CTD while playing Trickster

Flambo007 Member Posts: 19
edited September 2022 in Bug Reporting

Platform: PC

Description of issue: While playing Trickster, my game CTD twice in very similar situations without any error message. The crash occured while carrying a survivor towards a hook, both times after all gens had been done

Might be related to me running the Starstruck perk, or the Endgame one he has.

steps to reproduce: see above

How often does this occur: Twice now in 4 games as the Trickster, with now 15 minutes of matchmaking ban Id rather not try again.

Post edited by Mandy on
1 votes

Answered · Last Updated

This is sounding more like a technical issue you are having, I would suggest posting on our Tech Sub Forum for more assistance: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/technical-issues


  • Flambo007
    Flambo007 Member Posts: 19


    This now happened while playing Blight as well, without any of the mentioned perks or carrying a survivor, just a CTD during endgame. I never had issues with this game crashing like that before this patch 4.6, so I assume it must be related.

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