Should DS really deactivate when you heal yourself?
Yay or nay? I feel like there's going to be a few survivors who accidentally self-care and have their DS deactivated, which I find is a bit much. Every other aspect of the DS nerf is perfectly fine though.
Yeah I know, self-care in 2021 but it is a perk that exists and has its situational benefits. It's also better than having survivors run other second chance perks.
EDIT: I should clarify by saying that I believe that DS should be instead deactivated upon a full heal either through another survivor fully healing you or you fully healing yourself. Partial heals would not deactivate DS.
Yes. If you have time to heal yourself, you weren't being tunneled. Especially with self care.
I believe you keep DS if you run inner strength. Consider running that.
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If you feel like you can heal in a certain situation then that's saying that you intend to keep the game progressing or are in a position where you aren't worried about the killer. So yes healing yourself should deactivate DS, otherwise have a teammate heal you.
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Yes. If you feel safe enough to heal yourself, you're not being chased and tunneled. And the idea that something should be changed because someone might make a "mistake" goes against literally everything in this game. Mistakes should be punished. Bump into a corner mid-chase? survivor gets away. Slow vault? Killer gets the hit. Accidentally hit crouch instead of sprint? Killer gets the hit. Accidentally blink 3 feet as Nurse? Survivor gets away.
This game should not hold someone's hand because they MIGHT make a mistake. The player needs to learn to not make the mistake.
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I don't believe it should. It does not progress the game, it actually does the opposite, and slows down the game.
It's the reason why I run Sloppy Butcher a lot, to slow down the game and force people to heal because it prevents them from prioritizing the objective knowing they can heal at normal speed.
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should you really heal yourself mid chase?
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DS is used to punish tunneling (so called). It is possible to heal yourself against a killer who is tunneling. So the answer is: no.
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No . If u got tunneled it’s basically means that u are trying to evade the killer not healing or doing gens infront of them .
ds has a great ds combo if u want to heal yourself , basically run inner strength, quick n quiet (isn’t necessary) and ds , or might run some head on atleast if u wanna give urself a chance to knock the killer too for some extra points and time to run away
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Any medkit heals in like a dozen seconds so just be smart about it tbh and you'll be fine, I still love ds
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Well, if you have time to get others to heal you, then you weren't being tunneled but that doesn't deactivate DS. You can technically still get tunneled while partially healing yourself. Because of this, wouldn't it be better to have DS deactivate when a survivor is fully healed?
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If others heal you then no you aren't being tunneled, you're full health. Being full health you have nothing to do other than gens, which is progressing the game. If you are healing yourself and the killer finds you then you weren't in a position to heal yourself in the first place.
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Others healing you is not an action being performed by yourself. It's someone elses action. If they had DS up and tried healing you (aka contributing to their team), they would lose it. Try harder.
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If other people have the time to fully heal you, you aren't being tunneled. Therefore, DS should be deactivated if it's a strictly anti-tunnel perk. You're juggling between the perk deactivating through personal contribution or being an antitunneling perk. I don't have to try harder than I want to lol. I don't know how people get off by telling people this rather than just having a civil conversation.
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I think it's reasonable as-is. I don't think DS should save you while performing a not-mandatory-to-avoid-going-down-or-dying action that requires you to stand still for a lengthy period of time (as opposed to an action that could end up being mandatory, such as mending or searching a Jigsaw Box with a ticking RBT).
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The point is - other people healing you isn't your own action. It's theirs. It's an out for you. I know you're trying to be witty, but it's really not working out. The entire perk is designed around PERSONAL contribution. The description is a dead giveaway.
Your logic is flawed. Please stop. You're making yourself look silly. Like when a dog chases their tail.
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Pretty sure they left it alone if someone else heals you as a way to ensure troll Survivors don't "tap" a teammate to remove ds on them while they still need it. As far as full health, it's going to take a bit to find someone and get fully healed by them, likely close to if not over 60 seconds from when you got off hook, so I'm ok with it staying.
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You can hold shift if you dont want to be healed. Js
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Probably not. People use syringes, people use styptics, people self care at loops when the killer is trying too hard to mind game a pallet. None of these indicate that you aren't being tunneled. If you manage to get a full heal off while the killer is nowhere near you, you probably aren't being tunneled, but it's not that unheard of to heal while in chase or while the killer is approaching you.
Having it immediately deactivate once you ever tap the objective/healing action, especially if you're in deep wounds, is way too strict. It shouldn't deactivate if you do any of these actions while in chase with the killer (and within 5 seconds of leaving chase with the killer, because we all know inconsistent the chase mechanism is), and rather than immediately deactivating DS when doing an altruistic action or objectives, it should simply double the speed at which the DS timer runs out. There's more nuance to tunneling than "I see, I chase."
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How do you accidentally self care
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It's not about being witty. Everything I said has been to the point. It's obvious that I know it's designed through personal contribution through my posts. The conversation is if it's better to make it strictly anti-tunnel which would be a healthier design.
If you were down a survivor who got fully healed and still had DS, you would still be hit by the perk and it wouldn't be "fair", just as how survivors might feel it's unfair to have DS deactivated while healing themselves. I'm trying to find a better middle ground for both sides. Unfortunately, you can't see this and just write people off as being silly.
