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How many of you play both sides?

Member Posts: 2,451

Sometimes it feels like only a small amount of players play killer and survivor. Or they play one side not thar much like a 80/20 ratio.

But many player i know personally play both sides, so i think it only seems like it. Or most of this one-side-player are new player.

Do you play both sides? And has someone any data about the entire DbD-community?

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  • Member Posts: 628

    I started playing in August 2020. I tried survivor but didn't like it. I don't like jump scares. So I played killer only for a while. I tried Elodie because I liked her Christmas sweater lol after that I realized that its good to play both. As playing killer for a long time, I realized how I could be a good survivor as to what strategies work. I also learned good killer etiquette. Getting face camped and tunneled is no fun. So then I went back to killer with better survivor tactics and strategies.

    I played killer for awhile and found myself enjoying the game more, even when 0 kills. I enjoy seeing good plays more. I give hatch out more often, usually avoid tunneling and camping and find myself having fun and punishing survivors less.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I've had the game for 4 years maybe. I mostly play killer but I spend a lot of time in swf. I hardly ever play solo survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    My overall game time of 3k hours would have about 70/30 ratio of kiler/survivor gameplay but that's mainly due to me playing only killer for like first 800h when DBD was relatively new and I was having such a blast that I rarely played survivor.

    But last two years I'm playing far more equally as survivor is just so much more chill even if I enjoy it a bit less. I consider myself 50/50 player even if my gameplay doesn't fully match it.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I play both, probably 60/40 killer, though on weekends when my friends are free we'll do our own comms-free swf (4 different systems, none of us on comms because we're too old to ######### with discord/team speak/etc) so it's probably flipped those weeks.

  • Member Posts: 952

    I play both sides

  • Member Posts: 854

    I have friends that play survivor and I play survivor with them. if I play by myself I usually play killer because solo survivor isn't as fun, and if i should need to get up and go AFK suddenly it doesn't matter if I do that as Killer, but if I did that as survivor I'd just be a liability to my team.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    I play Killer when solo and Survivor with friends, which works out about 50/50.

  • Member Posts: 7

    I play a good mix of both however probably more Killer than Survivor just purely because at the time of the day that I'm playing, it takes approx. 10 seconds to get into a game as Killer whereas survivor typically takes anywhere between 2-8mins to find a game.

  • Member Posts: 57

    Have been playing both sides since 2016. Tho, nowadays I try to avoid Solo Q as Survivor because I'm getting farmed by others constantly, so it's a ~65/35 Killer/Survivor (when playing Solo).

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I play whichever side has the shorter queue. It probably balances out to around 50/50 in the end, but there'll be periods when it seems like I play almost all killer or all survivor.

  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited April 2021


    Weekdays when I have less time is almost always killer cause the queue is instant. Weekends when I have more time to play is usually survivor for the same reason.

    I likely balance more towards killer than survivor time-wise but I imagine they're relatively close. 60/40 maybe 65/35

    If the queues were more balanced in general, I'd likely be closer to 50/50

    EDIT if it matters; I am Red Rank on both. Generally RR1-3 on Survivor and RR1-5 on Killer pending how well the night is going...

    Post edited by tippy2k2 on
  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I got the game in 2017 (I believe don't quote me) and when I first got it, I lovedddddddddddddddd the aesthetic of Nurse. I wanted to be a Killer main and realized I sucked really bad lol. So ever since like mid 2017-2019 I was exclusively a Survivor main playing Killer every once in a blue.

    Now I love playing both, mostly Killer because I love Hag and Huntress but I don't really play Killer as much as I want because of all the baggage that comes with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,100

    I do, and they're both god awful. However, at the moment, I need to have a certain number of DBD needles in my arm per day.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    I probably have around 45-55% on both sides (fluctuates depending on queues) but I do acknowledge I resonate more with the Survivor plight because I play only Solo and it can be HELL sometimes so I come to the forums, read some things from mains and have to shake my head (and I also tend to have 3k on average as Killer so I dont get a lot of the complains).

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    Judging from some of the replies I've seen in certain topics today....My God, not many :(

    I'm usually Red on both sides.

    I know @Echorion is, too.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    I'd say 80% killer 20% survivor. It used to be an equal 50/50, but that was when they had a low variety of killers. I'd like to play more survivor, but I'm so impatient if the queues are too long I switch over.

