How do you guys pick yourselves back up after being destroyed?

Hey guys. Sorry, this is a smidge of a self pity post. A bit of a disclaimer there. Basically the forum topic is the thesis statement and I wanna know what some of you other players either survivor or killer side do to really pick yourself back up from a bad loss that really hurts your motivation for playing your specific role.
So I was playing trapper, trying to level him up because my best perk for him is monstrous shrine and I have a nea and a dwight following me the entire time disarming my traps. This would only be my most recent game as him though as this is something that I've been dealing with for a while in trying to get actually functional perks for him.
My point being is that I was being countered so hard that it felt pointless to keep playing the match and it feels a bit pointless to keep playing as Evan there. It really hit me hard how reliant a lot of killers are reliant on their perks and are borderline unplayable when you have an opponent who counters you at every step.
EDIT: Just a small clarification, I hold no malice towards the survivors who were attempting to bait me into long well done loops and disarming my traps, they're just playing the game against a trapper. I understand this. This is more about how to pick one's self up after having all that ability taken from from, especially as someone as reliant on opponent interaction as the trapper.
As killer, I slap on my best add-ons and play with no mercy. So after a match like that on Trapper I would grab Stitched Bag and Iridescent Stone and trap really obvious chokes to make them think they are safe if disarmed.
But sometimes you get so worn down from playing this game, you just need to stop playing for a while and do something else.
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Killer is pretty hard, killer without good perks is very rough to say the least. My mindset in games like those is that I have already lost when the match loads, I will just try to get everything I can from that match until it ends. Just accept that you can't do anything in some games and don't stress on them too much.
Post edited by DawnMad on0 -
I stopped caring about losses a long time ago, which is why it's not so bad playing Trickster right now lmao. I still kind of try to win, but right now I'm more focusing on how to use killer powers correctly and having fun that way, and getting used to Tall Blight again after many months of not playing him. I suppose that's the only bit of advice I can give: stop caring about losses. It's only a videogame, the outcomes of your matches in the game have no kind of impact whatsoever on your real life.
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I just go UGHHHHH, finish the game, and move on... probably also getting upset the next game lol if so I just play another game for a little while and witch to dbd later.
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I really appreciate that thought, thank you Pup :)
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Depends if it was mainly due to me failing, I just get over myself and move on, probably still angry or dissapointed by I just need to cool off with a better game so I'll probably go play my main and take good addons.
If it was an annoying game with terrible opponets or teammates, I might play something toxic in the next match or just stop playing for the day.
Best option usually is if you get really frustrated, just quit for the day and go do something else. This game can be pretty taxing on your nerves when you cared about winning etc too much.
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I just play another game. You can tell pretty early if you face a really good SWF team and then you know that getting even one kill might be hard. But do I lose money? Lose my house? No it's just a game and I know I will win a lot and lose a lot. All is good.
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I move on to the next game. Might switch sides a while if Queue times allow.
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Thanks Star, I honestly forgot Otz made this vid lol.
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That's the thing, it wasn't even a squad. It was moreso a REALLY good looper who kept following me and disarming my traps. I mean I don't blame them, that's a really good strategy for going against trapper when you have a lot of skill, it's just really frustrating and disheartening to have nearly all your power taken away.
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There was a point where I stopped caring. There are still games where I tilt after the game is over (bad teammates/bugs) but one deep breath and I'm ready for the next game. If this doesn't help, I just play a game of Nurse and I'm gucci.
It's a bad idea to play tilted, its a self fulfilling prophecy at that point. Quitting the game for the rest of the day and play something else is usually nice, too.
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I experienced this a LOT while trying to learn nurse. I felt like I just couldn’t win a match to save my life, sucked at using my power, the works. I would get so tilted but as I continued playing I realized that all those losses were making me better and more experienced with the killer. Good survivors teach you how to be better at the game, become better at mind games, and in your case where to avoid obvious traps or well-known trap spots. Overall a loss is never a loss, because at the very least you’re gaining skill in the process. Losing in this game is subjective, so as long as YOU are getting something out of it try not to take it too seriously and I promise you’ll have a good time.
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Man, I feel you. Honestly back when I first started playing the game altogether, both sides felt like a slog where no matter what I did I'd either end up being a detriment to my team or a killer who just couldn't close that skill gap between me and the more experienced survivors I was playing against. Bad losses are something that happen to everyone at some point, even during games where you really feel like you had the chance to excel.
I remember one match I had after a few wins as Demo, whose notoriously one of the more average killers- especially with the basic perks I have, since I haven't even gotten him to 50 yet. Unrelenting OP. I got absolutely b*tch slapped by matchmaking and ended up with a team of 4 red ranks, all who bullied the absolute crap out of me. It was whiplash I was NOT expecting and I got maybe 4 hooks that entire game; a strange change of pace from the normal gameplay I experienced, where I normally get purple or green. But instead of getting demotivated, I took it as a learning experience, critiqued myself and went to bed after laughing a bit, lol.
