General Discussions

General Discussions

Your go-to build on your Killer Main & Survivor Main

Member Posts: 2,340
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

Copy this form if you'd like:

  • Killer(s):
  • Add-ons:
  • Perks:
  • Offering (if you use one):

  • Survivor(s):
  • Item & Add-On:
  • Perks:
  • Offering (if you use one):

Feel free to post for both sides!

Unicorn's Builds:


  • Killer(s): Hag/Huntress
  • Add-ons: Rusty Shackles & Dried Cicada (Hag) // Infantry Belt & Venomous Concoction (Huntress)
  • Perks: Ruin, STBFL, BBQ, Agitation (Hag) // STBFL, PGTW, Blood Warden, NOED
  • Offering (if you use one): Always Brutality Offerings


  • Survivor(s): Jane / Nea
  • Item & Add-On: First Aid Kit or Anniversary Medkit // Gel Dressing & Surgical Suture
  • Perks: WGLF, BT (sometimes replaced with We'll Make It), Bond, Urban Evasion (My Support Build) or DS, Resilience (sometimes replaced with Spine Chill), Lithe, BT
  • Offering (if you use one): I usually enjoy Coldwind, Ormond, or Fragrant Primrose Blossom ( or BPS, any Gateau)

Now give me ideas so I can stealthily steal them and Urban Evasion away.


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  • Member Posts: 41


    Bubba- BBQ, pop, oppression, bamboozle

    add one- always, primer bulb and chili


    Ash- we'll make it,BT,kindred,sprint burst

  • Member Posts: 399


    Blight - Monitor, Whispers, Pop, BBQ

    Addons: none


    Elodie: Ace in the Hole, Plunders, Dead Hard, Iron Will

  • Member Posts: 6,090


    Quentin: Kindred, IronWill, Spinechill, Bond/Lithe.


    Pig: BBQ, POP, Bamboozle, Stridor

    Addons: the ones that decrease crouching time. Can't remember the names, pretty sure it's a yellow and brown one.

  • Member Posts: 4,699
    edited April 2021

    Im a survivor main so...

    • Survivors: Elodie and Adam
    • Item: Maps or Medkits
    • Perks: Have 2 main builds at the moment.

    Detectives Hunch


    Off the record/Spine Chill



    Iron will

    Visionary/Stake Out/Better Together

    Spine chill

    Windows of oppurtunity/Smash hit/ Head On.

    • Offerings: only bloodpoint offerings.
    Post edited by dspaceman20 on
  • Member Posts: 2,340
  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Zarina: Iron Will, Balanced Landing/Probably Smash Hit, Fast Track, Borrowed Time.

    I replaced DS with fast track because 1) DS is absolute dog water now, if I do get tunneled then it's not going to help anyhow, and 2) Fast Track is pretty gratifying.

    Pig: Make Your Choice, Deathbound, BBQ, and Ruin. Deathbound is good, fight me.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I don’t have a killer main at the moment as my break up with Spirit has caused me to take a break from maining one killer.

    For survivor, my main is Yui and I usually run BT, Prove Thyself, WGLF, and fourth perk depends on if I have a specific tome challenge or maybe something like DS.

  • Member Posts: 11,534


    1. Clown: BBQ, Oppression, Pop and brutal. Addons are flask of bleach and chloroform bottle
    2. Billy: Enduring, BBQ, Pop and Bamboozle. Addons are dads boots and junkyard air filter


    1. Jane: Autodidact, solidarity, Empathey and WGLF
  • Member Posts: 2,193
    edited April 2021
    • Bubba
    • No add-ons
    • PWYF, Nemesis, Pop, BBQ (now im having fun with opression + dead man's switch instead of pop+bbq)
    • bp offering

    • Ace
    • Empty hands
    • Ace in the hole, Plunderer's instinct, Appraisal, Sprint
    • bp offering

