Is it worth learning Hag?


Before I start I need to mention that I got all of The Hag's perks from The Shrine. If I were to do this I'd be starting fresh with a Level 1 Prestige 0 Killer and no experience playing her beyond what I know of her base abilities.

With that in mind: Is it worth learning Hag? Ever since her buff I see her placed incredibly high on tier lists, and recently when I asked around for what Killer I should level I got a lot of people telling me to play Hag.
I've never been a huge fan of Killers who move below 115% though. Huntress never clicked with me (I'm bad at aiming so I don't mind) and I kinda ended up playing Spirit like a wanabee Hillbilly. Hag as a whole also really doesn't interest me, which is where my main grievances lie. I don't like the idea of having to constantly drop what I'm doing because SOMEBODY TRIGGAH MAH TRAP!
All that being said I played Trapper after he was buffed and I enjoy him a lot. I don't know how similar the Hag experience is to playing Trapper though.


  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    Yes but don't do the same mistakes i made assuming she is like Trapper, here is a slightly outdated thread and guides.
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    You don't stop what you are doing just because they triggered your trap. Unless you want to. It's one of those things you learn.

    A lot of times I trap run paths on the opposite side of the map that I will be working on. This tells me how the survivors are moving between gens, so i can set up chase traps later. it also tells me what gens they are working on.

    Never trap a gen past grey (maybe green?)ranks. Trap the paths leading to the gens. That's how you find out where they are going.

    Her game really takes off once she has a hook. Because she can now predict the direction you will be running from with 100% accuracy, because 2 people will have to start at the hook and run away from it. So when I down someone, i bring them to an area i have traps in run paths around, if i can, then go and trap the opposite side of every pallet and window.

    and this is my big reason why I say play the hag:

    Nothing is more fun then watching a survivor vault a pallet, trigger a trap, and then litteraly vault right back into your waiting arms.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Yup learn Hag she's a lot of fun and she's as easy to master as Nurse. (So moderate difficulty)

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,166

    There are VERY few killers who can shut down a loop. Nurse always comes to mind, and a lot of people say that Clown can as well, but I'm not very good with either. Huntress can also (somewhat) stop loops, or rather slow them down a little at pallets. But with the speed Hag places her traps, I've countered several loops because the Survivors don't realize what I was doing for about a second.
    So yeah. I'd say it's worth it. She's actually a lot of fun as well.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    Hag is pretty good problem is that she is a defensive killer, you pretty much put traps around things you want to defend like totems, hooked survivors, generators. In many regards she is a camping killer, you do need detection perks like whispers and bbq to be effective with her.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @akbays35 said:
    Hag is pretty good problem is that she is a defensive killer, you pretty much put traps around things you want to defend like totems, hooked survivors, generators. In many regards she is a camping killer, you do need detection perks like whispers and bbq to be effective with her.

    and why is that a problem?

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    @Zanfer said:

    @akbays35 said:
    Hag is pretty good problem is that she is a defensive killer, you pretty much put traps around things you want to defend like totems, hooked survivors, generators. In many regards she is a camping killer, you do need detection perks like whispers and bbq to be effective with her.

    and why is that a problem?

    sometimes it's not fun to just keep putting traps around totems and gens hoping they spring them. She's entirely reliant on survivors to make mistakes and to be altruistic or totem hungry. Hag is like my 2nd most played killer but I have the least fun with her since each match is I get a trap on my ruin, down a survivor, trap survivor, then just watch them fall like dominos, or they bust ruin quick, gen rush, I might get 1 survivor tunnel killed, then I get a 1-2k from noed and these games last less than 3 mins.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    @akbays35 said:
    Hag is pretty good problem is that she is a defensive killer, you pretty much put traps around things you want to defend like totems, hooked survivors, generators. In many regards she is a camping killer, you do need detection perks like whispers and bbq to be effective with her.