I think the biggest tip I can offer you to not get demotivated and quit on a specific role is honestly to just try and find humor in whatever you can! I know it sounds strange, but trust me, as someone whose grinding to get to red ranks before the big MMR switch, learning how to laugh at your losses, brush them off and be able to find enjoyment in the small things in the game is an incredibly healthy mindset to play this game with, and it was the differentiating factor between me quitting that beginner grind or continuing to play. If I'm being absolutely bodied in a match as killer, I try to adapt my gameplay, laugh at my mistakes and pick myself back up again, even if I'm creating my own fun at that point. Body blocking someone in a corner and slowly panning my camera down to see their face before spinning off into the ether will never not be funny to me. Yea, I may have lost, but I did everything I could and can at least strive to be better next match.
Basically what I'm getting at is- when you're feeling down about a specific role, try to remember what's fun about it, and if you can't, make your own fun with them. Trapper is funny as hell AND an impressive killer to master. I think both things could be great motivators; work on becoming a Trapper that makes people pissed in endgame, and also do your best to try and make the most out of the matches you feel aren't going your way. If you know you're going to lose and you feel like giving up, why not try your luck, goof off with them a bit and see what happens? They might catch on to your plight and let you farm a bit, and while you still might feel like you've lost, at least you had some fun!
I tend to not recommend getting even sweatier if you know you're losing, because that often results in the loss hitting harder if it DOES come, and might ruin your mood entirely for the game. Now, don't misinterpret that- there's nothing wrong with getting your act together and really trying hard to conquer the endgame. But be careful you don't a sort of more toxic mindset nestle itself and become how you see the game ALL the time, or soon it'll feel less like fun and more like a chore where one loss hurts more than 10 wins felt good, if that makes sense.
I also don't want to make it seem like I'm encouraging throwing, poor gameplay, etc. Some of these will be the complete opposite of what people do and how they enjoy the game, and that's okay! They're just a few things that have made those losses easier for me! :)
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I would stop playing monstrous shrine trapper to start
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As survivor i know my team were morons or i made a mistake
As killer i know the game is geared towards survivors and go in expecting to lose every game but do it for the BP gains.
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Hey, I would if I could :P But yeah, I am most assuredly trying to get up to corrupt and other perks that would meld well with Trapper. I've been watching a lot of Otz since his original dbd compilation with the Bayonetta Hag and I've really learned a lot.... It's just the perk roulette ain't kind XD
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There is not much to learn with trapper.
Did you get a map where you can actually use his traps, did you get a solo Q team, are you running good addons?
If yes to all those you have a slight chance to win. Other than that why waste your time? Hag is better in every way, although if you play this game for any length of time you will find that the trap killers are resident sleeper.
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I got shelter woods with a bunch of solos. Popped into the streamer's chat on twitch and he was real sweet in offering advice, but I wanna play trapper because I love the boy. I mean I like hag, but I can't get the hang of really good instant teleports. Still though I wanna get good as him. Like I said, I mostly hang with Wraith and Pyramid head lol, figured I might as well try to expand my horizons, yeah?
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Well first I don’t understand why you are sad about losing while doing perk roulette. Two I don’t understand why you would be upset about losing with trapper.
He’s actually terrible in every way. Sometimes the stars align and survivors step in every trap and other times you load into “the game” and don’t get a single trap because there is literally no place to hide them.
Once MMR is implemented I will never play him again; even with his best addons. I don’t care if streamers tout him as “big brain” because the reality is you set the traps in the exact same places each time and pray they work; no thought required.
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Oh no I meant my bloodweb is garbage, my bad for the bad wording.
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I was bullied hard af when I was learning nurse. I'm a console gamer. It was rough as hell for about 70 games tbh.
I kept the mind set of, one day. One day I will be the bully and we will see what's up then.
I used all their trolling and teabagging tactics to my advantage by practicing on them.
Being bullied was a great thing for me. I learned to not take this game serious, learn from the gameplay and to have fun.
I eventually started bullying so bad survivors would kneel and give me their items but I remember. I sacrifice all of them.
It will come my guy, you have to put the time in. I find playing trapper is easier ( for me ) setting traps in chase to shut down loops instead of losing gens by setting up traps.
Hope this helps.
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I always play dbd as a side game.
I always have a game i can fall back on when i need a small break from dbd
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with a cup of haagen dazs and tears in my eyes after saying gg on chat.
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I stop playing Trickster and get on my main.
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Go to the forums to mald. But seriously I just play a different game
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Some people like to turn petty from how they were treated in their last game and feel good about taking their frustrations out on the next group of survivors. Whether thats putting on some really strong addons, facecamping on 1st hook, tunneling a survivor who they know doesn't have DS, etc.
