Red Rank Adept Trickster is a Joke

Coming off back-to-back 11-hook games, where I only used my basic attacks (twice used knives).
Gold Chaser, Gold Devout, Iri Gatekeeper & Malicious. Ruthless Killer.
Both times I had points deducted in chase for reloading and breaking a pallet immediately after hooking a survivor.
Both times the 4th survivor escaped because I have zero tracking perks, and my 110% ass can't defend the gates after closing hatch.
TF kind of babysitting clinic do I need to run to get the adept achievement?
Yeah i tried to get it about 9 hours straight. But guess what? Survivors are super bad at night so i played 1 game at 1:30 am and got it instantly
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It's sad that good killers have to wait for bad survivors to achieve these things.
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I believe the devout emblem is bugged again, and this shows since 9 hooks is iridescent and you got gold.
Unbroken and Lightbringer are forever bugged, too.
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Adept Trickster is super frustrating.
It's truly a numbers game though. Don't give up!
You're gonna find that one squad that doesn't like to do gens and just wants to go for flashlight saves.
Max out your points in each category to increase your chances of getting adept.
It sucks now when you don't have the achievement, but you're gonna be stoked when you get it!
Good luck to ya, friend.
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This was a frustrating adept for sure. I actually got it last night just from M1-ing the whole match. I didn't use his power, not once. It was an ordeal limping after all the survivors. Ugh, this killer needs some work.
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Yeah its the same exact way I had to get Oni adept. Oni adept took the cake for most frustrating adept until this clown was added to the game. 9k shards for 3 perks and no killer lol
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You will eventually get it, if you keep playing him you will de-rank really fast. Its the sad truth lol
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I can't stand the Trickster. In every match I play he eliminates at least one person by spamming the "down opponent with endless projectiles button", his only useful function. Then everyone else but me goes to save him. Ultimately they too are downed by the same awesome power, and I'm forced to either try to solo 3-4 gens before he sneaks around and does the same thing to me or go get myself killed trying to save one of the survivors who fall back down by being breathed at.
TL;DR: ######### the Trickster at every level, he's an irritating pain in the ass non-character.
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It really fell's like its specifically broken when doing adepts, ever since pyramid head's release, 11 hook's is not enough, yet a silver gatekeeper and 3 iris is. I miss the old, "just kill all 4" to earn it.
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Yeah, I am not even bothering with that adept until he gets a considerable buff.
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I used to despise the prospect of going for Killer Adepts.
I used to have a pure completionist attitude where I needed to have full 100% DBD trophies.
Now, I don't give a flying toss.
DBD is not particularly fun in general, and attempting many of the trophies and rift challenges actually feels like a form of punishment.
I recently got the platinum for Dying Light. Why? Because the trophies were realistic and the game itself is a fun experience.
These are traits not shared in DBD.
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I agree, although I see why it's no longer just 'kill all 4' as that meant people were using moris. It should really just be ruthless killer, at most, imo, or at least 'sacrifice' everyone.
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I got it the same way. I didn't even attempt to use his power, which to be honest, is really good advice for this killer whether you are going for the adept or not. I would never have killed all 4 people before the gens got done had I have tried to get 192 knife hits.
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Honestly forgot mori's counted for that, kind of interested on how adept matches would go with the new moris.
Managed it sort of the same way on Suffocation Pit of all maps, so many T/L's in the centre set up perfectly to stay ahead of the killer (especially 110% movement speed). Did get 2 injures with knives, cause the wall loops where short enough, but i mainly used them to zone sort of like Pyramid head, usually throwing 1 knive to make them try dodging it and waste distance, however i did this rarely so it was probably a big waste of time.
Perk usage, i got none, no insta-downs from Starstruck since that perk doesn't notify you if someone has it applied, crowd control didn't yield anything, there's barely any vaults that would lead to dead end's in such scenarios and most survivors just go to the next loop after using it, No-way out i never saw benefit from since you don't know where survivors are once that last gen pops most of the time.
I bring up the perk's because it is a flaw of the adept achievements. They generally don't work together, provide little to no benefit or don't complement the killer which makes some matches harder to play.
