People who actually play blight and think j-flicks should be removed, why?

bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

This post is just asking people who actually play blight why they think j-flicks should be removed instead of endorsed as a feature

Feel free to leave your opinion about the other side of why it should be actually endorsed as a feature as well

Arguments that have obvious counter arguments with proof behind them

It has no counerplay, yes it has really easy counterplay and can be dodged really easily if predicted

Its an exploit because it was unintended, thats not a reason to not endorse it as a feature as bugs becoming features has been seen before

You need a dpi switch, No you don't people flick on every single dpi under the sun



  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    ...I don't understand this reasoning / line of thought, could you explain it better other than people play both sides

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    You can counterplay it, just make not a 180, but a 360 juke.

    If anything, it making playing as and against blight even more skillful.

    Without that flick, blight's lunge become hilariously easy to dodge.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    If the counterplay to his counterplay had no counterplay I would think it is an unfair feature, however as j-flicks have counterplay im going to disagree with the fact that it takes away a big part of his counterplay, as it only converts a big part of his hard counterplay into 50/50s where both sides have the oppertunity to outplay each other

    Blight is fun because he isn't simple, J-flicking will remove most of the movement on his rush attacks and dull him down, its like the oni update that made him only have a 30° demon strike, it just dumbs down a fun mechanic

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    I remember playing on the ptb with blights attack being laughably bad at maneuvering, I would never want to go back to anything close to that

  • Wiggles_Diggles
    Wiggles_Diggles Member Posts: 180

    I would consider myself a Blight main and didn't even relies this was a thing until a week or so ago when someone was complaining about it. I don't care what happens with it because it is something I don't use so if it is "fixed" removed what ever you want to call it I don't care because it wont effect me.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I would love to talk about that but unfortunately Blight is like the worst thing ever on console and i almost never face Blight (never experienced a j flicking blight).

    So i'm not too sure about the counterplay part.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482
    edited April 2021

    example of j-flicking having counterplay at 2h27m33s since you can't embed the video with a timestamp for some reason

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    I assume I qualify when Blight fluctuates between 2nd and 3rd on my list of favorite killers? And my stance is the same as in your similar thread from yesterday, so I'll just link that instead of reposting it before going further:

    I'll add that if it was to be adopted as a mechanic it would both have to be made a feature accessible to everyone (so make it a basic thing, so console players can do it too) and it would most likely be considered a buff to Blight. And if they simply did that and changed nothing else they'd still have to do something as people could use the exact same flaw with the game to turn even more than j-flick allows. As it'd just be j-flick turn with another layer of j-flick on top with no further changes.

    As long as DBD is a game using things like turn speed and even field of view as things involved in game balance it's perfectly understandable and reasonable that things allowing players to bypass intentional restrictions on such things end up getting fixed. There's a reason Blight and Oni don't have free unrestrained control while going for a hit with their power, and it's for similar reasons higher field of view is offered as a perk benefit and stuff that messes with it like wacky aspect ratios ("stretched res") is controversial.Something like 4:3 stretched in something like CS:GO is mostly uncontroversial even though many feel it makes targets "thicker" and easier to hit, as it's available to everyone and vertical FOV is kinda irrelevant in that game compared to horizontal FOV unlike DBD.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I honestly think its a bit BS, as a Blight main, he is an absolute pain in the utteral ass to learn and play, almost as difficult as nurse. So I think its absolute bias, for people wanting him nerfed when he requires skill and dedication, yet they don't complain when nurse beats them because she requires skill and dedication. Basically the player be rewarded for taking time and effort to learn how to play a very hard killer with a very powerful and fun killer

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    That didn't really look like counterplay but rather like him being lucky there

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Oh nevermind I actually looked it up, I'm stupid, honestly that's really not that bad, and I don't see why it should be removed, it does seem complicated to learn and doesn't seem like it will happen that often

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Thats just the only example I have on hand there are others of more conscious counterplay that was the only one I just knew offhand

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    The logic behind wanting the j flick gone makes literally no sense to me.

    • Has counterplay, makes playing blight and playing against him more skillful.
    • Buffs blight to the top 5, without it this makes him a mid tier killer.
    • If the j flick was removed more people would play spirit, nurse, twins and pyramid which are infinitely more unfun than blight.

    What's the issue if it does nothing but benefit the game.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    I don't know what the point of removing an accidental mechanic from a high skill killer that made their skill ceiling higher instead of just accepting it. If they decide its a feature the skill ceiling suddenly jumps higher, if they decide its not more people just play nurse and spirit

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048
    edited April 2021

    Not intended, yet it adds another layer to his gameplay on both sides that have plenty of counterplay.

    I do not think it's fair to comment on something like this when you have no idea how it actually functions in practice. Unintentional does not equal bad or unhealthy because it's unintentional. You look at how it plays out, how both sides can use it and play around it, and determine if it's a balanced aspect of his power or not. If it is, and it genuinely adds GOOD gameplay to him, then it could actually be incorporated into his kit as an intentional feature as it is, or just left alone (with console given more freedom with Blight's controls).

