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Survivor toxicity
Quit bullying killers simple as that I played 6 games today every single one tbagging bodyblocking clicking like crazy and endgame chats baby killer noob ez game...check in post game always red and purple ranks I see posts of people complaining about the long load times for survivors but they treat killers this way? Maybe if you acted mature and grew up you wouldn't run away people who will play killer so that you can also play...damn ridiculous crap to out up with now I will gladly take a depip from green rank all the way down to brown to play a normal non sweaty game might as well open up a smurfs account and enjoy myself at this rate🤨
Come runna killer with me survivos killer friends let's play over 18 mic required can show you betts than I been speaking
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I mean just the other day a blight called me a the F slur. Toxicity comes from both sides. This is why I have my chat hidden now.
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As @Marigoria said toxicity is a thing in both sides. Their a more survivor players therefor more are toxic
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long load time for survivors? EVERYBODY is playing trickster right now survivor Qs are next pretty fast. Depipping won't help you either, you will still get 3man SWF red/purple and a smurph 17 no matter what rank your at
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Yeah I have received some racist comments after the match as well don't know what my race has to do with playing killer but it it to your mods get them banned
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Which is garbage I don't want sweaty teams but when I play survivor swear I get all brown ranks who would rather hide than do a gen
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Appreciate it
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I demolished an swf on ormond as clown so bad that two dc and one did it to let the last guy get hatch I proceeded to get abused in messages well I found that person again both dc'rs actually and I proceeded to facecamp both of them and the one who sent abuse dc again
Survivors shouldn't talk trash to killers who genuinely are playing in the most normal way because at least for me if I see that player again I'm going to mori and/or facecamp.
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wait till the hype to try this crappy killer out wears off it be back to normal in no time before the release of this killer wait time for survivor took a long time there will again.
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It's not so much toxic survivors or toxic killers, but moreover toxic people. A side doesn't make someone more toxic, yet the behaviour of the individuals and attitude does.
Prime examples was in 2 matches yesterday I played survivor twice. First trial contained a Doctor with the accuracy of a cannonball. He contiuously missed hit after hit on all survivors, then messaged everyone saying they all had bad internet. The second was I was on 2nd hook at Midwich. The other final survivor, who was at most 2 rooms away from me, hid in a locker for the entirity of the phase when I could have been saved (the killer did not camp at all) and then got pissy I didn't kill myself so they could get the hatch when I didn't kill myself (Trapper got the hatch before him).
If someone is going to be a reject, the side doesn't matter.
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I swear though...I am a killer main and ALL I hear is..."you tunneled me you trash killer!" all the be different...I played by their rules...just to see if they gained an iota of you put yourself at a deliberate disadvantage...they suddenly act like they are HOT $H!T and HARD tbag/point constant BM....and I am thinking to myself...if you treat people like this, you are TEACHING killers that they legit have NO reason to play by your little made up rules....I agree, there is toxicity on both sides but more and more the toxic people are making it so the only way to defend yourself is to play with EVERY advantage you can...
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Idk why killers feel compelled to say gg ez after a 4k.
Now, I'm the type to be black and white -- if someone thinks the above is justified, then everyone will think some sort of toxicity is permissible. I'm also hella 120% sensitive special snowflake and rather not have anything said to me but nice things lol. So I just leave.
The amount of people literally staying in this forum's end game chats to trash talk is astounding. I just leave instantly, staying around is like inviting stress.
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Therapeutic I applaud you good sir😎
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Just ran into a hacked PC killer with trickster with Victor's running speed and no cool down on his swings 3 minutes into the match he hooked 2 people and downed me nice to see this crap still continues unfortunately I wasn't recording so no vid🤨 is there still a way to report this
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Unfortunately that is true I feel for you man hate people who just go into locker and expect match at the end...if you cant do gens at least lead the killer away
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Playing both sides I understand if I escape I don't camp around the exit gate and as a killer it doesn't matter how respectful you are you are still.going to get slack maybe once in a blue moon a gg wp
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But you avoid the good chats of why you are horrible to uninstall the game and possibly cussing and or slurs 🤣
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Nice fantasy.