    This is my main reason for not wanting to play Hag. That gameplay loop doesn't interest me and the notion I've seen from countless Streamers and YouTube personalities (pre Hag buff) is that you basically have to play defensively to get any value out of her.
    I do again mention Trapper because most streamers and YouTubers pushed the notion of Trapper taking too long to set up and while that is still largely the case the buff did go a long way to lower the set up time and increase the time spent using your power to its full strength. I don't know if Hag still has to fall into the loop of "me camp hook", "me camp gen", "me three gen strat" etc. like Trapper still has to with "me spend half the game trapping loops" or if she does truly have more options like Hag mains say she does.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @TigerKirby215 said:

    @akbays35 said:
    Hag is pretty good problem is that she is a defensive killer, you pretty much put traps around things you want to defend like totems, hooked survivors, generators. In many regards she is a camping killer, you do need detection perks like whispers and bbq to be effective with her.

    This is my main reason for not wanting to play Hag. That gameplay loop doesn't interest me and the notion I've seen from countless Streamers and YouTube personalities (pre Hag buff) is that you basically have to play defensively to get any value out of her.
    I do again mention Trapper because most streamers and YouTubers pushed the notion of Trapper taking too long to set up and while that is still largely the case the buff did go a long way to lower the set up time and increase the time spent using your power to its full strength. I don't know if Hag still has to fall into the loop of "me camp hook", "me camp gen", "me three gen strat" etc. like Trapper still has to with "me spend half the game trapping loops" or if she does truly have more options like Hag mains say she does.

    over exaggeration doesn't mean anything. Trapper doesn't trap things for 4 mins total. You could maybe make that argument for hag, but she places them so quick it doesn't even feel like you place traps anymore.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @akbays35 said:

    @Zanfer said:

    @akbays35 said:
    Hag is pretty good problem is that she is a defensive killer, you pretty much put traps around things you want to defend like totems, hooked survivors, generators. In many regards she is a camping killer, you do need detection perks like whispers and bbq to be effective with her.

    and why is that a problem?

    sometimes it's not fun to just keep putting traps around totems and gens hoping they spring them. She's entirely reliant on survivors to make mistakes and to be altruistic or totem hungry. Hag is like my 2nd most played killer but I have the least fun with her since each match is I get a trap on my ruin, down a survivor, trap survivor, then just watch them fall like dominos, or they bust ruin quick, gen rush, I might get 1 survivor tunnel killed, then I get a 1-2k from noed and these games last less than 3 mins.

    Placing them at gens can be good when it gets down to 2 or less gens, but don't do it above that. Unless you already have full map control it isn't worth setting them since they can crouch into working on the gen. Place them in pathways to gens or popular pathways that survivors like to run. Or while walking around looking for people always set traps for future chases. I do quite fine with her personally, but you don't so there could be a difference in playstyle.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Definitely! She's one of the strongest killers in the game and one of my favorites.
  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
    edited November 2018
    akbays35 said:

    @Zanfer said:

    @akbays35 said:
    Hag is pretty good problem is that she is a defensive killer, you pretty much put traps around things you want to defend like totems, hooked survivors, generators. In many regards she is a camping killer, you do need detection perks like whispers and bbq to be effective with her.

    and why is that a problem?

    sometimes it's not fun to just keep putting traps around totems and gens hoping they spring them. She's entirely reliant on survivors to make mistakes and to be altruistic or totem hungry. Hag is like my 2nd most played killer but I have the least fun with her since each match is I get a trap on my ruin, down a survivor, trap survivor, then just watch them fall like dominos, or they bust ruin quick, gen rush, I might get 1 survivor tunnel killed, then I get a 1-2k from noed and these games last less than 3 mins.

    You don't have to play her defensively if you don't want to. I hate playing defensively also so I taught myself how to be aggressive with her.

    It's more difficult, but much more satisfying to truly hunt survivors down.

    I don't use Ruin or NOED at all and I do just fine.

