The trickster... yeah... no...
Just got done playing 3 matches. So far it's pretty bad. Not to rant but wow is it pretty awful.
It's hard enough to land the knives bc of major recoil let alone land 16. The obstacles in the map is enough defense against them due to hiw slow he is once you wind up to throw them. He can't chase bc of 110% movement speed and good luck playing him on Lerys. Wow.
He's trash. I regret unlocking him. He needs serious work. The devs must not play their own game if they think he stands a chance against competent survivors.
All they have to do is zip zag and run around obstacles or go through a window and bam. Knives useless but to have to land 16 to down and if you don't stay on them the meter regenerates?! So all for nothing if you don't tunnel.
Easily the worst killer so far. I like the idea of fury knives but they need to take away the recoil and regeneration and buff his movement speed if they think anyone will actually play him.
He can't down survivors unless he tunnels and he's to slow to chase to even do that.
I like him. He's obviously not a nurse but he's fun, and that's what matters to me. Plus, I usually get 2 kills without any dirty tricks (pun not intended).
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I've ran into some tricksters who just destroyed us. On the other hand, I've ran into tricksters who posed NO threat. Take your time to learn him, not complain he's bad after three games.
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man, he's not even Legion
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Thank god.
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There's a reason I didn't unlock him. Same with the Twins.
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Having played against him several times I can firmly say he poses no threat. Unless you get caught out in the open he is hilariously bad. He loses so much time chasing and moves so slow that he has maybe some of the worst map pressure due to his 110% move speed. At red ranks he looks like a total nightmare to play. All the survivors need is good routing and a decent map tile and he just loses. Save your money people.
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He’s literally impossible on any indoor map
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Couldn't have said it better myself. I wish I could have a refund.
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Holy carp, yes.
Lerys is easily his worst map.