The Trickster: Pretty Bad.
Right now, the Trickster's niche is being able to basically fire knives like a machine gun. The problem is, Trickster is basically a killer that requires 8 of these knives to hit. This game has literally TONS of debris to block your shots and 8 shots are required to actually deal damage. The amount of time taken just to injure a survivor usually results in a gen getting done. Due to a lack of being able to apply pressure by dealing damage (something other ranged killers usually have no problem with), he has literally nothing going for him. Everything this killer does is outclassed by Huntress.
My recommendations to buff him:
- 5 knives required to deal damage rather than 8.
- 40 Knives rather than 60.
- Tune down the recoil strength.
Done. The killer is now in a pretty decent spot.
Why not just one knife to kill and no recoil,,better yet, why not just a stare to kill a survivor?? C'mon,,,you are prob one of those killers who will tell me to "git good" because I think it is lazy game play to tunnel and camp huh? Why can't killer mains take their own advise and "git good"??
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Thank you for contributing literally nothing to the conversation. Care to explain what Trickster is good at that Huntress or Deathslinger cannot do better?
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you coming with conclusions a day after release: pretty bad
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Care to explain what Trickster is good at that Huntress or Deathslinger cannot do better?
The killer literally is just a worse version of Huntress. What is there to learn? Like, definitely worse statistically speaking. His DPS is lower than both and shares the same movement speed.
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He's about the same as he was from the PTB if not worse, we've played him plenty, and it's very clear he sucks. There is no secret learning curve here, he is simple to understand, it's just in effect he is bad at what he can do.
So, it's safe to draw these conclusions.
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Because as everyone else has stated there is nothing this killer can do that Huntress and Slinger cant do better,,,,your just trying to make him so easy to kill that it is crazy lopsided. You have to work at the kills just like I have to work at avoiding Huntress and Slinger. Plus Huntress and Slinger can down you with one hit and they throw very slow compared to this new killer,, so by the time you have a down with four knives the Huntress and Slinger would have only got on shot off,,,again crazy lopsided.
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Ill let you know in a month when players have had a good amount of time to learn exactly how the timings work and what perks and addons flow well with the new killer.
imagine expecting to have figured it all out exactly in a day....
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What about 5 knives instead? Also what is there to figure out? on just a DPS standpoint he is worse than the other ranged killers.
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I never liked him in the first place,,,his perks maybe,,,,but the character to me is crap. Five knives maybe,,I will agree 8 is prob a little much. I like the devs are going in different directions and trying to keep the game fresh though.
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He is almost the same as he was in the ptb. You need 2 more months to finally figure out he's trash?
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He's just about the worst killer in the game right now & is in a desperate need of buffs -- but reducing his knives damage to 4 is a terrible idea. Here's why:
- His knives aren't hard to hit in open areas and can down you almost instantaneously. Reducing the number will just turn him into a ranged Bubba.
Now you may ask, how do we buff him then? I personally don't know the best way to do it, but I might have a few ideas:
- As you mentioned, turn down the recoil a smudge. I don't see them removing it entirely for the fact being he throws many knives at once compared to Huntress who only throws one hatchet at a time.
- His Main Event is extremely underwhelming. Instead of slowing him down to a handicap, it should speed him up. There's no point in using it unless the survivors get caught with their pants down in an open field considering they can easily loop it out.
I still think he should stay as a 110% movement killer as well as keep his slowdown when he brings out his knives. That way while he stays similar to other killers such as Huntress, his own damn power doesn't discourage him.
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You really don't need a full month to get a general idea of whether or not a killer has potential. Especially with a killer like the Trickster where there's literally nothing to figure out. It's an unimaginative, straight forward killer. There's hardly any timings to learn, I'd say the add ons are pretty clear which ones are the best and even the perks mostly speak for themselves...
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Why would you need a month? No one will play him after a week.
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yes and so do you and so does everyone else, its extremely sad that people still just love to jump to conclusions even though they are so often proven wrong.
this community rages like crazy if they would make the nurse 0.000001% slower purely because "THEY NERFED HER, NURSE RUINED" and proceed to never play her again, well that is until some "influencer" comes along and tells them that she is actually still powerful, then they might come back.
as if nobody can think for themselves anymore or try things, its again, extremely sad.
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because players of this game are stupid and think they understand the world after a glance.
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He'd still be useless. You have to remember this is a ranged 110 killer. The only way these killers get pressure is by chases and slugging. Scrap the knife damage change. Make it so his speed isn't reduced while readying or throwing knives. This way he can be the barrage killer he is supposed to be.
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Buddy you aittude reeks of arrogance. When a vast majority of the community is saying the gameplay reeks of awful sitting on the hold on theres a secret tech its ridiclous. Your not trying to justify a higher skill cap expectation because you and everyone else knows this killer is deliberatly made to be simpler to play and a has a lower skill ceilling.
His only depth of play is locked behind a purple add on (ricochet) or long range shots cease to matter as laceration will decay to fast to reward getting distant shots. The community for dbd is made up of some incredibly competitive players like fungoose and they can tell crack a killers strengths and weaknesses in the course of a day.
We have had the ptb and one day to test him its very clear he is is desperate need of buffs. A lot of complaints about broken perks like MoM, undying and weak killers like initial spirit release i.e. her directional phasing was an issue. Now you have two options dig in your heels and demand trickster remain as is or contribiting toaking the necessary changes to make him a solid killer without pushing his power level so much that he feels op to play against.
The community on dbd is not this nebulous mob of idiots there are all kinds of skilled excellent players and to say otherwise is arrogant and cynical.
