I'm just going to Gen rush (As a solo)

The developers don't give a [Bad Word] about killers and they keep adding perks to make gens faster so why not right, I mean it's a playstyle. I'm going to run OP toolboxes, Brand new parts and Prove thyself. You can call be entitled but at this point, why not right, the developers want survivors to do gens quick, I mean that's why Prove thyself exists lol.
Prove thyself + Fast Track + Better together + Dead hard, seems powerful but who cares, killers, ha because you know there opinion matters, haha NOT.
Before you ranting players come on here and comment, you must know I "did" play killer as well. As soon as they added a perk for killers doing the Primary objective, I was like nah I'm done, this is a whole new level of unfair if you ask me...
Go ahead, these things can only get fixed after they are used enough times that the developers see it as a problem. That's why Iri Heads are still in the game, because they are very rarely seen. Start using whatever build you want and if it's a problem at least it will maybe get patched in the next decade.
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"Before your ranting players come here and comment"
Pretty sure your whole post is a rant buddy.
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You forgot resilience. Very good perk. Devs nerf sabotage, healing and promote camper and tunneling. Why do you expect surv to do to survive?
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Fair, you know what I mean, when I usually post so many true entitled people flood my comments.
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Lmao thinking fast track is op
May be cause I main ph and just don't hook people but please bestie waste your perk slots and make my life easier.
Especially in solo.
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Yo guy with the game knowlodge of a young god.
Efficient isn't a team that does gens together, you knew that right?
Spreading out, 3 survivors doing 3 single gens are the real efficient ones. Running perks which actually changes the outcome of a game. Information perks, bail out of a deadly situation (BT, DS, UnB, Deliverence). Those.
Dude even vault build is better than prove, lol. If you get the pallet or the window you easily extend the chase by 10 seconds -> every time.
Prove safes like 8 seconds, if you both did the gen from 0 to 100. If not it's even less.
Oh and, fun fact if you missed sth, Med Kits are the strongest items imo.
Oh and another fun fact, did I miss sth or are 10 thousands of regression and slow down perks the meta since years? And you get mad for a perk where survivor can do a gen slightly faster? Seriously? Those are your priorities? Man you have to gain way more experience my friend and improve your skills.
And I'm sure you're god but still you can improve your skills to entity level.
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Agree. That's why resilience and a med-kit are far better. Seeing this yellow progress bar makes anyone happy
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Oh you're doing gens? Thank God. One more random that knows how to do gens in Solo Queue <3
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This forum could be used for a university study on victim complexes.
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especially brown toolboxes, the most OP one in the game
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Yeah remove all your meta perks and just do gens instead. Enjoy getting tunneled
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With what game, the killer will not have time to tunnel, they'll probably DC as well 😂
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Sometimes i think it would be better if everyone uses "op things". The changes seem faster, when more people complain.
But when everyone would do that, i would stop playing.
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Doing gens in solo Q? I never seen it outside myself. It's about time another solo Q survivor does gens. LOL
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That's what I've been doing . Every random on ps4 divebombs hooks all game, so I just sit on gens.