    These are my 2 main killer/survivor builds. Rank 1 both sides btw

  • Member Posts: 794


    Adam with DS, DH, Kindred, and Windows

    Killer: I play a lot of killers and use different builds on all of 'em. My favorite two at the moment are-

    Bubba with BBQ, Pop, Ruin, Surveillance (no addons)

    Trapper with STBFL, Pop, Surge, and Discordance (any bag addon and setting speed)

  • Member Posts: 13,616



    1. Whatever i have the most of
    2. Whatever i have the most of


    1. Survivor Pudding
    2. Bloody Party Streamers
    3. Black Ward
    4. Hollow Shell
    5. Ardent Raven Wreath (Deviousness)
    6. Ardent Shrike Wreath (Sacrifice)
    7. Ardent Tanager Wreath (Brutality)
    8. Ardent Spotted Owl Wreath (Hunter)
    9. Devout Raven Wreath (Deviousness)
    10. Devout Shrike Wreath (Sacrifice)
    11. Devout Tanager Wreath (Brutality)
    12. Devout Spotted Owl Wreath (Hunter)
    13. Raven Wreath (Deviousness)
    14. Shrike Wreath (Sacrifice)
    15. Tanager Wreath (Brutality)
    16. Spotted Owl Wreath (Hunter)


    1. Barbecue & Chili
    2. Hex: Devour Hope
    3. Hex: Undying
    4. Make Your Choice

    Why use the Add-ons you have the most of?

    It mixes up how i play and it makes sure i keep the Add-ons i want for the different builds i have, like sweaty, anti-Pallet, anti-Generator, etc. (Those Add-ons are usually of higher rarities and higher rarities are generally less easy to find on Bloodwebs, so this is what i chose to do.)

    What about the other Offerings?

    • I really don't care where the Basement spawns, nor to see where it is.
    • Same goes for Hatch, i really don't care about any Blueprints.
    • Coins work against you, it'll just make Chest-hungry Survivors do Generators instead.
    • I actually used to like the 3 Fog-increasing Reagents for Wraith, to hide his cloak better. Now that he's invisible from 20 meters and on, it's not worth it.
    • So Clear Reagent was also working against me, but now it's just nothing.
    • Hooks are usually readily available, and having more than 1 Survivor use a Petrified Oak is too rare for me to want to start using these.
    • Moris are all just for show now. (And to avoid DS i guess, but that's rare for me anyway.)
    • Like the Blueprints, i really don't care which map i go to, not even Haddonfield.
    • Shroud of Separation is great if i want to lose fast.
    • Sacrificial Ward would be nice if i cared where i went. It's also used up whether or not there were map Offerings, so that's kinda #########.

    Oh, to explain Black Ward: It's kinda cool to me, you gain value without spending BP.

    If you used 2 Ultra Rares, you traded 14k BP for 2 Ultra Rare Add-ons without actually spending the 14k.

    Only on 2 Commons is it not worth to use: You get 6k out of that, which is how much the Offering costs, so 0 profit.

    Plus it's also just nice to not use up Add-on combinations you like.

    What's that perk build?

    To gain Hex: Devour Hope power without caring about its Hex Totem...directly.

    • First, the essential ingredient: Hex: Devour Hope.
    • Then Barbecue & Chili: The incentive to get Tokens for H: DH is one i want to follow, i want to gain Tokens after all, so having a destination confirmed is nice. Also BP.
    • Then Hex: Undying: Just a nice back-up, i want to care about H: DH just a tiny tad.
    • Lastly Make Your Choice: Great Perk for Wraith who can now traverse the 32 meters back real quick, and put the next one on the Hook for more Tokens.

    If Hex: Devour Hope falls anyway, B&C & MYC still make great Perks, MYC especially is quite terrifying on this boy, Basements are quite the death sentence.

