Survivors hiding

I've had a lot of games recently where survivors just hide and don't touch gens.
Typically this happens when you have 2 survivors left and they're trying to wait each other out (I have no idea why they do this but whatever), but I've also started having games where 3 and (once) all 4 survivors all starting hiding and not doing gens.
It's happened enough that I'm wondering if this is a new BM strat for SWF or something?
The fraustrating thing is that I've been trying to move away from using whispers on every killer, but I feel it's general utility and the problems I'm having once survs go full stealth mode are making it mandatory.
I doubt anyone is going to agree- I'd personally love whispers to be basekit sort of like the heartbeat is for survs. Obviously modified, but I don't understand who is actually having fun in a game where the killer isn't actually interacting with the survivors in any way.
When it's down to 2 and they do that, it's because each one is hoping the other is caught and hooked first so they can hatch out. Likely not so much a swf thing as a solo Survivor thing, as there are a lot of people who play Survivor and think that since they didn't queue as a team they don't have to play for the benefit of the team they are in.
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If all survivors are hiding and refusing to progress the game, that's holding the game hostage. Record the trial and report them.
With that said, there's a line between "holding the game hostage" and "hiding because if you show yourself you're dead in 15 seconds or less". It's tough to judge when you're in the trial, but my suggestion is to record the trial and report them when you feel it's gone on for too long and let the mods sort it out.
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Yeah I understand what's happening with 2 people- it's when I've got 3 or 4 people hiding pretty much from the getgo.
I've never been under the impression the report system actually does something, but I suppose reporting when it happens is probably my best bet.
I dunno. It's just been happening a lot recently, might just be bad luck.
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Start playing doc. They hide, you laugh.
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Well, thats what killers taught solo survivors. When 2 are left, and you do gens, then you are the one that is found and gets killed, while the one hidding often survives.
And while some killers claim they go for the other one instead, i never had such a killer myself. I had one telling me he would have liked to kill the other instead but couldn´t find him, which is kind of the point of hidding.
It starts happen with 3 ppl alive, but very rarly, and most often if 2 of them are an swf and just wait for the last to get caught or finish a gen so the hatch spawns or something.
Well killers, survivors do learn the lessons you teach them.
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Up your volume and listen for breathing and grass sounds, these are your best friends against these people. EDIT: Lol didn't see the part about Whispers, then another tip would be to look at the corners of the map or around those areas, survivors tend to stay away from the middle when they are hiding.
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Pretty bad take. Once a game is being held hostage, I'll just to what I can to end it, so I can play with people who want to play the game.
Pretty galxay brain to blame survivors taking the game hostage on killer behaviour so props I guess.
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This doesn't apply to doc naturally. I try and play all killers with a couple of exceptions.
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Yes, this is what I've done- I'd still rather not waste 10-15 minutes doing this where possible, but thanks.
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Generally if it is a SWF they don't do this. Instead a SWF will have one try to get the killers attention and die because they know where the hatch is. Or they will try to raid chests in hopes of finding a key if enough gens were done and they can do a key escape. So if you suspect a SWF that COULD escape if they found a key - closely monitor chests and you will find at least one of them :)
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Swf+key makes the most sense! I'm just gonna chalk it up to coincidence as no one else seems to be experiencing the same thing.