    Consider it a challenge for yourself to play an aggressive Hag if you don't like playing defensively. 

    This video might help show how I personally play Hag. In this map I like isolating the game to one side in order to chase cha use traps effectively.
  • serabeth90
    serabeth90 Member Posts: 100
    I love Hag; I just hit rank 1 on her tonight. I highly recommend watching Space Coconut’s videos that he posted here. I was stuck around rank 10-12 before I started watching his videos. 

    I very much disagree with the person above who said she requires tracking perks...I’ve found her to be just the opposite. Either people will set off your traps or they will be crouching everywhere and be slow moving and easier to find. When you do find them, they will be forced to run and set off your traps. I do typically run nurse’s calling but it’s definitely not necessary. 

    I find play on her to be thrilling, exciting, and strategical. She is by far my favorite killer to play. A lot of survivors tell me it is very scary and fun to play against Hag too, so they get a more authentic horror game experience. 
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    @akbays35 said:
    Hag is pretty good problem is that she is a defensive killer, you pretty much put traps around things you want to defend like totems, hooked survivors, generators. In many regards she is a camping killer, you do need detection perks like whispers and bbq to be effective with her.

    umm... Not really. I run Bitter Murmur sometimes, but have never needed to use whispers. BBQ is good on everyone, but again, not required for her. As i said, trap run paths. My perks tend to be game slowers, or counters. Ie: If I see them take flashlights, i take lightborn.

    She is good enough that you can play her with pretty much any perk combo you like. Space Coconut hates Ruin, and has his own perk setup he runs, to good effect in red ranks, i run a variety of setups in red ranks. She is one of only 2 killers I'de ever consider running 0 perks with.... Oh maybe I'll do that tonight.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Remember the golden ratio. 7 traps for camping and 3 for chases.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    She is a joy to play against average survivors, but coordinated swf can be very frustrating with her 
  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237
    edited November 2018

    I run an aggressive hag. The trick is to flush people and out box them in on one area of the map and trap the escape routes. Don't tightly pack the generators with traps, that's predictable and obvious, loosely trap them unless you have a range add on. Her collision add-ons are suited to an aggressive play style, too.

    Post edited by Wahara on
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    @Wahara said:
    I run an aggressive hag. The trick is to flush people and out box them in on one area of the map and trap the escape routes. Don't tightly pack the generators with traps, that's predictable and obvious, loosely trap them unless you have a range add on. Her collision add-ons are suited to an aggressive play style, too.

    my aggressive play is different. I flush them off generators and then lazily follow their scratches, trapping pallets, windows, and to the side of run paths (so it pulls them to the side for a moment and slows them)

    then I leave, circle back, and attack from the same side. They will run the same path most times.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    akbays35 said:

    Hag is pretty good problem is that she is a defensive killer, you pretty much put traps around things you want to defend like totems, hooked survivors, generators. In many regards she is a camping killer, you do need detection perks like whispers and bbq to be effective with her.

    Not necessarily true. While those perks are nice they are certainly not deal breakers. Only putting traps around things you want to defend is unwise, as once people realize you are doing it, it’s now expected. 

    You trap places they don’t expect, trap loops, abuse the camera flick to mess with survivor movement, a good trap network is the absolute key to success with the hag. Detection perks are not always necessary, as well placed traps in frequented paths by survivors are excellent detectors without using a perk slot.
  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237
    edited November 2018

    Also, the center of the map is almost always prime real estate to trap up. Survivors tend to instinctively go for the safer corner generators, so trap up the center real good: pallets, windows, choke points, and most importantly the centers of three/four way intersections. Those babies are hot spots. Then just circle around the map and typically they'll run toward the center where they think their pallets or safe double story buildings are at. You'll be breaking through pallets at God speed, too.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    The hag can get 3K at least in almost every match without perks nor addons at rank 1 if you know how to use her, i tested it myself. So yeah, totally worth it.
  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237

    Since I returned to hag and this thread discusses her, I want to share my favorite toxic hag build:

    Ruin, Nurses calling, Deerstalker, Hex The Third Seal

    If you can defend the third seal, you will get 3 people disconnecting before one gen is even done. I promise you.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @Wahara said:

    Since I returned to hag and this thread discusses her, I want to share my favorite toxic hag build:

    Ruin, Nurses calling, Deerstalker, Hex The Third Seal

    If you can defend the third seal, you will get 3 people disconnecting before one gen is even done. I promise you.

