hey devs, how it feels to make 2 chapters in a row and not get money for it?

Cause for sure I am not spending real money for the trash the twins are and even less for trickster, keep going and you'll lose even more money, make good content and you'll get money, that's how it works.
same here didnt spent money since a long time, they now are just trying to milk the game hard as possible from new players since most of the consistent old dbd players left the game
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home sweet home survive is taking me away from this game REALLY hard, people should move to this game instead
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I just hope he gets some buffs in the future that’s all
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this game is only surviving since there is no competition in this genre, but for how long? look how amd took the throne from intel. I hope some other game gives this garbage a good competition soon.
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I stopped spending money since Oni and Yui really because of their poor decisions. Never bought a skin with money and sure as hell won't spend any money on this until they fix all the important issues, fix the grind for casuals, put more time into high quality DLC and listen to the community for changes/improvements. I miss the days where we got actual free content that was good and not some cheap bait (Huntress and Nurse).
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The amount of players with the new cosmetics say otherwise.
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I'm sure plenty of money was made on survivor cosmetics to make up for it.
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could be saved auric cells, i still have 1.3K and even tho his skin was kinda good I didn't buy it
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It's miraculous how this game is funded by a single payment of $9.95 every three months by you. I don't know how they're going to continue development now that you're withdrawing their only source of income.
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Which is why they get priority. Another new worthless killer for them to run around and tbag at the end
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Imagine thinking they are crying because you and some few other players arent paying 8€ to them.
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Do people not enjoy his perks? I love them >.<
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There have been plenty of games in the genre. Problem is, they all failed. Clearly, most people prefer DbD.
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Trust me, they're making money out of it.
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Since they don't have any competition, they're basically allowed to get away with all this nonsense. But thankfully we won't let them
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home sweet home survive is promising
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Okayish killer perks, useless survivor perks, underwhelming killer and no new map. Best DLC ever wdym
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I've heard that before...
16 -
Right, because you get access to BHVR's balance sheets.
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Dont know why they didn't buff him in the 3 weeks he had to be adjusted
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Well you can only talk about yourself which is just single person. Others might spent money on those chapters if they like them. I spent real money on twins even when I didn't need to because they were the most creative killer in ages = for me a good design.
Besides all that, they must get quite a lot of income from cosmetics, that's where the most money comes from imo.
7 -
I respect your decision. If only people did that with certain AAA titles that come out like crap
That being said I took advantage of the sale today and caught up the handful of killers I was missing from taking such a long break the past few months. I got some catching up to do.
3 -
I don’t really care for the Survivor Perks either. And I agree, wish there was a new map. Best thing about this patch to me is Tricksters perks, Menu Music and Theme and some of the cosmetics. I also love that he laughs when people DC, helps me not take a game too seriously.
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Haven’t we all?
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You have proof they made no money?
By all means, don’t buy them if YOU don’t want to. Just don’t be a childish jerk about it.
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I know, but this game still have over 1K players, usually those type of games are bellow 400, I hope it will rise
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That no competition survives is pretty much proof that DBD is NOT garbage.
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I bought the DLC... sorry to burst your bubble, but A LOT of people are buying this DLC :)
Oh and Home Sweet Home.. LOL that game is horrid (played like 3 hours) and if it doesn't do some MAJOR updates before their true launch - it will last about as long as Last Year - if they are lucky.
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I've spent $20 on crappy Ghostface outfit plus more skins just to do the outfit bug. If they are not making money on new chapters -- they are definitely making a ton of money on bugs.
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Eh, sorry to break it to you, but you make next to zero difference.
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Umm, I like playing the twins.... But Trickster is hard Garbage
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Twins are fine except they r a bit boring. This Korean killer is really unimaginative and weak. At least make him 100% ms when throwing daggers
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DbD is definetely not garbage,but it could also be a LOT better than it is right now
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The last character I spent money for was Pig. After that it's been shards only. And I'm not spending any until the game is fixed
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Well, it's prime time here in the US, and after 4 games.. I finally got a Trickster match! Then Steam bloody DCed us all, lmao. I am a little disappointed to have not gotten to go against Trickster, and it does say something about this launch. However, I bought the DLC, and two new cosmetics, so I'm whaling it up.
Also, I've been playing Home Sweet Home some this week. It's a neat concept but they need better international servers, because latency makes the hit boxes look broken... if they aren't actually? And yeah it just needs a ton of work. It's one of those I probably won't be playing for a while, and watching to see if everything gets fixed. It's like DBD but it has it's own flavor.
1 -
Yeah, I'm absolutely not spending anymore money on this game. The last time I did was a couple of weeks ago for the battle pass, but since it refunds you the auric cells anyway, I'll keep them for the next battle pass for free cosmetics.
But other than that, I'm not buying stuff if it isn't with shards, because this is unacceptable.
2 -
Not about the killer...its about the Kpop cash grab and cosmetics.
0 -
Speak for yourself. Once The Twins bugs were fixed, I bought the DLC and was pretty happy with the killer. I can say that they are one of my favorite killers so far and I am not alone. The Trickster on the other hand, even though I don't like his design, a lot of people enjoyed him and I get that the devs would like the idea of kpop idol in the game to get attention.
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Well as long as they are available for shards i dont really care, i can get the content and im good, good or bad, i just feel bad for who spend money for something weak
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Well i bought dlc, i did not like him skin and i hate k-pop but him power is interesting and him perks pretty good.
Now time for Remember Me + Blood Warden + No Way Out + NOED :P
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At least I've seen more than three people playing Trickster since launch.
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About 6 of my friends and I got the new dlc and all the new skins today so idk about that
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Imma still buy it. I really don't care but I honestly love this chapter :)
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No one cares.
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yeah, you heard it with Evolve, and Fallout 76, and basically every live service that has died in the last 5 years
seriously people stop saying games are promising, it always ends poorly
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Buy stuff or don't. It's that simple
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As Otz said on his stream countless times: the killer has been out for like a day. Be charitable. He's not broken. He's not super far off. A simple 5% speed burst and a couple of minor changes will make him a good killer.
People are learning to play him for the first time... It's going to take time to learn.. Everyone is trying to use the knives in situations where they should go for a hit. They are learning what situations to use knives. He's brand new.
The toxic whining about a killer who's been out for 5 minutes is insane. Go to another game and complain there. The DBD community needs more charitable and kind people
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I would have taken this a bit serious, but then I saw TheClownIsKing so sums it up.
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Lol, I was just going to say. 50% of my lobbies have included blue Yun-Jins including me.
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I'm one of those people who enjoy Trickster. I know he's underpowered and needs some kind of buff, but he's a lot of fun to play. I'm also able to get Merciless with him, so it is possible to do well with him even now.