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Do you still play or don't play Dead By Daylight?

I'm generally curious as to how many people on these forums still play DBD, and who here doesn't play anymore. I recently made the decision that I didn't want to play DBD anymore because it doesn't seem like the game is gonna get better thanks to the bad balancing decisions, and how bad things have been since the Halloween Event. So if you still play DBD would like to know why, and if you don't then I imagine it might be the same with my reasoning.


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  • Member Posts: 1,839

    At this point, I am literally only playing so I can ride out Trickster to see where it takes me. I legit don't care about winning or losing, I just want to see the sights.

  • Member Posts: 3,486

    I play perhaps 3 games per day. Two months ago probably 7-8 games a day. No thoughts on quitting though.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    I began playing back at release in 2016 and I still play regularly up to this day. I do take breaks every now and then especially when I want to play some other game for a while but I always come back after the short breaks as I love DBD's gameplay and never managed to find any other game with gameplay that entertained me as much as DBD does.

    As someone who played since the beginning, the game only gets better but very very slowly. I don't play as fanatically as many others (3k hours) which is likely part of the reason I stil don't get bored with the gameplay loop.

  • Member Posts: 135

    Pretty much this. Used to play every day and only this, but after time and again of lack of listening to the community and poor balance decisions in a lot of cases, I just find my time better spent in other games. Nothing drawing me in and keeping me here except the friends I have made, and they are happy to play other games too.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I still love and care for DBD and its success. It will take something pretty bad for me to quit, I just know that this game can be better than it is and I really want it to be.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    I do, but I'm not enjoying it. It's been a love/hate thing since it's PS4 release for me.

    I'm just finishing off this pass to 70 (something which is frustratingly tedious) then I might call it a day. I've had enough.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I only play games i find fun.

    I enjoy this game, so i play it.

    It's not like i can't see problems, and i had to take some moderation with the game to keep enjoying it.

    But y'know, while i still enjoy playing this game i already bought, i don't have to spend money to find a new game to enjoy.

    Of course i still get a new game every now and then, but you know what i mean.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    I still play several times a week but I use to be on this game non stop sweating my ass off playing killer, over the last few months I've started drifting away from the game and finding better games to play that aren't broken.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    On a break right now but play pretty consistently

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    I still love the game and absolutely hate it at the same time. I will be playing this game for a long time, it's somehow my favorite game despite the BS that is in it.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    I still play, im a pretty bad player at both sides, i don't really mind the balance because Im probably will still be playing the same way.

  • Member Posts: 378

    I didn't play for a month before the new chapter. Bought Trickster with shards, tried him out, bad beyond expectations. Blight got a good change but he's unplayable on console. Wraith got buffed but his lunge is bugged and it's very noticeable. Only the DS change really comes through, Blight if you're on PC. Shame they just didn't take any feedback about Trickster.

    Probably gonna sideline the game again, not worth sticking around when I've got other games in my rotation.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    I break to play other games, but I've been playing more lately since my hubs wants to. Definitely not as much though as when I started and quarantine was a new thing. Just got vaccinated so I'm hoping to go out into the world a little bit.

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    Sadly the lead balancer doesn't care for other people's fun

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    I used to do that two years ago, but that changed for me last year.

  • Member Posts: 399

    I still play it nearly every day

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    At this point I'm just sick of BHVR for how money hungry they are, and they act like they don't have enough money as it is.

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    I gave the game three strikes, and if it continued to leave me disappointed then I just need to move on to something else which I'm doing. It's just so irritating waiting so much of when BHVR will get their heads out of their asses, and finally learn that they need to drastically change their development team. Because hiring certain people who have no idea what they're doing, is what's gonna keep driving this game into an even bigger mess.

  • Member Posts: 78
  • Member Posts: 1,031

    Same here, want to move onto other games that make me happy like Fall Guys for example. I'm not gonna be that person who bitches about the problems of the game, and then forgets about it instantly because BHVR drops the new Feng Min outfit. DBD simps for ya.

  • Member Posts: 655

    I put in like 5 hours a week, not as much as I used to, but its a non-zero number

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    Played a bit of trickster and now will wait for the next update. Hshs is good.

