Wraith is worse now

His uncloak speed boost is less, and because it takes him longer to uncloak it gives survivors more head start on you. he can no longer get a guaranteed hit
I disagree. Played 5 games of Wraith today and dominated all of them. The fact that he has his wind storm addon for free in his kit feels more than nice.
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It'll take a bit to get used to--especially if you're experienced with him--but it nonetheless is a nice boost to him (even if he isn't the best still).
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I am sure he is still pretty much the same, the mms buff was definitely a nice one and just because he has a shorter post cloak lunge doesn't mean he is worse. Although, the lunge change is weird.
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I honestly agree with the fact that it was a nerf.
Having slightly more pressure is not worth EVERY OTHER PART of your kit being nerfed. He's weaker in chase, and in hit and run now, and his speed boost was reduced.
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His lunge does seem bugged though. He should move the same speed as he was moving cloaked for 1.25 seconds after he uncloaks and it seems much shorter.
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So you've been playing Wraith without his Windstorm add-on for god knows how long if you think this is a genuine downside that actually exists, and fail to see the benefits of actual map control AND a lunge faster than a bullet???
There's no way this buff could ever be considered bad, since his lunge out of cloak makes up for the minimal distance lost from the slower decloak speed. At worst, you could just stack Swift Hunt add-ons now to get a minimal slowdown because of the shorter decloak, WHICH YOU COULD NEVER DO BEFORE BECAUSE THE ADD-ON WITH THE "DOWNSIDE" OF A SLOWER SPEED WHILE DECLOAKING WAS REQUIRED TO PLAY WRAITH.
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I think they should revert the uncloaking speed, but I wouldn't say he's worse now. He's definitely better than he was before.
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He is a lot better now
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Swift Hunt, Shadowdance, Bamboozle.
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easy on the capslock.
you pretty much are forced to run faster uncloak add-ons whereas before you were forced to run windstorm. his map controi got better but his chase is worse. fact. you cannot argue that
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Did you just ignore his now basekit bullet lunge in favor of capslock?