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If you think his knifes are a problem, then you should see what he can when he presses m1. His m1 is much stronger than his knifes, so you can count yourself lucky that you havent encountered those magical tricksters yet.
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I honestly don't know if I'm lucky or not. Whenever I see that Trickster is on the map I sigh because I know that as soon as he spots any survivor he's just going to tunnel them and knife spam over and over until they take enough of them to go down (which actually isn't a lot, depending on the map). It's so boring. There's no technique. "Oh look, a survivor!" * Proceeds to just throw stuff at them for a straight minute * When the only skill is aim, and the survivor's only countermeasure is "zig zag and hope that he doesn't catch up while chasing you in a straight line", it's not really the most fun or competitive game.
I know a lot of people say that he's completely avoidable, etc., and I'm sure much of my problem comes from simply being new and comparably inexperienced. But like I'm always telling people, I got the game on the basis that it was sneaking and hunting, some kind of skill and cat and mouse. Not just "run defenselessly from the guy with loads of projectile ammo". It reminds me of a ######### Call of Duty knockoff.
So yeah I mean if he's got something that's stronger or even more annoying, I may indeed be lucky.
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You pretty much hit the nail on the head with the main issue with Deathslinger, too.
I knew right away that this killer was going to be weak (7/8 knives per health state is a lot, even with the fire rate and ridiculously large hitboxes) but it's very clear that there's no real counterplay beyond 'hope he misses and try to predict a throw when he can throw tons at once and he'll gain distance if I try to dodge')
At least Slinger is strong; this killer is just annoying/unfun, regardless of his blatant lack of strength and uninspired power.
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Derank and get it easily at Rank 17.
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I’m genuinely annoyed that the devs allowed the Trickster to be released in his current state
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I'm annoyed they thought the premise of his power was any good/healthy for the game when it's essentially release Legion, but throwing knives instead.
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Release legion was so powerful that he needed to be needed ASAP, and he was. Release trickster is so weak that the best advice people will give you to to pretend he doesn’t have a power
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Counterplay: Go to a jungle gym. You just countered his power and his m1. All YOU have to do is know how to loop those. (Talking about trickster)
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Somehow I got it in two tries...
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Release Legion wasn't powerful at all. There were just massive foresights that meant people could abuse the devs' inability to not think ahead to get free downs, but it still took longer to do so than any other killer in the roster if you were even semi competent. The difference was, it was guaranteed.
Current killer has a similar effect, but not because of badly thought out mechanics or bugs. Weak as hell, but if they're on you, you're going down if you like it or not.
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I would wait for MMR and my rank to be reset to 20.
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I made a post on some tips to get it. It's a ######### and a half and it takes a while, but you can get it eventually, I think the best tip is just only m1, and know how to tunnel and slug like a #########, because that is how you get it, every round i tried using knives it deducted points and wasted time.
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The stars need to align to hit this adept challenge.
This is the closest I've come so far. I lost chaser points for "proximity to hook" which was either because a survivor ran me back near hook or because I Starstruck insta-downed a survivor who thought I didn't see them crouching near hook.
I shouldn't have to 11-12k 4-hook while using m1 only AND hope the survivors play smart (but not too smart) to hit this adept challenge.
5 m1-only 10+ hook 4ks so far, and no adept. I'm not proxy camping, and I'm not tunneling. ...yet I keep getting -1 or -2 for proximity to hook.
An adept challenge should reflect one's mastery of a killer's toolkit. Yet somehow these adept challenges say more about the survivors than the killer.
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You really have to wait for bad survivors and never use your power. It'll hurt you more than anything, especially since the knives dont do anything for Chaser. I got it doing M1 only Trickster (on Lery's of all maps) against bad survivors at red ranks. The only time I used my knives was once at a safe loop with lots of LOS for easy knife hits, plus the Survivor was already injured so I only had to hit them 8 times (doing M1 only, I didn't bother with addons). Additionally, one Survivor was dead and the other 2 were healing each other up.
Got really lucky with this being the second attempt. I have insane luck with 'impossible' achievements- I got Taking One For The Team and Left Behind a couple months ago in the same match, Evil Incarnate on my 4th try, and the only Adept I didn't do at red ranks was Plague (was Purple instead).
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Feels bad Emblem design man.