    The problem is, NOBODY flicks as Blight and so nobody knows the counterplay. The more people that do, more counterplay can be developed, there's more understanding of it, and everybody wins, because all in all, if you actually know how the flicks work - playing as and against him - you know it doesn't break him.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    That was the only example I had on hand there are plenty more examples with more active counterplay to j-flicks, and while its not spirit levels of no counterplay its closer to huntress hatchet levels of counterplay where you can bait it out or juke them, dead hard through them, go around objects in weird ways but its way more interesting than he will be without it.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482
    edited April 2021

    Exploits and unintentional design becoming mechanics due to them being fun is actually a pretty common in game design

    Rocket jumping in quake

    Combos in fighting games

    Ghandi becoming nuke happy in Civilization

    Just because a mechanic can start out as unintended or an exploit doesn't mean it can't be accepted or added in a more complete state.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    I'm fine with it staying in the game, I don't have much against it but it's an unintended feature and thus it should be removed, that's about it.

    The major issue here? Console players don't have access to it, making it unfair for them. Devs are not gonna bother adding it in because of how difficult it'd be. Also I believe someone said the devs won't make the j-flick an official feature either.

  • DominiqV
    DominiqV Member Posts: 54

    J flicking Blight here. It's not intended, but its a cool skill cap thing. I'm indifferent.

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    Because it's an exploit? It's not a super serious one that I'm going to bother complaining about every day, it's not like a 360 turn with Oni or anything (although you can still 180 with Oni's lunge the exact same way as Blight can), but it's still an exploit, all other exploits get patched out, why shouldn't this one.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Exploits can become and be accepted as game mechanics, its happened in the past where exploits and unintended mechanics become game mechanics.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    If you aren't worried about the playerbase of a killer then why bother with arguing against them getting a mechanic that makes their gameplay more fun and interactive

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Yea but as counterplay running in a circle has been in the game since the beginning with killers like trapper, its boring and having a hard to use mechanic that increases the skill ceiling that can both circumvent it while also having its own counterplay is much more fun design than another killer you just go around in a circle with.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482
    edited April 2021

    Blight has more counterplay then all of them j-flick or not, if you think differently you obviously don't play blight or killer enough in general while complaining on a thread for people who play blight to suggest why j-flicking should be removed or why it should be endorsed.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048
    edited April 2021

    Yes, we actually can. Unintended features are implemented as features all the time. Game design is not as plain, boring, and black and white as you're making it out to be. Some of the best ######### added to games have been unintentional because they fun and added something new to the gameplay.

    We're human beings, not robots. We don't have to see something as "This is exploit. We must fix. Beep boop beep bop." If something that isn't intended but is working just fine with the intentional game mechanics and people are enjoying it, then it shouldn't just be removed; It should be embraced or left alone so more people can understand it and use it.

    The worst part about this situation, the ACTUAL unfair part about all of it, is that people are crying out for it to be removed because it's busted and breaks Blight, yet they have never gone against it, have never used it, and have never developed or seen any actual counterplay to it which very well exists (watch 1v1/1v4 scrims against top tier Blight players. It's VERY, VERY counterable).

    All this is is a bunch of parroting. Truly a shame.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Some fun examples of things to support your argument of features being implemented

    combos in fighting games

    rocket jumping in quake, which is also seen in games like tf2 and other movement shooters

    nuke happy ghandi in civilization

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048

    Exactly. All of these things became very memorable features of those games.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Eh.. counterplay should not be a 100% guarantee or nobody would ever die.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Actually, it should. Because he can still play those tiles as an m1 killer, a perfectly viable and completely interactive piece of gameplay. If anyone thinks Blight is weak because he can't use his power in shorter junk tiles, then they're getting outplayed. As they should be.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    I'm so tired of 3 new threads about this being started every day that repeat the same arguments.

    "Why should my exploit be removed? Removing my killer's counterplay is fun design and makes him more skillful. If you disagree, you're just an entitled survivor main."

    "You can't remove my exploit because another unrelated exploit exists."

    "Flicks only account for landing a couple hits per match so they aren't even a big deal. Also if you fix this not a big deal thing, I'm quitting playing him forever."

    Get. Over. It.

    Blight will still be a strong killer without a broken lunge mechanic.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    Is it worth keeping this if they decide to add it in, and tinker around under Blight's hood? Billy and Nurse really enjoyed their time in the shop.

    With at least five platforms not able to do this, you know darn well they'll do something. Even if it is not for a few patches the one thing they are unlikely to do here is nothing.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    All is these things were accessible and useable to all players of these games though.

    Why are you so intent on ignoring the fact that J-Flicks should be removed because they can only be done when playing on PC? It is literally impossible for console players to do this, this is more than enough reason for this "feature" to be removed.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited April 2021

    Peole want 100% counterplay to deathslinger in an open field. Do you think that is a good design to aim for?

    I am all for blight being changed, but if you make the cp so basic that yoi can pull it off at any time and anywhere like in the middle of the corn field, that is bad design.

    The lunge needs to be 90 to 110 degrees.

    I have tried console blight and that turn is to small.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I like j-flicks.

    Wish I could ######### do them on console...or turn, at all