Problems with the Trickster's power - and how to fix them

SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think I hardly have to explain why the Trickster is terrible at this point. For once the community unanimously agrees upon something. But for the sake of clarity I'll do it anyway.

Problems with the Trickster's power: Laceration

Survivors hit by the Trickster's knives start to build up laceration. Once the laceration meter is full the survivor goes down a health state. This is very similar to how Plague's power works so comparing them seems appropriate.

Plague's Bile:
  • Slows her down while charging.
  • Builds up over time once a survivor is infected.
  • Spreads to objects and other survivors once fully infected.
  • Makes survivors permanently broken once fully infected.
  • Survivors do not gain a speed boost when broken from bile.
Trickster's Knives:
  • Slows him down when knives are drawn and continues slowing him down further as he throws. (Also increases recoil)
  • Laceration ticks down if a survivor isn't hit for 15 seconds.
  • 4 laceration charges are removed if a survivor is hit by a basic attack. (8 needed to fill completely)
  • Knives can only bounce off of objects with an add-on.
  • Survivors gain a speed boost if injured from knives.

Side-by-side you can really see how bad it compares. Plague's bile gets you some map pressure, information in the early game, and erases healing completely. Trickster only gets you a single health state. But what really makes him so bad is that despite his many disadvantages compared to Plague he's still only 110% movement speed. Why does he move slower when his power performs worse than another killer who moves faster than him?

And speaking of faster killers...

problems with the trickster's power: The Main Event

Every single killer that has a burst ability of some kind is faster than Trickster. And can activate said ability with far more control than him as well...

Michael Myer's Evil:
  • Activated at will when stalking a survivor.
  • Grants faster vaulting, increased lunge range, and insta-downs.
  • Terror radius is reduced once power is over.
Plague's Corrupt Purge:
  • Activated at will when using a corrupt fountain.
  • Grants damaging vomit than is near impossible to dodge at close range.
  • Vomit returns to normal once power is over.
Oni's Blood Fury:
  • Activated at will once enough blood is collected.
  • Grants massively increased map traversal and ability to insta-down.
  • Power ticks down over time and has its timer reduced for every survivor downed.
  • Short stun duration once power is over.
Trickster's Main Event:
  • Can only be activated within a short time of hitting his 20th knife.
  • Grants increased knife throwing speed and infinite ammo.
  • Lasts for 10 seconds. Stuns for a brief moment and prevents power use for 10 seconds once over.
  • Reduces movement speed to 92%????

That last point I find the most bizarre. Why the hell would his burst ability, that every other killer's equivalent doesn't slow them down, make him slower than survivor's base running speed?!? It's just adding salt into the wound at this point.

Not only do can you only use this ability every 20th knife. Not only can you only activate it within 10 seconds before losing it. But if you have even the most basic of obstacles between you and a survivor they can just loop around it because they are faster than you. Who the ######### thought that this was an acceptable way to balance this killer?!?!?

Ok. Now that I have that out of my system It's finally time to offer my solutions.

Problems with the trickster's power: Solutions

  1. Remove the slow down and recoil when throwing knives. Including the different trajectories when throwing a knife from the left and right. It's a nightmare enough as it is to land 8 of these tiny things without adjusting every single shot for the recoil. There's no reason to have them in the first place because his power is not strong enough to justify the handicaps.
  2. Make knives ricochet twice at base kit. The knife bouncing is the only unique mechanic the Trickster has going for him so I think allowing players to use that at all times would make him vastly more fun and interesting to play. To compensate, change the trick knives add-on to give 50% bonus laceration on knives that bounce once and 100% bonus laceration if they bounce twice.
  3. Change how The Main Event functions. It should activate automatically after hitting 20 knives, increases movement speed to 115% and lasts for much longer. But its duration will tick faster when throwing knives. Stun and power cooldown will only occur if the ability is cancelled manually. I want to keep this ability unable to be used on command in comparison to other killer burst abilities in exchange for being vastly more powerful and versatile in its use.

At this point I'm not even going to pretend I'm optimistic. The Trickster should never have been released in the state he was in and the buffs he's going to get, (if any), will either not be enough to make him decent and will probably be added several months from now. I'm so sick of the dev team constantly ignoring their playerbase and stubbornly sticking with their terrible ideas.

Please devs. Play your own game if you're going to keep developing for it. You have no clue how to balance it and you need clarity ASAP.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Pretty reasonable smart changes. I like the plague comparisons as quite frankly its just so baffling how they made a killer thats just so fundamentally weaker then a majority of the killers base power elements. Main event being so awful to the oint actively using it hurts you is by and large the most aggregious awful mistake they could make.

    100% expect that were gonna be waiting at least 6 months for even half of these changes being implemented. I hope I have to eat my words.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    We can only hope that the fixes with come in only 3 months instead of 6...

  • katapad
    katapad Member Posts: 55

    Let's be honest here. In six months he will get a very minor buff that will bring him in line with the weakest killers. Then in another 6 months to a year, he'll get a full rework to make him average.

  • StarlitHorror
    StarlitHorror Member Posts: 1

    They need to do something about the trickster. I’m so sick of getting spam hit with his knives.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,293

    I don't agree with giving him bouncy blades as a baseline, because he actually turns really oppressive with that.

    However, the way to resolve that problem is by changing Main Event so that it only gives infinite, bouncy blades for its duration. Trickster should stay in full control during it.

    As for the recoil and left-right trajectories: make huntress and trickster swap projectile hitboxes and both will be so much better off.