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    I used to play daily for hours at a time - mostly solo survivor, some swf and killer mixed in. Now I mostly just play 2SWF for hour maybe two tops a few times a week because my swf teammate still really enjoys the game, I might hop on killer to do a challenge but really have to be in the mood to keep playing. My swf teammate knows that once he finishes rift we'll need to find something else to play until next one comes out. I used to be a buy the new chapter as soon as it was released on ps4 and would buy licensed cosmetics but since last summer they've said and done quite a bit that makes me feel like they really couldn't care less about console so turned me off from playing so much and last chapter I bought was Silent Hill.

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    Used to play 1-2 hours a day when I have free time now I barely go through 2 games idk I guess it just gets boring and stale with time and u wanna change the game for a while that's natural

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    The only DBD streamers I can watch are Otz and then maybe at times Bronx, but he streams so late at night it's hard for me to watch his streams. Umbra is also enjoyable, but I can tell she's focusing more on her other Twitch channel where she plays other stuff not DBD related. I wouldn't want DBD to be my main job of streaming everyday, cause yeah it feels like you're going insane with how badly the game has been getting.

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    BHVR will keep being the money greedy people they are, only hope for DBD to get better is for something to come along the way and rival it. Been hearing a lot of people think that Home Sweet Home: Survive is the game that could hold up well to compete with DBD, but it's gonna take a lot of dedication put into that game to make it happen.

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    Well there is that Home Sweet Home Survive game that just came out recently

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    I still need to make an appointment for my first dose of the vaccine

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    And in order to get the true 60 fps experience on console, you gotta pay $500 for the PS5 which is still a trouble to find and get.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Still playing.

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    That silent survivor when they're downed is basically a feature to the game, because they didn't seem that is was to big of a problem that needed fixing so they left it in the game.

  • Member Posts: 336

    I've quit the game on a couple occasions, I think maybe 2-3 times over the span of 4 years or so, all times because the unpleasantness and frustration of it all became too much for me to deal with in a healthy manner. Yet here I am, active in the game once again and active somewhat on these forums too.

    As for why it's like someone above me said: there's no other game like DBD out there. No popular ones at least. If I want an experience like what DBD offers then I have to come to DBD itself. Plus I just enjoy the perk mechanic. I always like a good chance to talor the game to the way I want to play it, to make gimmicky builds and try to maximize my ability to do this or that, and DBD lets me do that.

  • Member Posts: 517

    Man, I have never uninstalled and reinstalled a game so many times... currently taking a break. I have more fun discussing the game or watching someone else play it than I do myself anymore. I have nearly all my favorite killers P3'd and with everything they need, all my favorite survivors with all perks unlocked, and the rift/new chapter doesn't interest me, so I'm just not seeing much of a point right now. I'll probably check back in a couple weeks or around the midchapter

    Really digging HSHS right now, so that's a good alternative asymmetrical multiplayer fix for me. It's a bit rough around the edges but still seems like the best dbd competitor since RE resistance came around. Hoping that continues to do well

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    I got lucky and was able to get the Johnson & Johnson one dose. Totally recommend, though I gotta admit I'm sitting over here kinda zombiefied.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I play all the time. If I stopped playing the game it would be because I no longer enjoy the game. I would move on; I wouldn't even have time to stop and do a silly "goodbye cruel DbD" post over here. And that bears on the other things, why would I still be here on a Forum that exists primarily to talk about DbD if I'm no longer interested in or playing it? That sounds weird to me, the behavior of a stalker. If you don't care about the game, there is no reason to remain here to talk about it.

    As much as I like some of you and enjoy some of your posts, our shared mutual interest is this game and if we no longer share that, we don't have much to talk about do we? The people I really like from here, I am going to have already made contact outside of the Forum so I wouldn't lose touch with them. Do you see where I'm going with this? So a better question is WHY ON EARTH is anyone who has quit the game (for whatever reason) still hanging out here to whine about it?

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    I've been watching Home Sweet Home: Survive. I've just been hesitant of dropping the $7 on the game. Oh, I can afford it, trust me. But given how things have gone in the asymmetrical genre as far as non-DbD titles are concerned, I'm leery of where the player base numbers will be in a month or two.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    Don't think I'll be quitting it in a while, DBD's been better than ever despite us getting a horribly balanced killer. It's a really fun game and I have hopes for its success.

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    My husband got a ps5 at launch but he has his own games to play on that, I'm not going to kick him off to play a nearly 5 year old game. I've heard people on new consoles have started to have performance issues after patches since release so it's only a matter of time before "optimize new console" starts being posted. When I finally get my own ps5 I'm not bothering installing DBD on it, it'll be what has me finally quit the game. 😂

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