Bluntly..the trickster is killer masochism

So I haven't had all the time in the world to study every addon and facet of him, however a few interactions with tiles and a few mechanics truly make this killer a punishment to play
1st: His speed, he's a 110 killer which supposedly means his power is beefy to the point of mastery of it being required to get good results, what we get is a killer that is slow, getting more slowed while pulling out knives, and slowed while throwing said knives , and it's all made slower still by the animation switching to the knives, its way too long and by the time you get your knives going claudette is around the corner of shack and has vaulted the window
2nd: knives, his knives feel like I'm throwing potatoes, the character has recoil for some reason (this isn't call of duty devs and that's not an lmg your firing )and it makes aiming with him an absolute chore with the unoptimized controls of dead by daylight, not a good mix, to top this off you need 8 knives, deal 1 state of damage..absolutely absurd..his power is actively a handicap..this feels like the twins part 2, with a vengeance. The devs rubber gloved this to a point where I wonder how this guy made it past 1 test run.
3rd: He makes way too many passive noises, he's always either loudly breathing or giggling maniacly, cool..but it blocks out sounds that in many cases are CRUCIAL tools for the killer to do their task, so even the most basic tools are gimped by this killer
Look even though I wasn't jazzed about his appearance, his concept seemed legitimately interesting but once again the devs have fallen into their own self worrying and made a barely functional mess of a killer that won't be properly handled for months..I want this to be an example of why the devs need to try and avoid these can't possibly be profiting from killers nobody will play so make sure they do. Anyway..hope this helps in the efforts to polish this guy, he's clearly out of practice with those blades so tell him to hit the range , peace
Don't insult the Twins like that...
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You thought learning Nurse was bad? Get ready to simply play this killer!
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The Twins are a mess.. not as bad as release twins mind you, but I don't see the twins..well ever..that says a lot when clown is played more
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I know exactly what you mean
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Pretty goodjob so far
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The worst thing is that this is the first 110% killer (iirc) that doesn't actually have any form of anti loop OR mobility in his kit.
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Yeeeah..that was a bit of a red flag
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I don't like him. He is not a monster or horror related, he just seems like a jerk or a d*ckhead, not a terror.
I also have a soft spot for punk culture. He feels like a 1980's villain, just dress some one up like a punk and you know they are the bad guy. That is so lazy and culturally backwards.
He feels like a dork auditioning to be in the Joker's gang to menace Batman. Seriously K-Pop, what about that music makes you think "Ooh, that is survival horror material."
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I actually really like the menu music to be fair
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I actually like the noises he makes such as the giggles and such, It adds so much personality~
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You'd think they would disappointed by negative feedback about new dlc but it seems to be a habit for Behaviour at this point. Like they don't even care. Everyone saw this coming weeks ago.
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The giggles I could tolerate but the breathing sounds almost identical to survivors
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These updates are getting worse and worse. At this point it's time for the President of the company to come and have a good talk with the community, things really need to change over at Behaviour.
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I get the feeling there are some really creative and smart folks working at Behaviour but there must also be someone with a management role who does not get DBD at all. So many great movie and genre monsters and killers to choose from and somehow they land on K-Pop? Seriously they passed over Candyman, Mr. Hyde, the Grim Reaper, Alien, Predator, Chucky, Dracula, Wolfman, Frankenstein, Jack the Ripper, Slenderman, the Fly, the Gillman, the Mummy, Zombies, Killer Robot, Bigfoot, Wendigo, Hellraiser, Phantom of the Opera, Wax Museum, the Thing, and said, "Okay, those guys are kind of scary, but you know what is really scary? K-Pop."
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on3 -
Ok, but you say that like they can get the copyright for any of those horror movie monsters easily. A zombie killer would be boring, as well.
Also, yes K-Pop, more specifically the music industry as a whole, is ######### up. I'm not even kidding, the ######### in that industry and others like it are gross and genuine horror movie material in the right hands.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on5 -
Give both his and the new survivors lore a read. It's extremely dark and messed up. It doesn't have to be a monster to be a killer this messed up.
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Maybe this is the point. Maybe he's like old Freddy in that he's meant to be the killer equivalent of No Mither? just give Trickster double BP for free and you've solved all his problems, he becomes the padded jaws or speed limiter of killers.
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I think one of the worst things is that survivors aren't holding back at all- trickster is just bullying fodder to the survs I play against.
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I ll be playing tonight for the first time ..... should I ask for overtime and stay at work instead? 🙃
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I agree with everything you said OP, except the noises. I could live with them if he was actually any kind of tolerable to play as.
I am literally on my 7th game of 7 straight 0k - 1k's at R1 and I am... Well, not a 0k -1k average Killer main at all.