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yeah sure, thats why suddenly every suddenly bubba adopted the same nemesis build, or why every single deathslinger runs monitor and abuse or every spirit stridor or every demogorgon (well for as far as they are played) Save the best for last....
lets see what happens when otz or ohtofu or what have you actually does give them a fair shot and suddenly comes up with builds or techniques that work....
far far faaaar too many players here make up their mind the second they hear of something and its always based on emotion, "billy was nerfed!?!!!? well thats it, this is outraaages, never playing him again, rip billy, pretty good job so far hurpaderpaderp" not even trying to see if perhaps the nerf does....absolutely nothing? orrr can be made to deal with? like a nurse not insta double blinking all the time..."wow wait so if you dont blink twice like a muppet the entire time...she is actually still extremely powerful? my world is coming apart"
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The only thing he can maybe to better than Huntress is downing survivors who run in a straight line in an opened field. That's it.
Every other thing Slinger and Huntress can do better. He has potential to get faster downs than Slinger but only if survivors are braindead, otherwise nopers. His wind-up is similar to Huntress so he can get a few knives hits on windows where Huntress can also throw one hatchet and get a health state. In every maze tile or high walls loops he can only get a few knives as well in the same places as Huntress can get one hatchet. And if there's lets say two connected maze tiles there's literally no reason to go for knives because they will decay anyway so it's more beneficial to go for m1s... As 4.4m/s killer :)
Idk, even Trapper and Myers feel OP compared to this killer.
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Your examples are pretty bad considering both billy and nurse are still regarded as frustrating and awful to play. Now in there circumstances its very clear that nurse and billy are more frustrating to learn and there mechanics punishes players learning there power which is probably the worst way you could balance a killer.
The objective should have been to nerf the high end stuff (which they did) but not make the gameplay even more unwelcoming adding an overheat mechanic that actively punishes the player for exploring there power or a nurse blinks cd on top of the existing cd to further punish the people learning nurse.
Hell so many of what you mentioned above were discovered quickly deathslinger and M&A or were reacting to shifitng builds ie iron will appearing more frequently in comes stridor for spirit. Again a vast majority of the players like ohtofu, ardetha, odtz werent saying the killer changes for billy and nurse made them weaker. They were saying they were much clunkier to play and even more unforgiving. Which again isn't how you balance killers who are to strong. You should be trimming there top end power down.
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When Pyramid Head came out players screamed about how op he is.
When Blight came out it was obvious that he is clunky but he will be strong if you master him.
When Twins came out it seemed that they are weak in basic gameplay but able to do some insane gimmicky stuff, even though it wasn't obvious what it will be.
And now everyone is suddenly stupid and knows nothing. Ok. Maybe you are just listening to wrong people?
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Pyramid Head was called OP and UP depending on which side you ask, this is pretty much always the same thing and again, that is because people dont know yet how they work, people dont know how to deal with the powers on both sides, so if it works, clearly the killer is OP and if it doesnt then obviously the killer is UP.
But ermm so you actually want to say people were right in calling Pyramid Head OP?... because ermm...he is at all.
When Blight came out everyone called him pointless and weak and it was only people like OhTofu who said there was potential, not the masses and the masses have still not actually got to that level because they made up their mind of him being weak so they dont even try....(that is kinda the poitn of this entire discussion btw)
The Twins is an even more recent example, people dont want to learn and so those that do play them is exactly the same as so many (bad) players play the Hag, but again if you watch Otz for example, he states the Hag is one of the strongest killers and does not even need perks if you know what you are doing, but again, almost nobody does or can be bothered to learn, otherwise she would have been long nerfed.
Same with the twins, people dont do well for 10 matches, welp terrible killer, back to Wraithe or something else simple they can grasp.
yes everyone is stupid and knows nothing simply because of the mentality that they think they have something figured out that quickly, that is a terribly sad sad mindset, Deal with the cards dealt, make something of it, force yourself to only play the new killer for a month and see how far you get, THEN you can come with soem conclusion.
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Where do I start? Pyramid head was op(at least in the 1v1) because you could threaten your power and switch to m1 if they didnt drop the pallet with no slow or consequence it created a no win situation. Now je slows down so you will not be able to go from your power to m1 without giving a survivor adaquate time to respond.
Blights issue and it still haunts him as a killer is just gradually getting fixed. Some map collision is all over the place. Theres a lot of things you slide off of and mastering him involved a lot of trial and error trying to figure out what is a collision when at a glance colidable objects should be easy to spot. Swamp is supposed to be better now so hopefully he feels a bit better.
Twins playstyle was discovered immediatly and even with its discovery did little to revive her abyssmal play rate because mechanically she was awful to play and very one note in her and viktors playstyle. This playstyle only developed because one of the issues raised that viktor would die close to a hooked survivor so this playstyle idnt and cpuldnt exist without feedback and moaning.
Killers and perks have a long story of changes soem terrible (billy, nurse) other for the better (freddy, ruin). The community isn't stupid it can be wrong but usually the person correcting the community at large has reasoning and logic to back there statements. Listing killers wh o recieved changes and either were worse/better for it is not an argument that tje trickster is strong/weak stating the mechanics that makes them weak or strong is what adds validaity to a point.
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This all pretty much incorrect.
Pyramid Head was found to be OP in 1v1s and then after some changes became a good-to-great killer.
Blight was garbage on the PTB, they fixed some of his issues, and people were like "ok BHVR. We see what you are doing." And people really enjoyed him, with some additional adjustments he's just balanced out and was known immediately that he would be strong in the right hands.
Other than the bugs, everyone knew that once Victor was able to interact with lockers the Twins would go from weak to extremely strong. No one plays them because no one finds camping fun. Basically no one has called the Twins weak since the Victor change. Before that they were literally an M1 killer.
As for the Trickster? We have all the data we need because The Plague has been out for 2 years. At base, they are extremely similar. One just does all of it better than the other. And The Plague isn't even considered strong.