J-Flick Discussion

Recently some of my friends have been playing blight and I thought that I would give him a shot myself. After playing playing him a lot I have come to learn that Blight is one of the most fun killers in the game. This brings us to the topic of J-Flicks. J-Flicks are something you can exclusively do on pc by turning very fast at the end of a rush (made easier by using a high dpi). J-Flicks allow blight to flick up to 180 degrees (people have found ways to do more but that's unpractical). J-Flicks create new ways to play blight. It turns him into some strange combination of oni and billy. And it's some of the most fun I've had playing dbd in a long time.

Many people are making the argument that since J-Flicks are unintended they should be removed, but if you think about it many great things have come from unintended game mechanics. A great example of this is b-hopping in csgo where entire communities revolve around it. Another is minecraft with it's bug pistons. My point here is that just because it's intended doesn't mean it should be removed.

A second argument people make against it is that it's OP or that it somehow is bad for gameplay. This one is simply not true. As a survivor main with over 1k hours I have to say playing against a good blight who can J-Flick is so incredibly fun. It adds fun mind-games and is like playing against a baby version of Oni's ability. It isn't even close to being bad for the game. Don't get me wrong blight would be a pretty balanced killer without J-Flicks but he would have an incredibly hard time playing against good players.

The final and possibly only good argument is that it's not fair because only PC players can do it. I honestly can't really make a strong argument against this. I've exclusively played DBD on PC so I'm going to be a bit biased when coming to this argument. In the end dead by daylight is a casual game and the only people who are out here taking the time to learn how to learn how to J-Flick are the "sweaty" players. FPS games with cross play have had this problem forever, A good PC player will always be able to out aim a good console player. (I'm not saying PC players are better than console, just that they naturally have an advantage).

If you take anything away from this argument please let it be that J-Flicks don't take anything away from gameplay, they only add good things to it. If you really took the time to read this all I appreciate it.

tl;dr Keep J-Flicks or I main stridor spirit for the rest of time.