I personally don't really care too much. If its a bad game, I just move on to the next. It can get frustrating but I never let it change how I play or what I do in the next match. Also analyzing mistakes or thinking back to what you did that you felt was hurting you helps.
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I watch adiktheone videos, he is funny as hell imo
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Well... first of all Dark Souls taught me to have fun no matter how hard/bad something is (and this comes from someone who had to fight Vordt at least 70 times after rage quitting and deinstalling the game twice). I generally don't care about the outcome anymore. Most of the time I'm just trying to have fun, laugh when something stupid or funny happens, say gg and move on once the round is over. My biggest mistake when starting out in DbD was caring too much about ranks, kills and my overall performance. Also, don't play DbD too much because you can get burned out and that doesn't really help. Play something a bit more relaxing once in a while and you should be good.
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Trapper can be hit or miss.. Either I get no traps at all cause they keep following me from hiding places and disarming them, or I manage to lure them into traps by chasing them sideways and either they step into it or they have to doubleback and get hit.
Honestly, if I wanted to play trapper more frequently and had a few matches like that in a row, I'd just switch killers entirely and play someone else, or switch to survivor.. Or heck, possibly just take a break from the game and play something else, watch some youtube, whatever to get my mind off of it.
But if you see them stalking you, just give chase, always carry a trap or two on yourself to use at loops to prevent them from looping you forever. You can fake placing the trap and resume the chase to a different tile faster if you time it well enough. I personnaly never tried that tactic but I've seen Otz do it in a few of his Trapper videos.
All in all.. it's just a game, win some, lose some.. Trapper can be frustrating because his power relies on the survivors making mistakes, and if you play against experienced survivors..
I like placing traps in less obvious spots, but I mean.. obvious spots (windows, pallets) are always a safe bet, too, if they don't see you do it and disarm it as soon as you leave, that is.
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For me while trying to learn new killers or even just play the game, I try to never really blame the survivors. This sounds insane I know, but even if they play really unsportsmanlike and really mean spirited, I just think to myself "Hey, I'm not the best with this killer and I've could've done better and there is always space to improve." I just try to keep positive about myself and after a hard loss I'll just take a quick 5 minute break getting something to drink or do something else to clear my mind before the next game. You can always do better, don't expect to be the best player when trying something new, it's not your fault and it wasn't theirs.
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This may sound like patronizing advice, but remember it's just a game. When the game first released I was ready to quit after 20-30 hours of playtime and a string of embarrassing losses. I ended up watching some streamers to get some tips, and by far the most important thing I learned from them is that it's a game and you're supposed to be having fun. It's okay to lose; it's not okay to be an a**hole about it.
Other than that I'll occasionally take breaks and go on a walk when I have especially rough matches or face particularly noxious survivors. The worst thing you can do is throw yourself back in to take vengeance on the next team. Every time I go against a killer with NOED, an Iri mori, and Iri addons I think to myself, "Who hurt you and why are you taking it out on me?"
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Reminds me when I started playing Nurse.. I only played her when I had dailies for her.. At first I'd recycle them, and then I started actually doing them. Chase dailies were easy cause I couldn't blink hit for #########, so I'd get good chase times.. Blink hit dailies took me a few matches cause I'd get maybe one or two in a match, unless the survivors let me. I remember this game where they were an obvious SWF, and they obviously figured I was learning nurse, so they'd just hang out around each other, I'd chase and try to hit one, then switch to another, they'd run off to heal and come back. I didn't care that I didn't get kills, at least I got practice. She's one of my favorite killers to play now, so rewarding when you can pull good blinks and catch survivors by surprise. Had a good game earlier on the Pale Rose.. few good blinks up on the boat right on top of the survivors, they didn't expect me there. And then there's games where I can't blink through anything , get stuck on pebbles and get stomped over. Heck that match earlier didn't start very well, but it ended with everyone dead.
Anyway, yeah, don't take the game too seriously, don't bother with the game chat, if they're toxic don't respond, move on to the next game, try again. You get better playing against better players than yourself, if you only play against potatoes, it's no fun, no challenge to be had.. I mean I don't mind getting matched against potatoes once in a while for the easy game, but it's more fun if I get a challenge.
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The good thing about facing those kind of killers is you can just suicide on hook and move on to the next game. I play with friends who absolutely refuse to go against iridescent hatchets and other such bullshit builds and who'll just suicide on first hook or flat out DC. I try to deal with it but honestly I often don't try too hard to survive and just move on.
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If you’re a killer - blame balancing, MMR, come to forum to vent.
If you’re a solo survivor - blame balancing, MMR, ######### teammates, come to forum to vent.
If you’re SWF - MMR, ######### teammates, come to forum to announce quitting the game