I'll call it: Give it one week and survivors will make blight their next target and complain about him and demand nerfs.
Most people are still trying out trickster but wait a week and everyone will be playing blight. Then they will realize that he has always been good but rarely played because he was so annoying with a lower camera. Now he can see over loops and is really nice to play and requires a lot of skill but is really good when played well so people will complain.
The only thing he needs is his 180 flick thing removed. Otherwise he's completely fine. People may cry for that.
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Once J-flick goes, Blight really won't deserve any complaints.
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You think? I think it's fine, it doesn't always work and is just a neat trick you can try to go for. It feels great when it works and even as a survivor I can respect a good J flick.
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A lot of survivors enjoy playing against blight, but nice try.
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Mark my words, friend. Mark my words.
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J flick needs to go, otherwise i have no complaints for him. playing both sides it feels dirty either way and lacking skill
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Honestly I think they will target J-flicks a high skill based mechanic that just provides counterplay to his counterplay, but has its own counterplay but 9/10 survivors will be too lazy to ever try and learn it so just complain that it be removed, basically as long as survivors decide as a group they want to be lazy strong aspects of killers and perks are just removed completely.
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If they remove the j-flicks and what not. and actually limit him.
He will be a Dead killer,
He is quite literally a unique killer because of it,
but he'd never compete with spirit,
He is the ONLY killer as of now that isn't Nurse that is actually competing with spirit,
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A good Blight is like a good Nurse, I don’t think anyone will complain about a good Blight. I played him and he requires a lot skill to master. Isn’t like a Stridor Spirit or typical Deathslinger/Pyramid/Freddy gamer. I went against good Blights before update and I can’t say nothing more than gg.
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I dislike him and already hate seeing more of him. Not saying I want him nerfed. But he can get eaten by Neas.
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Don't worry about it on console. haha...
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Also is not that hard to counter him, I went against top 2 Blight and I had decent chases even if I died my 2 mates escaped. It’s a fun killer to llay with or against, same was with Hillbilly.
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No god please, don't nerf my boy.
Blight is the first killer I actually love everything about. His design, power, balance...
Just remove his J-flick and all will be fine.
That's pretty insulting considering I mained him since October and still loved him without the J-flick. :/
I'm glad that he isn't only known for an unintended feature.
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I meant. he is the Only killer as of late that competes with spirit on a power level...
Not tryna be insulting on him or anything. i love blight but i wouldn't play him if he got that hard nerf,
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Except when you get really good blight man's that it's not just a trick they can do it almost every time to U
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I can't actually fathom a way to 'nerf' blight that would be fair and wouldn't completely gut him
I feel he's pretty balanced
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I'd argue that a good Hag can compete with Spirit but meh I'm too lazy. You can still do normal flicks with Blight (though they require a little more practice), just not J-flicks.
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Agreed, he is one of the funniest killer to face because you can dodge him well and when he managed to get you you often just think "damn that was a good move".
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Unless they incorporate certain maneuvers onto every single platform then it remains an abusable exploit that gives an unfair advantage specifically to PC players with macros and unnatural dpi etc.
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180?!??!!?! Flick? 180 Flick? How in all ######### is that accomplished?
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Only available on PC for starters, you need to increase your DPI from what I'm aware of.
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I’d imagine it’ll be nurse and spirit since they actually need nerfs
Most survivors are fine with Blighty boy
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Yeah when those 3 posts appear and immediately get buried on the forums (which holds less than maybe 2% of the entire playerbase) that'll prove your point! It will mean that Blight is hated on the same levels of Freddy and Deathslinger, clearly!
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They got to my Billy though. I pray Blight will be safe.
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Have you played Nurse after her base blink cooldowns? She got nerfed hard.
She has the lowest kill rates of all killers.
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What the cooldown that gets completely alleviated with two addons that everyone use because her other addons are terrible?
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Who's asking for nerfs on Blight? I haven't seen a single complaint or post asking for a nerf, and even then on the extremely rare case one does show up everyone just tells them that he's a fun, fair, balanced killer, and I agree.
No one's gonna complain about him (Unless it's his J-flick)
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Probably. The only issue I can agree on is fixing that flick exploit.
Idc if they buff him at the same time, but I should never have to exploit things to play a killer.
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Blight is great has it is. No nerf needed. He just need that Keybind flick to be removed. The basic mouse flick is good.
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If they remove his J-Flick, you're getting another Spirit/Freddy main on your hands. Careful what you wish for.
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Who needs the 180 J-Flick anyway if you got the 45 degrees slowmo console flick 😎
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It's same as 4:3 resolution. Just a nice trick and not an exploit at all. Nothing to worry about 🤡
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Oh god please no. If Blight is actually fun to play now for me thanks to a proper field of view, he'd be the main reason I would come back to the game. I hope he won't be nerfed.
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What flick do you mean?
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Aight it’s possibly to do a flick where you turn 180 degrees, however it’s not intentional and is an exploit as far as I’m aware. It’s only possible on pc by increasing your DPI iirc.
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You know, it's funny.
I loved Blight from the onset, but everyone and their mother said he was garbage.
Day 1 release, he was considered "okay".
A couple months later, everyone finally started to catch onto what I was saying from day 1 of his gameplay being available to test.
Now, he's considered OP, and needs a nerf by the Survivor hivemind.
What a journey my boy has been on.
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Hag can be easily countered by good survivors. People finally learned how to play against her.
she's still strong but not against actual survivors,
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Either way I don't think Blight needs to be as strong as you say, even without the J-flick he's still pretty damn strong, without the J-flick he just has a higher skill ceiling when it comes to mindgames. Blight ain't about power, he's about fun.
Blight's 90 degree flick requires WAY more skill than the J-flick, think about that.
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Nobody is actually saying he's OP. Yet. The point is that the day will come when Blights strength is realized and a nerf is demanded. Today is not that day.
His J Flick should be fixed, because it's an exploit, but even without it, he's a very strong and healthy Killer.
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If it WAS an Exploit..
Why hasn't Bhvr announced to NOT use it or you'll be banned
Take that into consideration..
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Yup I agree OP, I keep saying that blight is the 3rd strongest killer in the game, yes I use him a lot and know that he is just strong and not addon dependant at all to be a threat.
You are being generous to say 1 week, give it less time until people start getting upset at the devs for blight.
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I can't argue with that other than the fact that exploits are a bannable offense and they've acknowledged that exploits in general are bannable offenses. Nonetheless, my point still stands.
I have nothing against playing with the J-flick, in fact if you want to play Blight with it then that's completely fine, but the designer of Blight has said that it's an unintended feature and I think one of the devs said to not rely on it, meaning we'll probably be seeing the J-flick getting removed.
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And like i said in my previous post (Not in this one. diff one)
That removing it will Hinder blight hard.
This would make him go below A tier if that happened..
which... Would suck major balls...
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Blight isn't meant to play with the J-flick tho so it doesn't matter if it hinders him. I'm a non-Jflicking Blight main and I consider him to be a high A tier killer already.
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He's fine the way he is. He doesn't need anything removed.
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To be fair, the hivemind wants to nerf every killer. I'm guilty of it too, but I keep quiet because I realize I am just bad at the game.
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BHVR only actively bans you for abusing exploits are extremely game breaking like the infinite mending exploit with Legions mending addons back then
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I'd rather lose for good player skills than boring hard tunneling and camping.
When I see a good Blight user, I don't care if we all die with the flick or whatnot. It's just so much fun to panic and run as much as I can.