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This isn't a middle ground. You're asking to be able to do something useful to your team while being invincible with DS.
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I imagine it's a controller problem. I've heard people running self care using a controller have accidentally started to self care instead of dropping the pallet because it's the same button on controller.
But I would say that's a separate issue.
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Nah, I think it should disable whenever you heal including yourself, that way the only way to be healed with is to have a teammate do it for you
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Self healing is a way to take pressure away from the killer and let you work on gens much safer so it's an inderect way to progress your main objective besides you having time to self heal means you're not getting tunneled. It should stay the way it is.
You have a fair workaround with inner strength which is a very solid perk if you want to self heal and keep DS.
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Your team? I'm not a survivor main lmfao. Stop speaking and assuming that I am. It's making you look silly :). Just because you want a healthier game for both sides, it doesn't mean you can't play devil's advocate and sympathize for the other side.
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Yes. If you have time to heal yourself you aren't being tunneled.
I'll take it even further and say if you have time to get healed by someone else you also aren't being tunneled. Should be added to the deactivation.
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And today someone said this is not a killers forum to me. Lol
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"killer main btw"
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First part I agree with. Second part is there to stop trolling survivor team mates from intentionally deactivating your DS and leaving you do get chased.
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People recognizing issues with killers doesn't de facto make this a killer forum, that is an error in logic.
People can play nothing but survivor and still realize there are bigger issues with killers.
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Getting healed doesn't deactivate it. Being fully healed does. That solves the problem.
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Eh, I hated DS with a passion before it was nerfed, but I like how they balanced it currently. It's based off of *your own* actions. Not the actions of your team mates. Asking for more is a bit much. It encourages the unhooked person to be healed by a teammate, keeping 2 different survivors off of gens for x amount of time.
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I'm more of a 60/40 killer/survivor but nice assumption!
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Not sure about this but tbh once you're fully healed, DS will probably expire before you get downed again anyway.
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I didn't assume anything, really. You literally said "not a survivor main". My dude, you've embarrassed yourself. Save face while you have a chance.
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Because you kept using verbage that referred to me as one so no ######### I have to clarify myself. I don't have to save face to strangers. Your trolling is absolutely atrocious but I expect nothing less on the internet but type away I suppose. :)
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Trolling doesn't mean what you think it means. If I wanted to troll you, you would be taken to a point where you'd be crying in a bathtub covered in marinara sauce pretending to be a meatball.
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They obviously changed it based on YOUR actions, so why would someone else healing you deactivate it?
You can still tunnel someone out even if they are fully healed. That's why the description doesn't specifically state "if you're being tunneled"... it list conditions that must be followed by you, the person unhooked.
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It is "your own" action to allow a teammate to fully heal you. It's also still progressing the game as it is resetting pressure and as they have solidified it as an anti-tunnel perk you are in fact not being tunneled if you have time to fully heal.
Don't get me wrong, I like the change and it's current status. I just still think that situation should be added.
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"They obviously changed it based on YOUR actions, so why would someone else healing you deactivate it?"
That's simply not true. They even verbatum stated they changed it so that anything progressing the game and actions that are incapable of being done if you were truly being tunneled are the deactivation condition. "YOUR" actions was never mentioned.
"You can still tunnel someone out even if they are fully healed. That's why the description doesn't specifically state "if you're being tunneled"... it list conditions that must be followed by you, the person unhooked."
No, you cannot, because it is no longer considered tunneling if you had time to stand there and get healed. The killer showing up to the hook an extra entire heal state worth of time later to down you even if you were fully healed is not you being tunneled. You were greedy and stayed. That is the killer capitalizing on that greed.
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I fully agree with this but I feel like a survivor's DS shouldn't fully deactivate if they're healing themselves. I know many may feel differently and respect everyone's opinion on this. If DS stays perfectly the way it is, I'd honestly be fine with that too since I don't think I've been hit with DS once since the change.
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If you had time to fully heal yourself you aren't being tunneled. It's purpose is to prevent tunneling.
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Healed or not. Any killer who ignores everyone else to the point of not even hitting them while walking by, to go for that one person who just got unhooked is tunneling.
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Yes and it should deactivate upon fully healing not partially healing is what I think should happen either through healing yourself or others healing you.
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None of this was stated whatsoever.
Who says he saw anyone?
Just because he happens to run into you twice because you greeded a heal doesn't mean you were tunneled. You're adding random scenarios to make it fit.
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Yeah I'm not including partial heals, strictly getting fully healed, regardless of how or by who.
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And a killer "finding" a survivor isn't a scenario? That is the same logic you just try to apply.
Not every killer "finds" a survivor. Sometimes they purposely seek them out.
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This is totally wrong. Self-healing does not contradict the fact that a killer is tunneling the survivor. During a chase, there are small times when the survivor can afford to be still, momentarily safe, and observing what the killer is doing. Near a pallet, at the corner of a wall, etc. During these small times, he can heal himself.
This does not change the fact that this killer is indeed tunneling, and therefore there is no reason for this killer to avoid DS. This currently punishes survivors who play correctly.
We could take the logic even further regarding healing other survivors, but that would be too much for you, I'm afraid.
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