  • Member Posts: 11,763


    Freddy Krueger (A.K.A The Nightmare)

    Add-ons: Jump Rope and Nancy's Masterpiece

    Perks: Corrupt Intervention, Pop Goes the Weasel, Hex: Ruin and Barbecue & Chilli

    Offering: BP offering


    Claudette Morel

    Perks: Borrowed Time, Adrenaline, Sprint Burst and We're Gonna Live Forever

    Item: None

    Offering: None, unless there is a event going on.

  • Member Posts: 536

    Killer: Demo

    Add-ons: none

    Offering: none

    Perks: BBQ, Pop, STBFL, and either Ruin or Bamboozle.

    Survivor: Sbeve Barrington

    Item: none

    Offering: none

    Perks: Spine Chill, Bond, the other two usually depend on what the archives is telling me to do, cause I don't play much survivor outside of doing all the challenges.

  • Member Posts: 4,335


    Haunted Grounds, Devour, BBQ, Discordance

    Offering, bloodpoints

    addons,white hair ribbon and sportscap

    Survivor, the one with the most medkits for that night, or someone new to break any bad luck

    Perks, Bond, DH, Ds, Kindred if solo, botany if swfing.

    medkit, green, purple or yellow as fast and as long as I can make it.

    offering, bloodpoints

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    • Trapper
    • Add-ons: Trapper Gloves, Trapper Bag (only cause I have more of them than Trapper Sacks)
    • Perks: Undying / Hex: Ruin / Corrupt Intervention / Save The Best for Last
    • No Offering

    • Doctor
    • Add-ons: Whatever I have on hand
    • Perks: Save the Best For Last / Corrupt Intervention / Pop Goes the Weasel / BBQ + Chili
    • No Offering

    • Pig
    • Add-ons: None
    • Perks: Save the Best for Last / Pop Goes the Weasel / Brutal Strength / Hex: Ruin
    • No Offering

    • Freddy
    • Add-ons: None
    • Perks: Save the Best for Last / BBQ + Chili / Pop Goes the Weasel / Whispers
    • No Offering

    • Myers
    • Add-ons: Whatever I have on hand
    • Perks: Pop Goes The Weasel / Corrupt Intervention / Whispers / Sloppy Butcher
    • No Offering

    • Kate
    • No Item
    • Dead Hard / Iron Will / Spine Chill / Botany Knowledge OR Quick and Quiet OR Flip Flop
    • No Offering

  • Member Posts: 905
    • Killer(s): all
    • Add-ons: varies
    • Perks: warden light born iron agitation
    • Offering (if you use one): varies on mood

    • Survivor(s): jake
    • Item & Add-On: challenge depends if toolbox medkit blinding item or a key
    • Perks: iron self care tec calm
    • Offering (if you use one):any

  • Member Posts: 6,278
    • Clown
    • Add-ons: pretty much anything, sometimes add-on-less.
    • Perks: most common are Coulrophobia, Forced Penance, Sloppy, Agitation.
    • Offering (if you use one): any BP ones.

    • Doc
    • Add-ons: Double Calm or Order + Restraint.
    • Perks: Most common are Distressing, Coulrophobia, Overwhelming Presence, Unnerving Presence. But if I use Double Calm add ons I use M&A, Overcharge, Oppression, and Dark Devotion.
    • Offering (if you use one): BP.

    • David or Felix
    • Item & Add-On: Toolbox or Medkit.
    • Perks: most common are Bond, Leader, Open Handed and Visionary. Or Calm Spirit, Fixated, Iron Will, No Mither.
    • Offering (if you use one): BP or Coin.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Killer: Blight

    Add-ons: Literally any, but I have a soft spot for Umbra Salts + Vigo's Journal

    Perks: Pop, Infectious Fright, Enduring, BBQ

    Killer: Plague

    Add-ons: any combination of Emetics/Insenced Ointment

    Perks: Ruin/Surge/Tinkerer/Discordance

    Survivor: Zarina, Kate, Yui

    Items: Any

    Perks: Any

    (Survivor is so much less perk dependant and they have so many amazing perks and builds)

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