Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

DS Wasn't Nerfed

You just can't work on a generator in the killer's face anymore. It only took how damn long for the devs to figure this out? BHVR is in dire need of new management.


  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    I like your brass tacks. How about I say "DS is lesser abusable than it had been" and carry on with the rest of the statement?

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    DS isn't abusable anymore though. Its literally an anti tunnel perk that's doing its job. If you get hit by ds now, you're either genuinely tunneling OR you found a survivor far into their timer with them doing nothing progressive during such.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,838

    How is DS abusable now?

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I mean of course you're not wrong there, that was the intention of the nerf from the start.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    A nerf is a nerf when it's a nerf. You're right, DS was nerfed, I am lesser right by saying that it is not as abusable than before.

    As far as the dynamic of the game goes, it's not much of a change, thus far. Tactical changes are still being made amongst the SWFs, which is the majority of survivor players anymore (I haven't looked at hard numbers and I won't look at dev numbers because, Jesus, they think Object of Obsession is fine because of the survival rate of the OoO users themselves, not a team as a whole and relay that off of killer stats against the Object perk).

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    I haven't really used DS since like last year, but by definition, it is a nerf...

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Undying either. It protects ds now too

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    Ds is def nerfed. Any action that survivor took will deactive it which is a harsh nerf if you ask me. I never used DS during my survivor plays cause I dont want to rely on it but anytime the killer understand that we dont run DS he instantly started to tunnell. I play both side but mostly playing killer and I can say that yes there are huge problems with the previous DS but this should not be the nerf for that perk.

  • aliquis
    aliquis Member Posts: 82
    edited March 2021

    I think the main issue with DS was the way swf used it. Going for a safe unhook with a guy that has DS up was the main problem in my opinion.

    A lot of swf did indeed use DS offensive (hookbombing) forcing grabs (slow vault, jumping locker, doing gen in the killers face) to bully the killer, but while these things were annoying, balance wise they had no big impact, only the safe unhooks were what i considered problematic. I would have much prefered if they had made it that DS disables when you unhook someone and when the exit gates are powered, would have adressed the issues i saw with it.

    I think solo q players will suffer from this change a lot. Less people will run it (no obsession in more games) and killer will learn to disrespect it (like killers learned to wait some time to let DS timer run out if the guy recently got unhooked, now killers will give the unhooked guy a opportunity to touch a gen or heal, so that they can savely pick him up without a wait after the tunnel) , i think there will be a lot more tunneling which is sad.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    I think a better way to phrase the title is "DS wasn't nerfed, it was fixed."

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Their management does need to stop listening to only killer mains.

    Bubba can still hold his saw in a survivors face and prevent someone from playing the game. NOED, objective regression perks when survivors have none. Management is now guilty of balancing with double-standards.

  • kodd1000
    kodd1000 Member Posts: 29

    You're really going to look at Trickster and tell me that they are listening to only killer mains? Are you serious? To this poster's point though, it is indeed a nerf and I agree with it. It lets you heal yourself. If you do literally anything else, you are not being tunneled at that point, which was the only point of that perk ever existing. Use Dead Hard if you want your cheap second chance.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615

    Yes. That was the nerf. The nerf was to make it an actual anti-tunneling perk instead of an anti-progress perk. What in your right mind made you think THIS is the thing they did this patch that made them need to get new management? Literally EVERYTHING outside of DS, Blight and Wraith is bad about this update, and you chose DS?!

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Trickster is a really good killer. Have you even played him yet?

    The problem is you can be tunneled shortly after doing those actions and it is very unfair.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427