Nope it's gonna be Clown, because he is no longer the weakest killer.
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Remove the pausing-the-game-to-change-blight's-direction-before-unpausing exploit
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I cant believe people complain about his f-ing cmon, people, its a single tool that allows players to use his sliding to our advantage when its useful. You need to know when to use it and without it Blight becomes so useless in so many tiles...
Is there literally a single thing that survivors can actually bother to learn to play against instead of calling out for nerfs as soon as it's half a percent different from their regular tile running?
There are still ways around his power, there are still angles he cant make and if you remove that he will be so easy to ridiculously easy to dodge...
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Can't forget double killer exploit.
Or having a survivor hold a game hostage in a way that the killer can't hit nor pick you up, (Waaaay Before EGC)
Or survivors abusing the wake up bug (Despite it not issuing bans. i still find this exploiting a perk to do more than it should)
Or survivors getting killers stuck in certain places, (This was fixed long ago but you could get a killer stuck inside a pallet if you had two survivors on each end while he picked up said survivor. That survivor who was down wiggles off and gets off scot free but not the killer,)
Or survivors having killers on their head, (Again. Very long ago but it held the killer in place as they couldn't hit below them at first. No bans took place =I)
I could name more but that's literally the few Yet. NO BANS ON ANY OF THESE,
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Why are we normalizing an exploit?
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only japanese flick must be nerfed. thats not intended and makes him turn way more than he should.-
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It's definitely getting a way to constrict it somehow and the amount of Blight/Oni players will disappear into Spirit and Nurse players. Hope people enjoy it.
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its not intended, as wasnt intended onis 180° flick, needs to be gone, is very annoying how he manage to make stupid turns at tiles that he shouldnt. nothing else.
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Here's the thing. Looping at some point wasn't the intended way to play the game. But that's what the game became, because it's the way players gravitated towards when engaging with it, and the devs noticed and course corrected. I don't care if something is intended or not, and the devs shouldn't either. What I care about is if the tool that exists provides a fair situation where it requires effort and knowledge proportional to how much work it puts on another player and the type of benefits it provides to the player using it.
-In the case of this flick. Here's what it does:
Survivor is in tile and doesn't think about his distance from the killer, his positioning or the killer's speed. Survivor turns corner cuz they don't know how much Blight can actually turn. Survivor gets hit if the Blight predicts the turning at the right time and flicks to catch around the corner. Too early, you get stopped a bit by the corner and don't reach the survivor. Too late and you will overshoot and will not reach the survivor.
What it provides the Blight player is the ability to counter a survivor just turning a corner not thinking about what Blight can actually do and gives him more versatility in the clutter clusterfuck that is map design in this game, so long as the Blight player knows how to use it.
-What happens in this scenario when Blight cant flick:
Survivor sees corner, survivor doesn't even need to bother looking at what Blight's doing. Survivor turns corner. Blight's power is useless.
The survivor barely has to pay attention to counter what the Blight player is doing and the Blight player has to predict and counter what the survivor is doing, measure the distance they are from the survivor and how fast they will catch up. To be fair, even with the flick a good Blight will always think about what a survivor can do several steps ahead, but with the flick a survivor at least needs to consider their opponent and not just "oh a corner!" to counterplay.
The problem with this mentality is that when you get survivors that know what they're doing, they will do these low effort things extremely easily and will also add higher level tactics which will break the game in favor of survivors who know what they're doing. This also happens with killers that are problematic, but less frequently imo.
This is why effort balance is always important. The balance of what a player needs to put in compared to how much and in what ways it benefits them and how much effort it puts on the opposing player.
Although I'll make a concession. If they fix his flick to be 90 degrees instead of 180, it'd be acceptable. If they make it less, then it's literally just making it EZ for survivors who can't be bothered to actually figure out what the killer they're going against can do.
Let us remember that Oni's flick was downgraded to like 45 degrees, but his power is an instadown, Blight's isn't an instadown. And also let us remember how ######### easy it is to loop even good Onis in certain tiles precisely because the poor bastaards cannot maneuver... the effort they need to make to get you is a combination of prediction, bating, timing, mechanical skill with their power and game knowledge, but all you need to do as a survivor is look at him and turn a corner, at most you need to make a read on a bait.
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I'd rather see more Oni's / Blights than Spirits or Hag for that matter,
Lest you just wanna see alot more people play spirit instead of blight
in which case if they Do fix this and cap his actual turning.
Then it'll either involve alot of spirit / nurses with the sweatiest builds ever,
But my point stands. You can still counter the flick if you predict the good Blight,
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It's primarily because of the flick.
Any other complaints usually focus on the flick or the Ruin + Undying + Tinkerer combo, which arguable is annoying to face if the Blight is especially good. Think of it like this, would you want to go against Forever Freddy consistently? Because Blight isn't unpopular, and that build is also very much not uncommon on him.
Either way, I personally just accept these issues and move forward. I personally don't like the flick or that combo either, but i'm sure if you ask some other people about them, they'd say the same thing really.
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Told you, you already see posts demanding nerfs to blight.
Removing J-Flicks would really hurt him and take away a lot of fun. It's a risky choice to go for the J-Flick, you might get stuck in the environment or completely miss and go on cooldown. It's high risk high reward that makes it interesting so it should stay if you ask me.