  • Member Posts: 794

    I got the game in late 2016 and play roughly 50/50. I still consider myself a killer main though. I'm rank 1 killer and high red ranks on survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    I play more survivor than killer, but I play a bit of killer. Sometimes it depends on which queue is shorter. Sometimes it's a matter of playing SWF with my cousin (not on comms, though). I'd say I'm a 60/40 player. With 60% of my games or so being Survivor, and 40% being killer.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    I play very 50/50, it is fun since I am playing all of what the game has to offer. I like switching from side to side. It is also funny because if someone insults me saying "YoU aRe a kIllEr/sUrVivor mAin, TyPiCal" to something I did I can always say "Well, actually..."

  • Member Posts: 794

    I still think the most visually impressive killer in the game is Spirit. Her disconnected limbs, the shards of glass embedded in her skin, her weird floating hair, and the way she summons that slick glass katana impressed me so much that I mained her for a year or so before all the negativity against her started dragging me down. Still love her aesthetic though.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I absolutely agree.

    When I first started playing, my favorite Killer aesthetically was Nurse, but now that we have a bigger selection to choose from, for me its definitely between Spirit and Plague (power-wise and design-wise).

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I would've probably quit ages ago if I didn't, killer and survivor are different experiences and I'm someone that kinda needs variety to avoid getting burnt out. Not even switching between different killers quite does the trick.

    But I do it in a weird way. I might play 90% killer for 3 weeks, then nothing but survivor for 2 weeks, then about 50/50 for 3 weeks and so on. But it works for me so no complaints here.

  • Member Posts: 331

    I'm 60% Killer, 40% survivor myself. I stopped playing for almost 2 years and jumping back in I have lots of new teachable perks to unlock so playing everyone is still fun and fresh!

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I do!

  • Member Posts: 600

    I'm usually playing the side with shorter queue time, but usually it is killer. Also, I enjoy killer more. So it is probably 70% killer/30% survivor.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    I play a split 50/50.

    Sometimes it’s funny because I will be playing solo Q, and we all do well. I switch to killer and get them again, only this time playing against them. 😂

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    I personally am as hybrid as I can possibly be.

    I make sure to play both sides every time I log into dbd regardless of missions and archives. I agree tho that hybrid players are extremely rare nowdays

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    I play both. Depends on the mood I am at, but I usually like killer more.

  • Member Posts: 41

    I used to play only killer when I started but now I’ll play like 3 killer games a session and like 5 or six as solo survivor both sides can be fun and can also suck sometimes but that’s how it goes

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    I'd say I'm about 70/30 survivor and killer.

    I'm not the best killer out there only rank 17. but yeah I try not to play like a jerk but sometimes I have too based on how people play. Killer can be very stressful. I have to keep an eye on gens and 4 people. sometimes the audio mix is so bad that I can't hear gens being worked on or survivors when they're hurt. When I do hear a gen it can be tough for me to figure out it's direction too. there are some balance issues I find between killer and survivor but I think it's intentional in some cases. the one thing I don't like is that survivors can save another from any side of the hook to fight face camping but killers can only hook from the front which can be body blocked and there's no issue with that?

    the one thing that bugs me is that sometimes I hear the sound of a gen being worked on and there's no one there and I don't see anyone running away. I'm playing on PS5 too. so who knows how many differences their are.

    as survivor I have some pretty good games. I'm at rank 10 right now. sometimes you get killers that stomp you and sometimes you get lucky. it's all about teamwork for me. if I were playing solo I'd hate it. though I don't taunt killers or try to piss them off. the people I play with are much higher ranks so I get put up against red rank killers quite a lot so even if I die and can get a good game out of it it's a good challenge.

    This is just an opinion from experience not an argument or a complaint.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I don't play as much now, really mostly just 2SWF because my teammate wants to play. When I was playing more I would play killer and survivor but it wasn't 50/50, I played more survivor as solo and most times I played killer I was just goofing around.

  • Member Posts: 65

    I play killer and surv 50/50 but in first 1.5k hrs I was a survivor main who won’t even try killer. I was pretty bad at the game I guess, but now I found both sides fun and enjoyable, even with a lot of unbalanced stuff. I would say game is 100% survivor sided. When I was a typical boosted killer/surv I used to run meta perks like unbre/ds/dh/bt and corrupt/pop on powerful killers and still play like a #########(tunneling and gen rushing). But one day I started to play really good as survivor and I put off the meta perks (excluding dh)and the ######### playstyle and I really felt like I deserve to escape and bloodpoints always came first, not escaping. Then I started playing killer as I said,like a boosted, and I got good pretty quickly, but survivors started to complain almost every game about my killer and perks and calling me a camper if I chade someone around the hook or stuff like that and even -rep me. I saw a video from an youtuber where he talked about meta killers and perks and he said that he don’t like to play like this cuz is not funny anymore. Since then I listened to him and I rarely play good killers or meta perks. Now I try to use my skill instead of boosting myself with some perks and good killers or addons/items. I am really proud of me and the game would be nice if everyone would think like that. But I have to say I still go mad for dead hard as killer or when my random mates won’t do something productive and just kill the game(btw I am a solo player).

