Possible changes/buffs to the Trickster

Give me your feedback on these thoughts and give me your thoughts on the Trickster. In my honest opinion, hes hot garbage, but he has a lot of potential.

First give him normal movement speed, he cant chase around a simple T wall, hes too slow to catch up and his power simply cant do enough fast enough to gain benefits from a chase at a T-L.

Second make his actual power, you know the one where he throws a frenzy of knives for 5 seconds a little more lethal. Half of it can get blocked, so make it so 5 consecutive hits is a down, he already has to hit them a bunch of times with the basic ability to even get his power, and then half of it gets blocked and then he just hits 5 out of 8 for laceration and then has a cooldown and loses all progress so it was for nothing.

Third make a larger window for him to use it, how come all the other killers can hold onto their ability and use it when they please but he has a small window to use it or he has to start back over.

My ideas may not even be as good as someone else but im really trying to enjoy playing him but i can't. I feel he spend so much time doing almost nothing. Please leave thoughts and dont be a negative nancy.
