggled it off. We already have an option to disable chat if you want and that is on by default. If someone is being toxic just don't engage. At the end though you can just leave the room. It's after the game is over. Not during so if you can't handle it. Then just leave or turn it off.
Censorship is evil.
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The forums should have a toggle option as well.
I don't care about "not being able to say slurs to people". But for a lot of people, "trash talk" in game chat is part of the game.
You're more than welcome to disable the chat or have your chat censored if it bothers you. Just like I should be more than welcome to have the censors disabled because it doesn't bother me when people say words.
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I don't think I agree with that statement. Sure some censorship is evil and bad not denying that. but some can be good if what is being said can pose real dangers and harm to people it should be censored.
(This is my opinion on censorship so if you disagree that's fine)
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Censorship is evil. Period.
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Ok. I respect your opinion.
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The word filter censors Myers...
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Well I think this is where we can agree to disagree. I respect your opinion on the matter and understand your concerns and hope you do the same with me.
Have a nice day
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Mommy I can't swear in my video game!! 😾
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I can't say "Michael Myers downed me" either. And neither can you.
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Why would you need to say that?
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*channeling my inner Ben Shapiro*
Because... Michael Myers downed me...
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That's the smallest problem. The issue is that it is supposed to censor bad words, I didn't know that Myers and "downed/downs" are bad words. *DOWNING* people is part of the game's main purpose, yet it is censored.
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*Game ends*
*3 killed and 1 escape*
Killer: gg guys
Survivor 1: ya ya gg
Survivor 2: BG YOU ######### CAMPING TUNNELER
Survivor 3: bro chill
You: Michael Myers downed me
Everyone else: ...
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You forgot to censor the part where I spoke in chat...
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So it looks like you said "Michael Myers [CENSORED] me"
No wonder he wasn't wearing any pants 😬
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Sucks people are upset about not seeing racism or homophobic/offensive messages in post game chat. Weird. Not only that but saying it’s a mature game so it doesn’t need censorship is moronic. I did not agree to the eula to see racism or rude messages. This filter is a bad thing for people who like saying that I guess. Also clearly adjustments need to be made but I’m glad this game has a filter now.
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Almost got it. You only censored one of the words. You'll get there.
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I see you haven't read any of the comments, nor have you used the new system yourself.
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It needs an overhaul. At the moment it blocks words like "Myers" "down" "knight" etc. Why knight? It has nig in it. Also, I never use the filters when the game offers me them. Why? I can't understand the message when I see stars instead of letters.
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The bot is censoring words like Myers.
It's is incredibly over tuned to the point where normal conversation will be illegible.
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You do know that there are many ways around the censor. When people first that they won't really notice until after a couple of tries. All they will need to do is something like this to bypass your censorship.
Ba co n
Po ta to
p u m p k i n
Unless you all accounted for that method of bypassing the censorship, people will still get what they wanted out in the open to people they are mad at.
Sorry if someone may have already pointed this out, didn't feel like reading the rest of the comments.
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I see it as why censor people's freedom of speech if they don't WANT it censored?
If I don't want to see profanity, I'll have the filter on. If I don't mind, I'll turn it off. You can also do what another company did, which is hard mature filter, soft mature filter and no mature filter.
The soft mature only blocks the really nasty words, but the lesser ones will still show.
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I actually have used the new system and read the comments. In my opinion if you don't want the game to be censored you support being racist and homophobic towards other players. Cheers.
They did say the censored word list can be adjusted and tweaked to not be overbearing but assuming as a first time rollout to live servers its better to be too overbearing rather than too little. I'm not saying it doesn't need to be adjusted but flat out removed is a no no.
Better that its too overturned rather than not enough. Besides they can adjust it from their side really easily. Straight up removing is a no deal and if you want it straight up removed you support that sort of bigotry.