  • Member Posts: 1,246

    I was drawn to survivor because I like normal people against insurmountable odds, gradually I got better and it stopped being as scary, so I played killer.

    After realizing that playing killer made me feel guilty for murdering people I went back to survivor and reached high ranks, then I realized that a good chunk of survivors don't care about how much fun the killer has.

    So now I play both pretty regularly.

    Honestly, once you play both sides for a while, the game feels a bit more balanced because you have a higher understanding of tactics and thought processes, but it also leads you to realize the extreme magnitude of problems the game has.

  • Member Posts: 2,600
    edited April 2021

    I do play both sides, but it's likely the split is 2/3rds killer, or even as high as 3/4ths killer.

    I'd play survivor more, but I really hate dealing with random teammates. I'd SWF, but I'm picky about who I SWF with - I can't stand people who constantly whine about the game balance or what the killer is doing when we're playing.

  • Member Posts: 366

    I tend to play more Killer due to a lack of queue times, but I do my best to give both roles some love. There's always that saying "To become better as a Killer, play as Survivor against them" and I find the opposite completely true as well. Actually using perks as Survivor gives me the best understanding on countering them as Killer, so I'd say a 40/60 ratio, would be 50/50 but again, queue times..

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    I used to play 80%killer and 20% survivor, now it's the other way around

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    %60-65 as killer, other times as Survivor. But when i play as Surv usually i am playing with my friends. Because i am not mad to play solo surv. It is terrible. Solo games only for missions.

  • Member Posts: 440

    I play survivor and Nurse equally. I find looping as a regular killer extremely boring.

  • Member Posts: 105

    I play both. More survivor overall, but plenty of killer (especially when queues are struggling for survivor). Can't imagine playing one solidly much more, you miss out on so much!

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    i play both sides, i do take long brakes from one side from time to time, when the DC penalty was removed i would not play survivor and when aura's where bugged i would not play killer, right now im taking a break from the game as whole because im burnout from the rift and the game itself.

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    I'm a Survivor main who started to play both side. I've heard that for being good, you need to play both side.

    But I enjoyed to play Killer. I started with Pyramid Head, then I played Wraith, Oni, Nurse... I tried Trickster and I was so bad. 😹

    For now, I'm 80% Survivor (only solo queue) and 20% Killer. I wanna learn to play Killer, not only to be a better Survivor, but to enjoy a new part of the game.

    It's refreshing when changing side. Killer is a bit scary tho, I feel I don't bring fun to Survivors because I'm so bad. (I'm the kind of player who likes to think about the opponent's fun too, and playing Killer could help me to understand it. Of course I want to win, but not if my opponent had a bad time. Where's the fun when you feel someone gave up?)

    I bought some chapters with the promotion, and I'm leveling Plague and Clown for now for their perks. I think I'll play more Oni and Wraith, and I will switch to other Killers when I will feel more comfortable with the role.

  • Member Posts: 1,516

    I try to play both sides. So I can gain a perspective and better myself for both sides. However, I don’t enjoy Killer as much. It’s way too stressful and not as fun. Especially if you don’t play top tier killers. Survivor is a bit too easy in my eyes and sometimes boring though.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    One thing is for sure: not nearly enough

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I got the game in 2018, and since then I play both sides, but not equally. I am more inclined towards killer because I find it to be a much more fun and rewarding experience, especially when you defeat that one SWF Team that was trying to make fun of you.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    I play both sides. However, I hate playing Killer. It is not fun for me. I play it to do dailies now, basically.

    And yet, despite being 80/20 Survivor favored most of my arguments are pro-Killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    I started playing killer mostly to get at playing survivor , but now I play killer alot more than I used to (twins mostly sometimes clown or plague)

  • Member Posts: 1,180
    edited April 2021

    I only play killer. Survivor gameplay does not interest me at all. If I played survivor, I would probably be a Felix that plays immersed the whole game only doing gens and then get out of the match as soon as the last gen is completed.

  • Member Posts: 84

    I play both pretty equally, though I lean more towards survivor! Recently, though, I've been playing killer to destress and warmup before moving to survivor when I want to try and improve.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Most people on the forum play both sides, despite the "forum is filled with killer mains" rhetoric used by people who think you can't speak out in favor/against something unless you're part of/outside that group.

    Personally, I started out as a survivor main with a 3-man "SWF" before SWF was even a thing, then both sides as a solo survivor, now back to survivor main with a 2-man SWF.

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