    Why not MYC? It suits her so well.
  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237

    I haven't really had the need for it, honestly. It could replace deerstalker since that's mainly used to track where my slugs are going in case they're trying to get far from my terror radius and avoid nurses calling. I've tried running make your choice but it feels kind of situational. If I were going to swap deerstalker out I'd probably opt for haunted ground or sloppy butcher.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Get Make Your Choice and Ruin to tier 3 on Hag. They are both really strong on her. For the other perks it's what you like using most, I run M&A and Whispers.

    The trick with Hag is to always have traps around and place them in ways to either catch up to a survivor or mess up a survivor with the camera jerk.

  • BeanieEnthusiast
    BeanieEnthusiast Member Posts: 213
    Yeah she’s good fun.
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @VolantConch1719 said:
    There are VERY few killers who can shut down a loop. Nurse always comes to mind, and a lot of people say that Clown can as well, but I'm not very good with either. Huntress can also (somewhat) stop loops, or rather slow them down a little at pallets. But with the speed Hag places her traps, I've countered several loops because the Survivors don't realize what I was doing for about a second.
    So yeah. I'd say it's worth it. She's actually a lot of fun as well.

    Huntrress doesn't stop loops against good survivors, she makes them longer by winding her hatchets. Just keep running if ur healthy and just keep baiting it if ur injured. Once she's out of hatchets she'll be forced to reload or get bullied for 5 gens.

  • Whispers23
    Whispers23 Member Posts: 111

    I love the Hag. Wish I could marry her.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Poweas said:

    @VolantConch1719 said:
    There are VERY few killers who can shut down a loop. Nurse always comes to mind, and a lot of people say that Clown can as well, but I'm not very good with either. Huntress can also (somewhat) stop loops, or rather slow them down a little at pallets. But with the speed Hag places her traps, I've countered several loops because the Survivors don't realize what I was doing for about a second.
    So yeah. I'd say it's worth it. She's actually a lot of fun as well.

    Huntrress doesn't stop loops against good survivors, she makes them longer by winding her hatchets. Just keep running if ur healthy and just keep baiting it if ur injured. Once she's out of hatchets she'll be forced to reload or get bullied for 5 gens.

    A good Huntress will just run the loop and disrespect the pallet to get a swing. They might raise a hatchet on the first or second go around to see what you do, and if you run the loop I won't try to hatchet you. I'll go for blood lust instead.

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    I also play Hag offensively, without Ruin.

    M&A, Nurse's, Sloppy, and whatever other perk you want. I usually take MYC, but I've gotten good results with...
    Unrelenting (mostly counters Dead Hard and helps when you teleport and end up facing the wrong way)
    Coulrophobia (yes, even with M&A)
    Devour Hope (sometimes you get lucky and have a mid-game one-shot streak)
    Haunted Ground (They usually think they're cleansing DH)
    Knock Out (Not as good against SWF, but it can waste a lot of time if you down a solo player)

    I recently played a KYF match with Blood Warden, Rancor, STBFL, and PWYF (they wanted me to play a different build...). Every time the obsession tried to distract me I just got faster, and I ended up getting the mori when he tried to run out and found BW up.
  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    I ultimately decided to do it, basically because I've had a Hag daily staring at me for the past week and I decided why the ######### not.
    Keep getting Freddy dailies. :|