This is the FIRST Killer I have ever played where I will abandon a chase if the Survivor goes to a certain tile. His slowness, combined with the extra slow from pulling knives, combined with the ADDITIONAL slow from the CD is.... It just feels awful.
It's like playign Spirit or Nurse without using their abilities. This is the worst Killer to ever come out. Even OG Freddy could perform and caused some delay.
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Many on the list are public domain or you can easily create a cypher like Trapper is basically a Jason cypher.
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If at the end of the year their balance sheets show good profit on a game that is 6ish years old, the president of the company has fulfilled his/her job to investors. Until the Comunity stops buying skins and dlc, there is no motivation to change the status quo
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You forgot to mention Main Event, an extra ability you barely have control over that locks you into using his already ineffective power with little added benefit.
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That's true I did forget it lol
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I also think a Zombie character would be fun. When survivors die they would come back from the dead and become chaotic NPCs who would mindlessly walk around causing havoc by blwing gens and chasing survivors. They would be slow but by the time you get to the final survivor that survivor would be facing 4 killers instead of one.
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A zombie killer would be cool.
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I like it but it's so loud and often like ptb spirit when she nonstop went wahhhh
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Until the Comunity stops buying skins and dlc, there is no motivation to change the status quo
We both know that this won't happen, like at all.
As unfortunate as it sounds
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Side note, when I saw that you listed Wendigo it made me think of the ones from until dawn. Imagine playing against a killer that you actually have to stay still against to counter. Like if you work on a gen, they will see it, if you are running or walking, they will see it. Its just an example/idea but like I could honsestly see that being fun as in until dawn they are actually scary and super fast.
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I don't see nurse or hag...ever...
are they somehow bad? Is wraith better since I see him more? or just played by very few people?
go watch dowsey if you wanna see what a good twins player can do. they are really good when you understand how to play them. (and same with nurse... really bad when you don't)
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His speed is one of the main problem here.
A reduce speed implies that your skill will let you get the upper hand in loops, but his skill doesn't. Like, at all.
The game is about a couple of things for the killer : Patrolling, chasing (which basically means looping) and he is bad at both of thos things because of that speed, while not gaining any real advantage on the rest (ie chasing in straight line).
IF they really want to keep him at 110 they need to do 2 things :
1) remove all slow when throwing knife
2) remove the speed boost when survivors are wounded from a full meter.
This way he would be able to do what the plague does (but better) by covering survivor of projectile while chasing them to get them wounded, to then slap them with him M1, thus getting a 2 punch combo that will put down a survivor quickly.
But even with that, he still would be a subpar plague, they also need to fix his Main Event (first of all by fixing its byg) and make it a CTRL activable action rather than an automatic one. This way you could have a burst of power ala Myers where you could cash in a lot of power you've accumulated until now.
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I personally believe they should make laceration never go down so you can stack damage and profit off of it later, and they should take away all slowdown. He is already very short so I think taking away slowdown and fixing his laceration could really make more unique and much better. Main event just needs like everything about it fixed honestly.
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Dont worry he is aLso slower than survivors when he takes out his knives and gets slowed down even more whne he actually throw them
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YUP, and this what makes him so bad. Bad and INCREDIBLY unfun to play as. EVERY single short loops (yaknow the one that can be found by dozen on every tiles) means that you'll have to run around them, as a 110% until the survivor decides to go away.
EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Just dont even think using your skill, you are a 110% M1 killer there, nothing more.
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They are just more enjoyable
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I get the feeling they had a look at which country is spending the most on cosmetics and made their decisions from there tbh.
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Ok but what the hell would their power be?
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Playing with the trickster is like getting hurt. He's not funny, he just makes you mad by how bad he js. Kudos to the developers, they don't love their players.
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uh he be zombie
thats it
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Having played Trickster for a while now, I can safely say that this Killer is by far the weakest killer in the entire game. He is slow, he throws slow, he walks slowly while aiming blades, he prepares his blades for a throw slow, he activates his main event EXTREEEEEEEEMLY slow. It is like the devs forgot this game has corners in it. Anyone with a brain can just run around a corner and completely destroy Trickster's ability to use his blades.
His blades are only good for maps where there are wide open fields without tall grass, and even in those, his aim is absolutely butchered to a point that any decent survivor can dodge them long enough to reach a safe corner and from there on the decaying meter quickly makes all the work you did with the blades completely useless.
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I wholly agree; BHVR is in dire need of new management
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Trickster is the killer's No Mither.
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O O F.
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Sounds pretty boring to me lmao
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only because you dont understand
He be zombie
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Yknow what, true
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Infectious bite
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Yeah but how would that work-
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I also had an administrator confirm there is a blankity-blank working at Behaviour who does not get DBD and was behind the whole K-Pop Trickster DLC. Apparently they were offended.
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that was the real trick all along