You hate noed? Then stop gen rushing and cleanse totems you see

Firstly, noed is not to strong, I think noed is a really good and fair perk. I personally don't use it but I don't have any problems playing against it.
But here is the thing that is annoying. The baby survivors who cry about noed after the game is over or here in the forums. But funny is, these people are most of the time also the survivors who do nothing then doing gens.
When you see a totem, destroy it, it gives bloodpoints and reduces the change noed activates in the endgame. But stop crying that you get punished for gen rushing
HEY I KNOW! lets put a positive constructive spin on yet another thread defending noed with the straw man /do bones meme! =D
I bring a Violet map and Small Game frequently just for that ultra rare instance when the planets align and I manage to find all the bones (5 of them) and any extra hex totems there may be and cleanse them all before the 5th gen pops vs a Killer with Noed (this has happened twice in 5 years)
By the time I cleanse everything I've either de-pipped or black pipped because there wasn't enough time to do ANYTHING else because everyone else is either dead or the gates are open and EGC has started.
Also . . . If we actually had a Totem counter like we have for other match objectives such as the Gen and Hook counter Bones might actually be done more often.
Also a bp and pip point boost for people doing bones couldn't hurt because right now what's the incentive when everything else is more rewarding.
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I agree. It's a perk that punishes survivors focusing only on generators.
I find it fun to go against NOED, because it starts the game of "Oh #########, need to find this totem quickly!" and really provides a sense of emergency for once in DBD, that brings a lot of thrills.
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I wonder how many people who say "do bones" actually won games by doing what they preach.
Maybe once or twice every 500 games I assume?
The point is, theoretically it works but realistically it doesn't. Especially in a Solo Q situation.
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NOED is fine.
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Noed is fine, usually jsut gives 1 extra kill or hook if any, is rare to see all the team falling because of it unless u are mega altruistic or all are around... the ######### happens, but shouldnt.
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Enough with the "do bones" argument please, unless you're in a full party it's actively detrimental to your team and a really, really dumb idea even if the killer actually does have NOED. Why? Because who needs NOED if the game is artificially extended by people wasting time searching what has already been searched, in areas that have already been cleansed.
Doing dull totems is stronger for the killer than NOED, and that's even assuming the killer has NOED and isn't busy wiping the floor with your team with whatever 4th perk they actually brought. The problem with NOED isn't that it's OP, it's that it's unfair. Someone dies because the killer equipped a perk. 2 people die if they used NOED as facecamp insurance. Fun, fair gameplay.
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Noed is only powerful in the hands of a killer that is already putting out a lot of pressure aka doing well.
Noed is fine as is
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People who think Noed is overpowered are either overly altruistic or too scared to find the totem. The perk is only good against bad players honestly.
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Ikr, I have been using noed with devour hope and undying. I've been doing well with that, so easy.
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NOED is effective mostly against newbies who don't know their hex from the dulls and solo players who don't know how many totems are left. The game barely brings up totems outside of one (1) loading screen hint that you might see, but that's not guaranteed. NOED is fine in a vacuum, but in the context of newer players who don't grasp its workings, it can feel unnecessarily punishing.
And stop calling it genrush. Gens are literally the primary objective for Survivors. Unless there's something else obstructing that, most players are going to work on them. NOED is a cleanup perk for the Killer to get at least one more kill (or just one) in the endgame.
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Great argument for swf but it completely ######### over any and all solo player so this is me dropping by to tell you to please stop bestie 🥰🥰
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NoED is a perk that rewards bad killers. It teaches them bad habits too. That 4% speed boost is absolutely stupid. NoED needs some changes, so that bad killers aren't rewarded with a free kill (or more if the team is unlucky). It's unhealthy for the game.
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I'll stop calling it genrush when survivors stop calling it "camping" and "tunneling". Killing survivors is literally the primary objective for killers. Unless there's something else obstructing that, most players are going to work on them.
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This is just encouraging people to play on swf, but killers always complain about that... mmm :/
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Which part is telling people to play SWF? It's literally just saying "If you see a totem, cleanse it". That doesn't require SWF.
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Okay. That's valid. That's literally what the game is about. Survivors try to survive, Killers try to kill. That's how the game operates.
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Maybe my wording wasn't where I wanted it to be, but I'm trying to point out that solo que. will always be a struggle against a NOED. Even if you tell people to "do bones", there will always be people who don't give a flying fudge about totems...
So whenever people try to tell others to just "do bones", you might as well tell them to play on a swf.
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DS isn't OP just slug and don't tunnel (That's what you're literally saying except that you're talking abt NOED and im talking about DS)
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But how is it the killers fault if 3/4 people refuse to look for totems?
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I never said it was the killer's fault if no one wants to do bones. In fact, I'm trying to say that it's the survivors' fault.
And thats why it feels like swf is just the answer to "do bones", but then that leads to another issue of the immense strength a swf can potentially have.
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My solution will be don't hurry to power the gate
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You can get rid of the killers only real unearned second chance when survivors lose all of theirs and actually have to outplay me instead of hit E for distance.
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I solo alot and I know if I didn't do bones I'm gonna leave fast. I normally run totem perks with inner strength.
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Or you can tell them to equip perks and/or items to help with that task, if they're having trouble.
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I don't think that SWF is the true answer.
There were already ideas to make it easier for solos. Totem Counter for Small Game, global sound cue once all totems are done, or my favorite idea: altar in basement with 5 lit candles. Everytime a totem is cleansed one candle stops burning.
Otherwise it's game sense. With time you know the tiles and where totems are hidden. (Indoor maps are an exception to this).
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That can work, but you never know what people will do. Whenever I play a duo swf with my friend, we'll be the only ones cleansing the totems. Swf is just a lot more reliable tbh. Well that's from my personal experience lol, nobody I pair up with wants to do bones.
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Until the devs incorporate those ideas & yes that basement one was good, then swf (for me and many others) remains as the better/best solutions.
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I have. On a regular basis. And i play solo survivor only.
Actually, the ruin/undying and the devour hope/undying is much more of an issue.
Usually, i need neither perks nor maps for going against noed, because i know most of the spots, and can check them while going from one gen to another, sometimes even while being in a chase. So you do 2-4 totems during the match, and when there is one gen left, you go for the rest to avoid noed. Easy.
But Undying/ruin or devour hope forces me to use a map and detectives hunch, because you get a lot of survivors now that just do nothing as long as ruin is up, or just fall like flies, because if devour hope becomes active, i cant check all the spots fast enough.
Also, soo many people don´t do dull totems they see, even while searching for ruin.
Thats why with the old undying, people did dull totems, and noed was no issue in that time.
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noed isnt strong? in my last game a blight got 3 sacrifices cuz of it. also doing totems alone in solo queue is impossible unless you have detectives hunch+a map and even if you do youre still wasting a lot of time not doing generators. if noed was that easy to counter, no one would be running it