Tips for Trickster

Florin Member Posts: 65

Since he was added I played him a lot. So, I wanted to give some tips for how to play him.

The perk build I use the most is:


-Dying Light

-Pop goes the Weasel

-Bbq and chilli or Corrupt Intervention

Why do I run this build? Thana+Dying Light will slow the gens a little and he really needs it because his map preasure is so weak, also I found is working really good. Pop helps a lot with gens. And bbq just for points cuz anyway you don't get more than 20k per a normal game with him. Or you can run Corrupt which helps a lot to get use of Thana and maybe some stacks on Dying Light.

Add ons:

-Caged Heart Shoes

-Killing Part Chords

Both addons will make him faster while throwing knives. Also those are the best addons unless you want more knives, but the knives addons aren't that useful.

Some good perks on him: Monitor and Abuse, Iron Maiden, Nurse's calling, Bloodwarden, Noed, Discordance and the perks I said in my perk build.

How to play him?

First, when you start a chase you should try to figure out if you are going against a good or a bad survivor.

If you go against a bad survivor try using his m2 because you will get a quick down due to their playstyle they use to panic a lot, and they are doing a lot of mistakes against him like free vaults or random pallet drops.

If you are going against a good survivor try to m1 him and use m2 only to scare him or make him to belive that you want to m2. By using his m2 against a good survivor you won't do much becuase he will try to avoid pallet loops and just find a jingle gym or a loop where you can't use m2.

Main event: This is the worst part about him, Main event is really bad and I don't recommend you to use it in chase. This super is just good at hooks or just let it go. Every time I used in chase I just lost that chase.

Anyway this killer is getting gen rushed a lot so gl.

At indoor map he is very very bad.

Try to avoid w gamers.

And you still may lose like 80% of the games because he is very weak, since I played him I unpiped from rank1 and now I am struggling in rank5.

Here are my Trickster stats, so you can see I played him a lot since it's relase:

Maybe you will find my tips useless, I just wanted to help. :)


  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I'm glad its working for you but honestly it's not the strongest build and his power is pretty bad even when used right, it wastes alot of time. Perks I'd suggest are ruin, pop, monitor and whatever youd like depending if you need more info, slowdown etc. BTW is adept bugged on xbox? Done it multiple times and still no achievement... sigh..

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,336

    You on PC? How's the recoil to deal with? On console the recoil after the second throw is so aggravating to deal with and try to correct for. It seems random, this throw left this one right this one up slightly, left now again whatever, no pattern I see really.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    PC players often play on high sensitivity so they only slightly move the mouse and its corrected unlike most console players, throwing depends on range, the further you are the more central itll be but still slightly left then slightly right and repeat. Best advice aim bottom of their back in the open to land hits more easily

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,336

    Thanks! I've been aiming for I guess top butts area, as I get misses high as well as left or right. Again no pattern to the recoil I can feel. Much slower to correct with a controller, which I already have at max sens when playing this guy.

    Ranged killers are something else on console.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Reading this, it doesn't sound like it is working out for the OP at all. They are trying though, I'll give them that.

    About adept: If you are using your power too much you will not get it. The chaser Emblem is messed up with his power and it'll make it impossible to get it. Either reduce how much you throw knives or don't use your power at all.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    No I'm getting merciless, if gotten it a few times so I'm getting double pips and everything just the actual achievement dont seem to be popping up at all. I think iv done it 3 times and it still hasn't came up so I'm curious if its fully bugged on xbox or just slightly buggy

    I feel your pain I'm on xbox with 50% sensitivity so my analog is nearly fully down haha

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    dying light only works when you are already winning anyway.

    should probably replace that

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Well considering that half the perks required you to get a hook and his biggest ######### problem is getting downs I dont see how this will ever work

  • Florin
    Florin Member Posts: 65

    Kinda right, but when I get like 4 hooks and few injures is getting good and if they got like 2 gens done game is going to be much easier, for now I am trying to get all perks on him since I p3 him and that's why I run thana+dying light. Anyway I got sweet value from those 2 perks. This killer is so weak that not even good perks help him to win.

    I tried Ruin and I got 0 value or cleansed in first minute, even with pop I get to use it like 3 times in a game, that's why I tried slow downs perks like thana and dying light.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I'd like dying light if it didn't buff the obsession like mad and by the time you have enough stacks to notice you have probably already won the match, thanks is alright if you can keep them all injured but if it's only 1/2 people you make gens a few seconds longer. Ruin is a gamble but if it's up for at least 2mins you can have insane pressure going and pop is there as a backup. I'd run corrupt but people hide it out anyway and it can block awkward gens sometimes depending where you spawn. Sadly trickster sucks and no matter the perks you use he dont get as much use as every other killer, monitor is his best choice but even slinger is stronger with that as he injures in a single hit

  • Florin
    Florin Member Posts: 65

    Yes, Ruin is good and still a luck based perk even with undying, but with him you don't get to gens quick enough to get ruin value. I strongly recommend to anyone who bought the killer to don't play it cuz is weak no matter what. I try to be that guy who will give him a week. I played him like 20hrs idk and still weak af, he is kinda fun to play sometimes. He should be an A tier killer like huntress and slinger. This killer is the only thing that made me to don't uninstall dbd yet. I am really getting more pain than fun and I really think that is time for a break. Maybe I will keep playing but who knows?

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    This is honestly why I dont like him. Every build i have seen of people having some success with him is just stacking 3 or 4 regression perks.

    He's not unplayable but if he requires a "forever" build to get consistent wins, I cant say he's in a good spot.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    you'll get more use out of devour hope than dying light.

    because at least they stop doing gens to find the devour. the 9% amounts to less than 8 seconds on a gen. it's basically nothing

  • Somna
    Somna Member Posts: 130

    Speaking of Devour Hope, I've been running Starstruck, Hex: Crowd Control, Hex: Devour Hope, and Whispers for now as I level him up, unless and until I find something that works better. The biggest problem with Trickster is locating survivors. The second biggest problem is being able to catch one in a reasonable amount of time. They are such big problems that outside of Whispers, it feels like his other perk slots need to either be ways to down survivors quickly or contribute to that. Starstruck lets you snowball when they play aggressively and Whispers lets you find them again when they run away, so those two are pretty much set in stone for me.